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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by CobaltHero27

  1. Happy Holidays! Haven't posted in sometime so this is most likely going to be the longest one. Land\Sea Charge: Most horns i think should have it. but now i see it would be better for a few horns to have it. Charging Would be like the flying attack but it gets stopped if there are blockers in the way. Like in a open field the charge can be used to run into the animal (and there could be a chance for the nichling to just keep going until it hits something or falls in water) Sea charge just works under water. Unihorn: A unicorn / Narwhal horn. +2 attack, Sea Charge or land charge. Found in nichlings on the ice mountains or attacking and spending turns in water. i'm not sure if i got all my notes in here. after all i don't have them now. but have a happy new year!
  2. This is my first idea for the game that I've had for some time, Keen Eyes gives 3 sight to what ever has it. It could be just a base gene or be like round ears and only be found on home island. For some reason this has just stuck with me for so long that i could just call it one of my favorite genes. For its symbol it could be like a goat's eye or the normal eye with more of a pupil in the middle. Why I wouldn't go with a cats eye if for a other eye gene that could go with moving at night. Out of all my genes this is the mostly to get but into the game in some way or form. Anyway I'm off๐Ÿ˜ด Edit: How to get, Clear # amount of tiles (250 tall grass for one) Survive # amount of days or Can be found by going to new islands (like most genes)
  3. Hello i'm Cobalt, I've been eyeing the community for some time now. i'm mainly here from niche and i want to share my ideas. from the newer updates coming out from the community i think its my time to come out and hope to get one of my ideas into the game. also with luck i'm hoping to start a YouTube channel and this will be a game i play with the story I've been making for my nichelings!
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