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Trash Gremlin

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Everything posted by Trash Gremlin

  1. Around 30, although it always feels like there's much more. Some story was lost here due to internet spasms, but to sum it up quickly: Very fancy flying childes, the migration of the swimmers ended in the formation of a new tribe (which needs a name, now!), I changed the first gem to symbolize the role a nicheling has in a tribe, Piper (Shore's twin, Scout and Prikirnu's daughter) died due to an "accident" involving brambles, and we're 2-3 nests away from the next massive population boom. Although in preparation for framerate death more nichelings, we only missed one new nicheling: Storm! He's quite interesting, though, with his wings, fancy tail, and oddly soft antlers. Sorry this addition was so short, but between constant crashing/overheating while playing niche I'm trying to dig up a way to make it more, well, playable. So keep a look out for another new update soon, and in the meanwhile, throw some suggestions at me for the name of the new tribe, and any other ideas you may have!
  2. *Before I begin, note that you will very likely need to use console commands more than once in your playthrough, I'll put two *'s at this part, and if you need help with the console just ask! Step 1. Start a sandbox world where the age settings are as follows: Baby: 1 Child: 1 Teen: 10-60 Adult: 1, and disable bird of prey spawns. Step 2. You must only start with one nicheling, and that nicheling must have dominant and recessive peacock tail. It doesn't matter if the nicheling's genes are randomized or hand-picked, what age you start at, or what gender the starting nicheling is, you can make the challenge as easy or difficult as you'd like in this step. Step 3. Find a food source, a permanent nest, and a place your creature can call for a mate from. Step 4. Once a wandering nicheling appears, have it follow your creature to a nest. **Step 5. Give the wanderer dominant and recessive peacock tail and set their age to that of your own nicheling using console. (alt+f1 -> SetGene TailPeacock / alt+f1 -> IncreaseAge [PutNumberHere]) Step 6. When both nichelings turn into adults, breed and guide the wanderer to a nest. Be quick, this is your nichelings' last day alive. Step 7. Repeat. Tell me how far you guys get! It's a really difficult challenge, but I hope you guys enjoy this regardless.
  3. Late update, but I'm back with a short update (that will come to show a major change for the tribe of Taanukno)! But it seems that the sneaky little nicheling ended up tripping right into Peak's claws anyways! Peak, seeing as this nicheling doesn't appear to be sick or dangerous in any ways, picks him up and sets him next to Mango, taking him in as their youngest child. The nicheling, named Hare, was frozen in fear up until he was given a warm nest to sleep in, a berry to eat, and the guardianship of his much larger mother, father, and siblings. What's even more curious is the slow divide beginning to form between the more water-based nichelings and the collectors and crackers of the grasslands. Could this possibly be the beginning of a new tribe? And, as the two scouting teams of Birch/Quail and Peanut/Buttercup meet, it seems that there will be another baby boom approaching soon... But with the new mated pair of Crow and Flyt and the migration of the swimmers, it seems that the next boom will be much more interesting than the last. What do you guys think will be the consequences of this sudden division? Anything you'd like to see happen (ex. "What about a breeding pair of X and Y?" or "Hm, what if X was to explore Y area?")?
  4. The next few days in the Taanukno tribe's life are just as uneventful and serene, with the formation of the tribe's newest breeding pair of Night and Leaf, And the birth of Skipper, Buttercup, Quail, Crow, Kipper, Bark, Sap, Holly, Palm, and Mountain. But things take a turn as Peanut and Buttercup happen across a curious fellow named Flyt! They invite him into the tribe, and he accepts gladly. Although they can't help but stare at his weird, massive paws that seem to hinder his ability to walk. But even more eyes fall upon him as he lifts into the air and lands in the branches of the nut brothers' acorn tree! Such an incredible sight draws the attention of almost the entire tribe, especially that of Crow's... Drawing just enough attention for a tiny, sneaky little nicheling to slip away unnoticed in the background...
  5. Aw, thank you! Glad you're enjoying it so far! And great suggestion, Scout had always struck me as the clever one. Scout calls out to the nearest nicheling, her father, that she has found and invited a young hurt nicheling with a rather impressive poker face. Vandukno calls for her to bring the nicheling back to camp so that she can be healed. Scout, however, must wait until Squirrel is old enough to cross the river, or she will drown. The clock is ticking, as Squirrel's illness begins to weaken her rapidly. Scout tries her best to heal her daughter as best she can, but her fate lies in uncertainty at just two days of age. But her brother, Peak, is too busy to notice his sister's arrival, as he guides a blind wandering nicheling named Mango to a berry bush politely. She accepts the invitation! By the second day they've known each other, it seems Peak and Mango got along very well! Taanami and Vandukno can already see that they'll be expecting a grandchild very soon! It also seems that Scout's last-ditch effort to heal her daughter was a success, and she lives to run another day. But for how much longer can Scout keep her alive? As Squirrel and Scout make their journey home, they are greeted by a rather frightening face... unfortunately for this bearyena, sneaking up on creatures armed to the teeth isn't the wisest idea. Vandukno kills it swiftly, and gets to meet his first granddaughter for the first time. "What is your name?" Vandukno asked, shuffling a small distance away so that he would not catch Squirrel's illness. "Squirrel!" The rogueling croaked. Her stumpy swimming tail patted the ground happily. "You both smell of rogues," he commented subconciously. "She is the daughter of two wandering nichelings. She had been abandoned by them, and so I had taken her in as my own," Scout quickly added before Vandukno had time to connect the dots. Vandukno nodded, and smiled at Squirrel as he said, "Welcome to the tribe, then, Squirrel! Mind the termites." Meanwhile, Peak and Mango's first son arrives! But something's... odd. He's as black as night, aside from, of course, his father's emerald-green eyes. Peak dares to even whisper a question of whether it may be a foul omen, but Mango dismisses it quickly. They decide to name him Night THE next few days are uneventful and peaceful, with a few new births and lots and lots of rabbils. Here we have Skip, Chestnut, Peanut, Peach, And Birch! But then, disaster strikes once more... as Squirrel falls victim to the disease that had plagued her since she was born. Scout tried to revive her with everything she had, but her efforts ended futile. Prikirnu sat beside and comforted Scout as she mourned the loss of her daughter. And, as the days rolled on, it'd seem they'd have more on their minds than the shadow cast by Squirrel's death. For example, Shore and Piper, the tribe's first set of twins!.. ...And the strange blue bird hovering ominously overhead... Oh, and, let's not forget chipmunk too
  6. Thanks! Glad to be here ^v^ Now, after narrowly dodging an extinction bug with panicked clicking, we resume our journey with Scout, who has swiped the top off of a termite mound while her father had been distracted by a rabbil. Unfortunately for her the termites did not like this, and began to swarm and attack her. Her mother, luckily, was not far away. Taanami licked the bugs off of Scout as quickly as possible, and was able to save her daughter from their wrath. Scout will be staying far clear of mounds now with this experience under her belt! And, just a couple days after that, Scout earns her 3rd gem, and the family welcomes its newest addition: Peak! He sure looks very different from the others. And, after a few days of family crabbit hunting and fishy misadventures, Leaf decides to adopt a dodomingo she had found, and names him Dodi Then suddenly, disaster strikes. Rogues. He doesn't leave without a nasty, poisoned wound, but the damage has been done. Unable to comprehend nor explain what has happened to her tribe mates, Scout decides to run away from her tribe and seek shelter and safety in the shadows. And, as if the situation wasn't enough, Dodi has fallen to old age. A bit of luck shines through to the tribe, however, as Taanami meets a young fellow named Prikimu who, although cautious at first, gladly accepts entry into the tribe. Leaving off, we have the birth of Scout's child, named Squirrel. Squirrel was born ill, and with the physical traits of a rogue. In fact, Scout has considered abandoning her and, possibly, returning to her tribe, despite the guilt. What do you guys think? Should Scout abandon Squirrel? Should Scout return to her tribe, with or without Squirrel? Should she return, and attempt to hide squirrel? Suggest away!
  7. Thanks! And great suggestions, Sky! I think I'll go with the first Due to some... unfortunate circumstances the original island was lost so yeah let's just roll with this >v>; And so they had decided upon forming a tribe! The Tribe of Taanukno. Just in time for them to notice the soon arrival of their first child... A daughter! Her parents had decided on the name "Scout" for her, and they could already tell with her venomous fangs and bearyena claws that she'd be a troublesome child. And, as yet another member awaits Scout explores with her father, only to discover something very odd. A funny-smelling berry bush. If only Vandukno or Scout had the paws to try picking from it! Another time, they supposed. And so arrives Leaf! A curious nicheling with a nose to track her curiosities and peculiarly tiny ears. As Taanami cares for Leaf, Vandukno and Scout's journey goes on. Vandukno can smell a wide range of things now, and Scout wants to check all of them out as soon as possible. But the first thing on her mind seems to be the question of what those little bugs are hiding inside that giant mound...
  8. Hey guys! So, I just joined the forums, read the rules, and looked around a bit, and thought, "What better way to add to a boiling pot of madness than to add some parsley?", and so here I am with a playthrough! I've always loved story telling so I hope this brings some entertainment to your day. One thing to note about this playthrough, though, is that every once in a while I'll call on you guys to choose what happens somewhere! YOU may be the only thing standing between an innocent nicheling and certain doom, or choose who mates with who, or even raise a nicheling to the status of a god! *Also I'll be using infinite food and I'll edit nichelings to make em pretty (as the run will be more story-based), but nesting material will be finite because I really don't like regrowing grass >->; Starting things off: Some optional background information! (I'll probably add to this as time goes on) -Gems- First gem: Creature type. Normal nichelings will have green gems, while other 'subspecies' (ex. rabbilings and bearyenlings) may have different colored gems. Deities and such will have light blue gems. Second gem: Familial symbol. If two nichelings are to mate, their gems will change color to represent their family, their children will share this gem color until they, too, mate. If a nicheling's mate dies, their gem will turn a dull grey. Third gem: Tribe. As time goes on certain families will splinter off from the others and create new tribes, which will be labeled similarly as the second gem. -Titles -Starting Off- We begin with our two first nichelings, Taanami and Vandukno, on a grassy adventure island after they had been swept away from their tribes in a storm. Here we see Taanami and Vandukno meet, and after hissing at each other defensively for an hour or so they decide to join forces to explore this new island and all the mysteries it holds. And right away, the two are already discovering things they've never seen before! Luckily for Vandukno, Taanami warns him of the dangers the claw bush may hold, and so he makes no cantact with it. And it seems that Vandukno's nose has brought him upon an interesting discovery... He calls Taanami over, and they decide to make this spot their main camp, forming a brand new tribe. Choice time! What do you guys think the new tribe should be called?
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