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His Highness Lord Hades

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Everything posted by His Highness Lord Hades

  1. (thanks) "I'm Larvae" The Icewing smiled and said, "I'm Frostbite." "Saguaro." Accompanied with a scowl.
  2. First off, apology to the random meterologist. Second off, welcome back!
  3. (narrow corridors, npt really anywhere to escape from. only one entrance, no exits, no windows.) There doesn't seem to be anywhere to escape from. The guards were on break, so there could have been a break-in that that time. (would you like to apply to be a parasitic dragonet as well? you could actually interact with the other dragonets.)
  4. "I thought you would have more fun finding it on your own," the Seawing said with a dark chuckle.
  5. Sparrow who flies above the peak(me too)
  6. "yes" An gigantic opal seawing land in front of you. "A group of traitors has rescued 5 dargons from our parasitic prison. You need to hunt them down and kill them. or else... let's just say you'll regret failing."
  7. You awake to the sound of whimpering. The puny Parasitics you are hunting are crushed easily between your claws. You see no need for these unnautral species of dragon to be here. Just then, your boss swoops in. What will you do? (if you don't understand any of this, read previous posts.)
  8. (thanks for coming back! this takes place on pyhrria and pantala, so you get to choose where you start)
  9. "You hurt his feelings!" the hivewing told the sandwing. "You're really going to keep talking to us even though you don't know our names?" the icewing questioned.
  10. SuPpOsEd To Be CoLd In InDiAnA tOdAy, FoLkS, says a meterologist
  11. "why do you think it's hated? It was perfectly normal?" the sandwing snarls.
  12. "basically, you can release maggot-like insects on other dragons, and for a whole day, you can tell them what to do! It doesn't work on other Parasitics, unfortunately." a third dragon, a hivewing, chatters.
  13. o-oh. um, i don't want to be rude, so let's move on to the next topic. It's not that hot here, surprisingly.
  14. The second dragon jumped in again. "yeah, 'oh'" he says in a mocking voice. "shut up!" the sandwing yells at the second dragon, who is an icewing.
  15. another dragon jumped in. "it's like, really unpopular!"
  16. Whoever is good at drawing, please draw my profile pic! (not cause i would make it look ugly)
  17. the dragon sighed. " it's a parastitic trait that allows us to manipulate other dragons."
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