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Posts posted by Loxfeaf

  1. 17 minutes ago, Andromeda_ said:

    He nodded as you two began to wander around the mostly empty oasis. Viracniars scuttled below your talons and Ralokai skittered around. There seemed to be no creatures that could pose a threat to you yet.

    As there is nothing scary, I start to relax a bit, taking in the scents and surroundings.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Andromeda_ said:

    (youre right about the age part. i just forgor lmao) 

    He shyly walks over, seemingly still scared of the Bengon. He pushes as well, and the two of you manage to flop them back into the oasis. They stick their head out of the water, giving you a grateful nod.

    I take a step back from the water just in case, but kind of nod back.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Andromeda_ said:

    Cocoa rushes over to the oasis and looks at the moon's reflection on the water, smiling. However, he spots a shadow below the water, and rushes away just in time before a Bengon leaps out at him. Cocoa squealed, running over to you as the Bengon lay on the sand, flopping around helplessly. 

    (bengon got switched to a carni in recode...)

    I cautiously approach it

  4. 13 minutes ago, Andromeda_ said:

    (i know every nook and cranny of the legacy map but ive mostly memorized recode. but it looks pretty similar to the top of the oasis in legacy) 

    Cocoa excitedly hopped down until he reached the bottom, landing on the sand of the oasis. He looked at you, smirking. "What now?"

    “I made a friend. Corrosion. Do you know tracking?” I ask, looking around cautiously.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Andromeda_ said:

    He nodded and you both slowly began to climb down. 

    Stats (forgot to include before) 

    Age: 6

    Hunger: 48/50

    Thirst: 40/50 

    I’m very careful, even if I don’t have to be (I don’t know the CoS map well enough to know what my surroundings are meant to look like)

  6. (When we die in this, do we respawn like in the actual game, just starting as a child again, or do we choose another creature and be that?)

    (And with the former, does it start the sim again from the start, exactly how it was? Or does it change the situation?)

  7. 8 minutes ago, Andromeda_ said:

    Cocoa nodded as he walked over to the edge of the arch, looking down at the oasis. It was night now. The moonlight reflected onto the shimmering water of the oasis. Only nocturnal creatures such as Hisolidum, Exterreri, and Sang Toare were roaming the area, while others were sleeping comfortably in their dens.

    I don’t feel like sleeping yet. I start to pace.

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