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Everything posted by irisflowering

  1. @Water bottle Robin scowled at everyone as she sat down in camp. She was on probation- for now.
  2. -Over there? She looked ahead, trying to spot land, but when she couldn't see any, she gasped in delight. "You live in the ocean??"
  3. She repeated them, and smiled, and wrote down, "Where do you come from?" This was more of a question then something she wanted to learn to say at this moment.
  4. @Certified Baguette Lover ? I'm sorry, I just want to be able to finish this day. Hope I'm not annoying you!
  5. -Write something She thought for a moment, and then scratched the words "Deer," "Cat," and "Fox" in the ground, with a small picture.
  6. -Repeat it She repeated it and smiled.
  7. -Talk She hopped off of Delta and put down Shell. "So, can you teach me more dragon?"
  8. -Let's go to the ___ "Let's go to the woods!"
  9. -Woah!! She let out a little gasp, and held one hand out to feel the wind while the other held Shell.
  10. -Ok? "Ok.. but only if you're ok with it.." She hopped on her back.
  11. -Other She shook her head. "I... don't want to ride you if that's not ok. I think that's what you're asking... but I don't want to act like you're my property."
  12. Sorry @Certified Baguette Lover -------- Your dad looked over to you, your sister already being asleep. "Do you want to sleep?" Branchsnap asked. -Yes (ends day) -No
  13. -Repeat the noise She repeated the words a few times, and then said them back to each dragon.
  14. She nodded. "That's ok, Briarkit. You get some rest." You snuggled into her fur, and fell asleep. (END DAY)
  15. -Shell? She nodded hugging both of the dragons, and then pulled back. "Can you say your names in dragon? I've always wanted to learn it!"
  16. The white cat wiped her eyes with her paws, and snuggled you closer. "I'm Spidersilk. You will be a great warrior someday..." She trailed off, and looked away, but turned back to you smiling. "Let's play a game!" -Yes! -Um... -I'm tired (ends day.)
  17. -Take a guess She studied the shell, and after a while, she said, "Shell? Seashell? Shellfish?"
  18. (sorry, I was confused! I'll respond now) It came out as, "Cawn I be your kit?," but she still smiled at you. "I would love that." -Yay! -Story? -Sleep? (ends day)
  19. -Other She smiled at the little dragon, and then at the big one. "What are your names?"
  20. -Keep petting them She smiled at the big one and kept petting them. "My name is Fai." she whispered softly.
  21. -Pet the big one She giggled at the small one's response and looked to the big one, and started petting it.
  22. -Pet it She gasped in delight and started petting the tiny one.
  23. -Go look Fai went to her door, and when she made sure no one was there, she looked outside.
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