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Posts posted by corona_wind

  1. Makes sense that killing transmitters would piss them off more than killing bees.  And they might tacitly approve of you cleaning up their bio barrels, though they'll put up a defense for appearances - can't let you get too bold or make it look too easy.

    Random thought, the "recover black box" mission kind of explains why the galaxy's so full of bees...  They're hitch-hiking in luggage.  How the hammerheads get around, I've got no idea.  ("Daddy, why is my bag so heavy?"  "I told you to throw that away at the last stop!  We'll just get you a new teddy bear.")

  2. Human sumo wrestling is mostly a contest of who's heavier -- which is why they got fat.  Nimbatus sumo has enough strategy that the tiers don't really apply.  I've beat 90-part behemoths with a button, engine, and fuel tank.

    Fidget spinners aren't invulnerable, either.  They're actually quite weak, because 3/4 of their engines are pointing the wrong way to shove you at any moment.  Once you've got enough magnets to keep them away, they can be pushed around by a relatively smaller opponent.

  3. They do that in Kerbal Space Program.  Anything dropped in empty space is just clipboard items, not launched, saved, or included in cost.  Being 3D, their 'clipboard' is actually kind of awkward, but in a 2d game it'd never be in the way.

    It would be a better use for right-click than delete, IMO, whether the things on the clipboard are editable or not.

    • Like 1
  4. This would be amazing for sumo, among other things.

    I'm guessing that showing it "live" is difficult?  What if it's not displayed, just a 0-360 slider in the core's options?  As long as the right thing happens when you hit 'test' that should be sufficient.

  5. @Skynova - You don't need intermediates for an 8-input NAND gate.  NAND gates are special that way.  Pile up four NAND gates, all with the same output key, and it will work.

    This works because NAND(A,B) or NAND(C,D) or NAND(E,F) or NAND(G,H) is logically equivalent to NAND(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H).  And when you put several different gates on the same output key, they are effectively "or"-ed together.

  6. Limited parts means we can't build the ships we habitually use from the start.  What new things have you invented instead?  What captains do you prefer?

    I like the Pilot captain...  Better thrust is a killer advantage when you only get four five engines, and those plasma long-lasers are deadly, efficient, and, well, long.

    Here's my starting build:


    It can mine, haul objects, and fight.  The afterburner makes a nice 'get out of danger fast' backwards gear.

    • Like 2
  7. No, it definitely still happens, and I think its a runaway memory leak.  I can hear my hard drive thrashing whenever it happens.  The firefox problems are caused by, rather than cause of, the problem, as firefox returns to normal the instant nimbatus dies or is killed.

  8. I've encountered this many times before, but never blatantly enough to make me 100% sure its happening.  This time I was flying with a Pilot captain, and the craft went from balanced and super-fast to lopsided and almost unmanageable.

    Or it could be related to magnets, I was hauling scrap when the engines went strange.

  9. Perhaps people avoid logic because its really awkward right now?  Please don't write it off yet.  Inverted inputs and output-enables alone will halve the number of gates, or in many cases, eliminate gates entirely.

    There's also plenty of ways to implement "logic" without using gate elements.  Duplicate engines on different keys to implement 'or' logic for example.  Your metrics won't catch that.

  10. [edit] I think I confused cause and effect originally, I'm becoming more certain it is a memory leak.  Firefox does not consume too much CPU, it just says 'script is unresponsive' once the system becomes so clogged firefox has trouble swapping in when it wants to.  It happens when flying a mission, take too long and the system runs out of memory.

    Twice now Nimbatus campaign mode has crashed due to another process consuming too much CPU.  The other process (firefox) only does this briefly, but Nimbatus continues to lag and stutter afterwards, and eventually has to be killed.

    Nimbatus always forgets mission-complete and any gathered resources when a mission is killed.  But it never forgets to jack up my threat percentage...

  11. Sumo is quite difficult enough on a quarter-ton per binary one...  People will need more than better sensors for "real missions", they'll need a full-out programming language.  If you have something like that already in the works, awesome.  If you don't, a few automatic missions would be better than abandoning what used to be a large slice of Nimbatus' gameplay.

    And I still think excluding logic and sensors from any captain is a bad idea.  Automation wasn't invented by ivory tower geniuses.  It was invented by a bored little boy who had to pull the same two levers all day.  Adding two ropes let the water-lifter operate itself.

  12. Mixed feelings on creative mode.  Some new missions are interesting, but the advancement mechanic is still nonsensical, and a lot of the game's color has left without the racetracks.  Unless there's a mission I haven't seen yet (quite possible) neither career nor creative have a use for automated drones.

  13. Another suggestion:

    • Remove the per-planet threat increase.

    I know you're preventing people exploiting the same planet over and over, but in practice this means any single mistake of any sort is game over, being barred from checking if a planet even has resources before sending a miner, etc. Raise launch costs and prevent people from going back after the mission is successful perhaps.

    A bug:

    • Researchers find fuel tanks.
    • Like 1
  14. More problems:

    • The first piece you break, ends the game.  Drag it out all you want but you're doomed.
    • All enemies outrange you, now and forever.  Related, point 1.
    • Shields are a joke.  Related, point 1.
    • Shotguns, despite the flavor text, are not devastating at close range.  See point 1 again.
    • We can see the enemy's health, but not our own!  See point 1 again.
    • Heavyweight and engineer captains lack the efficient plasma weapons necessary for relic missions.  The odds of finding or purchasing them by the time they're needed are nearly nil.
    • Like 1
  15. A few comments.

    • The threat mechanic is arbitrarily random and unfun.  It lacks cause and effect.
    • Resources are just different flavors of space-money.  The flying factory has little use for them.
    • The part-finding mechanic is nonsense.  How exactly does Nimbatus convert the culling of bees into a new fuel tank?

    Please, please, please rethink this, or at least make the old mode an option.  You've turned Nimbatus into FTL with less special effects, a purely luck-based mission where you fly from system to system hoping to find the bit which lets you win the game...

    • Like 1
  16. So I've come back to Nimbatus after a hiatus for the update which Steam completely refuses to download, at all.  But I'm still having fun beating all my old racing scores.

    The Firebat, eating up Cygnus in 35.8 seconds.

    Water Scorpion, beating Hydrus in 1:10 for a #29 finish.

    ...and then Phoenix in 51 seconds for a #14 finish

    I'll get it updated soon, then watch out.

    • Like 1
  17. Flip it around - "it works fine for me, therefore nothing's wrong" is equal and opposite to the hostility you imagine.  The devs acknowledge the problem, and the #1 Nimbatus racewinner has no solution but "build large".  The issue is real.

    I just want to discuss the nature of the bug and find solutions.

  18. Cryo-TNT for volcanoes, bio-TNT to cover up some turrets while you hurry away with toxic cans, plasma to light torches, kinetic for shield generators.

    Grenade launchers cut through dirt like butter, and dirt won't actually hurt anything except yourself, so maybe dirtballs aren't as OP as they sound?  I'm sure it'd be loathed in PvP if there was ever a PvP with weapons.

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