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Star Starless

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Everything posted by Star Starless

  1. Iris: Iris was bored out of his mind. How long does it take to finish a stupid 30ish question quiz! he thought. "My thoughts exactly." a voice chimed in. Iris yelped and turned around to be facing a tall man in about his 20's. He was very nicely dressed, wearing a red dress shirt and a black vest, dress pants, and shoes. He had a golden pocket watch hanging out of his pocket, and his sleeves were rolled up to show off a sleeve tattoo on his left arm. His dark brown hair was swept to the side of his forehead, and circular spectacles were donned on his face. "How- what- huh?" Iris was very confused. "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop-" the man started. "I wasn't even talking-" Iris argued. The man smiled. "Well, yes, but I could sense your confusion and restlessness." The man turned towards the rest of the Andreis group to address them as a whole. "Hello, new students! My name is Professor Rowan, but you can just call me Rowan, and I am the head teacher for the Andreis clan. I'm terribly sorry I wasn't able to greet you earlier, I got a little tied up with something in the Magical Defenses classroom, but I'm here now, so welcome! I'm assuming whatever teacher got you told you nothing except for your group name, so I'll lay everything out for you. Clans are a sort of division system at this school. They're like your family, each group built on a different belief that our students all have in common. For example, us Andreises are devoted to being brave and loyal to those around us. We defend our friends and families and pride ourselves on everything we do. You won't be with your clan for everything, such as classes and mealtimes, but your roommates are members of Andreis and typically your closest friends tooSo, welcome!" The kids around Iris were smiling and nodding, but Iris still had a billion questions. Almost as if he was reading Iris's mind, Rowan replied "I will answer all questions once we reach your dorm rooms. Then, you can come find me anytime, either in the common room or in my classroom. Now, I'm going to go gather the rest of our new group. You all sit tight until the headmistress dismisses us." Rowan left the group with a smile.
  2. Teacher for Andreis: Name: Rowan Age: 27 Pronouns: He/Him Clan: Andreis (Head Teacher) Class Teaching: Magical Defenses Magic/Abilities: Time manipulation, read minds Appearance: Thick, dark brown hair and gold eyes. Tan skin. Has a black sleeve tattoo on his right arm that glows gold when he uses his powers. 6"1'. Usually wears a red dress shirt with a black vest, black tie, and black dress pants, as well as black dress shoes. He has a gold pocket watch hanging out of his upper vest pocket Other Notes: Since he's very young, most people don't respect him. However, he is very wise and always ends up winning the respect of his students.
  3. (okay perfect. now all we need is andreis but i'll just create a teacher for that)
  4. (whoops didn't see this, green is already the head of that but you can lead andreis (brave) or or eidos (loyal) ?)
  5. (also @the realest mushroom ever would you be interested in being a clan leader/head teacher for either Andreis (brave) or Eidos (loyal)?)
  6. (I'm hoping to move this part along as swiftly as I can so if you haven't had your character sorted please do so asap so we can progress with the story)
  7. Sullivain: The Headmistress rushed over to Sullivain, dragging a very grumpy looking young woman with her. "Stop touching me, Bon, I can walk." the girl said, shaking her arm out of the Headmistresses grip. Sullivain only then realized how strange she looked. I mean, she had the normal frame of a human. She was about 5"10' with long, wavy, hazel-colored hair. Her irises were red, which made her eyes look like they were studded with rubies. She was wearing a long brown trench coat with a black tank top, ripped jeans, and black boots, like she woke up that morning and grabbed her clothes off the floor. However, Sullivain also then realized the crooked golden crown on her head, and the dark red marks on her face, like someone took a paintbrush and painted lines and cracks on her face. He also realized she had a large pair of black feathered wings on her back." When she reached Sullivain's table, she scowled. "Introduce yourself, Star." The headmistress asked. The girl turned towards the headmistress. "Well now I don't need to, because you just did." the girl said sassily. "You know what I meant." The headmistress stated dryly. The girl turned around and faced Sullivain. " 'Names Star, teacher of spells and curses here at this dump and head of the Philodoxus clan. I'm basically who you go to when you need help-" she shuddered "friendship-wise" Sullivain nodded. She continued talking. "Philodoxus is the clan for the ambitious and cunning, so, welcome I guess." she shrugged. "Grab those things-" she pointed at the robes. "And go stand over there." she pointed to a corner of the room with a large ram statue. "Why?" Sullivain asked. "Go." She demanded. A chill ran down Sullivain's spine, and he stood up and walked to the corner. Soon, more kid's papers began exploding, and they were sent to different corners of the room, each with a different animal statue. There was a statue of an owl in the back left corner, a statue of a rabbit in the back right corner, and a statue of a tiger to the left of him. Sullivain leaned back on the statue of the ram as more kids were beginning to be sent to their statues. He saw Star going around, talking to tons of kids. With every one she encountered, she looked more and more angry. Sullivain sighed. What the hell am I doing here. Magic? I mean, that would explain - his thoughts were interrupted by the same voice he had heard before. "Hey, Sullivain!" Iris: After his paper exploded, Iris saw he had red robes instead of green. Huh? But Sullivain got green? Did I fail the test or something? Is that why it's red? All he knew was he was told by some teacher to take his robes and go stand near the tiger statue near the front of the room. As he did, he glanced around the room, seeing a group of kids with yellow robes near the rabbit and a group of kids with blue robes near the owl. How are they dividing us? This makes no sense. Iris thought as his eyes drifted to the ram statue, and he saw a familiar face. "Hey Sullivain!" Iris saw him shoot up and glance over at Iris. He waved. Sullivain awkwardly waved back. "What group are you in?" Iris asked. "Philodoxus, whatever that means." he replied. "Oh cool, I'm in Andreis, although I don't really know what it means either." Iris replied.
  8. (also i forgot to mention this but are there 3 people playing teacher characters who know what clans their character would want to be in? We need 3 teachers to be the leaders/heads of the clans as well as teachers. All of the clans are open except for Philodoxus)
  9. Sullivain sighed. "How did we end up in this hell." Cedric shrugged. "You're complaining? You just got some sort of super cool superpowers and I'm dead. Seems like if anyone should be complaining its me." Sullivain chuckled. "Well if you were alive I wouldn't be in this place." "Sure, blame everything on the dead guy. Hey, at least you can see me. Do y'know how hard it was going around without anyone to talk to?" "Yes, your inability to shut up is one of your key traits." Sullivain said dryly. "Shut it." Cedric groaned. "So, did you happen to eavesdrop on any of those scientists? Any idea on how I can use these supposed superpowers?" Sullivain asked. Cedric shook his head. "Nope, but hey, after you fix this crisis and all you know what would be really cool? If we became superheroes! Like, I can be this super cool ghost hero that can teleport and is intangible, and you can be my shadow man sidekick, if the shadow serum does give you shadow powers!" Sullivain raised an eyebrow. "Whatever, man. All I want to do is bring you back. I mean with this technology, resurrection should be possible too. That's the only reason I'm hanging out in this crummy place. And once I figure out how to use these powers, you and me are leaving this place and going back to how things used to be." Cedric sighed. "Okay, but this bed is comfy. It is a considered safe place, you know. you could just stick around and still be all emo and edgy." Sullivain's face turned red. "Shut up, that's not how I am." "Eh, kind of." Cedric flopped over onto his stomach.
  10. Sullivain: Sullivain sat down at the least crowded table, which consisted of one other boy with dark brown hair and tan skin. Sullivain didn't want to interact with this boy, but when he flipped his parchment, the boy looked up and smiled. "Hey, I'm Iris! What's your name!" "Sullivain" he replied, as he began filling out the questionaire. How would your friends describe you? What is this, a Buzzfeed quiz? Sullivain thought as he flipped through the pages. When he had finished, he just sat there, staring at the parchment. Wait.. was it glowing? Sullivain watched as the paper began to float and glow, and then it exploded right in front of his face. Sullivain began screaming a lot of unfriendly curses, but when he looked back down, he realized his paper had exploded into a pair of robes with green lining. "Ah! Our first student has been sorted into their clan! Ahem, where's Star, I need to tell her that someone's been sorted into Philodoxus, um, has anyone seen Star?!" the headmistress yelled towards the horde of what Sullivain assumed were teachers. Iris: Why am I here? He thought as he sat down at an empty table near the corner of the room and began answering the questions on the paper. He glanced around at the others, all who looked as nervous as he did. What if this is some sort of choosing ceremony, selecting the best from the worst? Will I make it? His thoughts were racing as he checked off the boxes on the paper. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the sandy blonde haired boy that was sitting next to him. Iris's head snapped up. "Hi, I'm Iris! What's your name?" he said in an attempt to be friendly. "Sullivain." The boy replied dryly, turning to his paper. Well that was nice... Iris thought as he continued writing on his paper. He didn't know how long he was engrossed in the paper, the questions seemed to go on forever, until a loud curse word interrupted his thoughts. Sullivain's paper was glowing, and he was muttering curse words. Iris almost screamed when the paper blew up, and in its place were black and green robes. What the f-
  11. (Teachers can now enter) As everyone began filling out their tests, a group of adults entered the room. They began watching over the kids as they were filling out the paper, whispering to each other.
  12. (I just scrolled back and saw your submission. Yes they were, welcome!)
  13. As you followed her down winding corridors, you eventually wound up in a large hall, filled with tables, each with a piece of parchment on them. The headmistress cleared her throat. "Welcome to the Sorting Ceremony, where you will be placed in each one of our clans, which will be your home here. The clans are Philodoxus, Exypynos, Eidos, and Andreis. I will not provide any information on the clans, as to not sway your opinion. Please take a seat at any of the tables and begin filling out the parchment, answering every question honestly." Her voice suddenly turned a tone darker as she said, "Don't lie, it knows when you lie, and the consequences are dire." Her smile returned soon after that. "Good luck!" You rush over to one of the tables.
  14. im not sure ill make a post to try and revive it
  15. As Sullivain walked off the elevator, he only then realized he was dressed in a hospital gown, which drew quite a few stares from the people in the halls. He just smirked at them all, and pressed his thumb to a plate on the wall, which caused a heavy metal door to open, and slipped into his room. He flopped down on his bed and groaned, looking at his drab walls. When he came to this sanctuary, he wasn't able to grab anything from his home, not that their was much left of it anyway. He had a few posters and pictures on his drab gray walls, all of which were cold to the touch and made of metal. The entire base was. Earthborn can't manipulate metal, so its the only safe place to hide from them, in theory at least. No one dared try anything else. Sullivain's eyes drifted to his metal desk built into the wall, which was littered with papers and books. On the wall behind his desk was a large monitor screen, which was really just used for emergency broadcasts. Someone looks dead inside. a voice said. Sullivain shot up off his bed. Relax, it's just me Sullivain. He turned around to see the flickering, almost translucent ghost laying down on the other side of Sullivain's bed. "Cedric, for the billionth time, please knock or something." Sullivain begged. The ghost boy raised his hand dramatically and trust it entirely through the mattress. Can't. Ghost. he remarked. "And yet you're able to sit on my furniture perfectly fine." Sullivain replied. Cedric shrugged and smirked.
  16. (they can be on whatever floor you want, and their rooms can also look however you want)
  17. After lots more prodding and long words said by the doctor scientists, another person approached Sullivain. He was tall and thin, and had dark brown hair with streaks of gray in it. The corner of his mouth formed crevices when he smiled at Sullivain, which bothered him for some reason. Everyone here smiles too much for people living through an apocalypse. Sullivain thought. The doctor outstretched his hand. Sullivain did not shake it. The doctor man brushed it off. "Hello Sullivain, I am doctor Kevin Ranzowski, head researcher of this experiment and developer of three of the four serums. Considering all appears to be well, may I be the first person to congratulate you. From this moment on, you will go down in history as the first person to ever be injected with the Shadow serum." Sullivain could have also sworn he heard the doctor mumble something along the lines of "And also the last, based on our inability to replicate the serum." Sullivain brushed it off. None of my business. The doctor continued talking. Sullivain zoned out somewhere in the middle between the doctor talking about side effects of the serum and how he might be in excruciating pain for the next 12-14 hours. Fun. he thought. The doctor completed his rant with a small "Meet me in the conference hall in one hour from now. You have been cleared to return to your room. There, you will meet with the rest of the staff, and we will discuss your training as well as the continuation for the infusion of other humans with the serum." The doctor smiled again. "See you soon, Sullivain." Why does everyone here smile so much. It's unsettling. Sullivain thought as he turned away and walked towards the elevator to the -3rd floor, where his living quarters were.
  18. Sullivain groaned groggily as he was finally able to sand upright without help. He turned to one of the doctors, scientists, he still didn't know, next to him. "What happened?" The doctor scientist turned to Sullivain and shouted to another doctor scientist "Linguistics normal, breathing normal, heart rate 71 bpm, blood pressure 85/130." Sullivain cleared his throat. "Ahem? What's going on?" The doctor scientist turned to him. "I'm not allowed to disclose that information. Please wait for your briefing with Doctor Ranzowksi." Sullivain rolled his eyes. "Can you at least tell me if the serum was sucessful or not?" The doctor scientist smiled. "No." And proceeded to walk away from Sullivain without a further word. Rude. He thought.
  19. (i love this, thanks for the suggestion!)
  20. (sorry i was gone for a while. just wait and ill tell everyone when the teachers really come in, and then you can pop in and introduce your character anytime)
  21. (there are only teacher spots left, im sorry)
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