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Stray Fawn Community

Ben Shapiro

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Everything posted by Ben Shapiro

  1. I'm about 20 hours into the game now, and Im starting to get the hang of it. However, I keep running into a couple minor but frustrating problems, mostly revolving around the inefficiencies in drone testing. Here are my suggestions: List the distance of each race track. It'd be nice to be able to design and optimize a racer for a specific track without having to do a whole bunch of trial and error. Drone Stats. In particular, in the drone building screen, I'd like to be able to see the total mass of the craft. Perhaps it could even include an estimation of how far your craft will go or how much time will elapse before you run out of fuel. If not, then, among the test maps, an open infinite plane would be quite useful. Particularly if it tracks your displacement from the start. It'd be more convenient if you could go directly from a planet/race/sumo back to the drone creator. As it is now, you have to exit, then go back to the planet, then go back to the editor. A togglable vector showing the center/direction of thrust. It wouldnt help that much, but it would definitely help in cases where you cant tell if your thrusters are all symmetrical. Plus, it'd be neat. Lastly, add a "save as" or "save copy" feature to the drones. Occasionally I like to make changes to a drone and test the difference, but it's not always easy to undo those changes upon returning to the editor. Alternatively, add all the racing maps to the drone creator so that you don't have to exit and go to the map you actually want to test on.
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