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MT26 - A Nicheling

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Posts posted by MT26 - A Nicheling

  1. Since like 2021 I have been working on a book. Here is the description:

    A planet very similar to Earth is inhabited by anthropomorphic wolf-like creatures, they face some of the same challenges as humankind, including the destruction of the environment and pollution from fossil fuels. A group of scientists discovers a pristine coral reef full of new species and they set up an underwater colony to research them. One stormy night a traitor sells information about oil fields below the reef to a failing oil company desperate for a new drilling field and willing to do anything for it. Will corruption, greed, and betrayal mean the end to the reef and the colony?


    All the novel is written by now and I’m working on edits. I have a discord server with the book file in case anyone is interested and wants to be a test reader, anyone who finishes the reading will be credited in the final book once I publish it maybe this year or next one. 

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  2. On 3/1/2023 at 3:49 PM, Amahami said:

    If we agree with wanting to request a feature (ie family trees set up in the more traditional way, like in real-life ancestry), but the post is from 2018, and nobody's commented on it since, do we just vote it up, or do we make a new thread?

    Thank you!

    Hi, there won’t be Niche updates anymore. At least for the foreseeable future. But you can still add suggestions if you want to 

  3. On 2/18/2023 at 7:06 PM, Lilytuft said:

    My secret is that I no longer draw with a trackpad (also I don't think your art is a mess, just try and compare an old work with a new one, there's a clear difference!)

    Aww, thanks! ^^

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  4. On 2/19/2019 at 9:59 AM, Lilytuft said:

    Just gonna attach this here


    (To anyone who doesn't read the roleplay section: This is what happened on Ossen's island)

    Wow, it’s surprising how much your art has changed. You keep improving while mine is still a mess XD

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  5. 15 hours ago, Chiyanna said:


    Wish I had been around to see it. Sounds epic

    If you dig around, a lot of the first RPs are of the country wars thing. There’s like a dozen threads about it.

    here is a drawn summary of a part of it


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