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Posts posted by PincerClaw420

  1. 22 hours ago, Nightfire said:

    (probably Emu, Parrot, Onion, or Salvador, since they're all young)

    I'm not sure which to pick exactly, but I will give my thoughts on what could be explored if one of these nichelings were the protagonists:

    Salvador couldn't be too useful on the island, and I'm curious to see how that will impact his character and maybe his tribemates' perception of him.

    Emu is the exact opposite of Salvador, what with being so physically strong and almost perfect for the mountain biome. It almost makes me want to see some more conflict in The Frozen Empire that doesn't come from the outside, but from the inside...

    A POV from the side of The Burning Empire (Onion) or that was originally from TBE (Parrot), could also work.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, hamingcookie said:


    (i may have known already but forgotten i don't remember if i knew)

    They're also purple when mashed!

    • Paw up 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Night said:

    Chapter 2 Is now finished! From now on there won't be so many POV changes and the focus will be on the protagonist. I'm so happy .yay. Any criticism?

    I don't have any criticism, but as always, this chapter is amazing! I'll also have to agree with Shelai, I am very interested in the economy...

    (Spoilers)Poor Deel though, I hope his sacrifice won't be in vain..

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Chiyanna said:

    (What do peaceful bears do again?? What happens if u give them next material?)

    They protect you from predators I think, as long as you stay in their radius and give them materials.

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  5. Yeah, you can post it here, and if you change your mind, you can always ask a mod to put it in another section. You can also post it in playthroughs if you'd like, but that's for the actual game itself mostly, not written stories about the game. 

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  6. Oh boy, time to dump some tips here:

    When you unlock purr snout using the stinky fruit trees, make sure to only lick your nichelings after they've used up their last turn collecting the fruits. It still gets rid of the smell, but it also wastes less turns on the nicheling that is licking the other. Speaking of licking, don't lick spiky bodied creatures unless you're also using a creature with 1 defense or higher. If a nicheling is drowning, DON'T move them to a tile that has water, regardless of whether or not they can breath in it. The game doesn't care about that, only if the creature is in water or not, and your creature will take more drowning damage. You're safe afterwards, though.

    On the archipelago, always look for the shortest gaps between islands, hopefully with only one deep water tile. And remember: platypus beak and digging claw are your best friends. They're a bit hard to find and detect, but once you find a root or water worms, they give you plenty of food, especially if you have double digging claws and bird beak as well. (they also work really well on the mountain islands) Also, when your nicheling collects from cacti or destroys thorns, from what I remember, the game doesn't take into account your nicheling's defense stat, so they'll always give you a bit of damage, even if your creature is a god of defense.

    Hot(and sometimes cold) islands are food drains, so only travel to them when you're sure you're prepared. If you're having food problems, remember: leeches count as food. Speaking of leeches, they die when trying to attach to toxic bodied nichelings. Also also, if you're having trouble pushing out a recessive gene into becoming active from a nicheling, putting an even more recessive gene in their partner's mutation menu might help to push it out. Hope this helps!

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Night said:

    So was the Prologue alright? Can I improve? 

    It was way more than alright, it was amazing! The reason for the herbalist collars having a golden flower in them is pretty smart, and I specifically like the little bits of history sprinkled around! Not enough to paint the full picture, but enough to get you interested in this new world and how it works.

    The only real criticism I have (and take this with a grain of salt), is that the info dump of the kitten's personalities and physical traits in Chapter 1 could have been done a tiny bit better. If I was in your shoes and wanted to, say, show that Smoke is skilled at catching flying insects, I would have written a scene where she is shown swiftly catching a fly, adding a description of her physical features in the scene as well. (<<< just an example)

    But either way, I'm definitely enjoying the story and excited for new updates :D Best of luck! (Also I just read page 9, and this update further emphasizes my point on not painting the full picture but still getting you interested)

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