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Everything posted by MistyHeart

  1. Up to you, I personally do it every new lifestage
  2. I hope it's okay with you, but to make it slightly more easier I've created a lil generator that generates random events for you! It's currently a huge work in progress, but It will get better with more prompts as time goes on. https://perchance.org/royal-challenge-events
  3. The tribe decides there's better places to go then this tiny island. Whoo!
  4. Redé & Relenko give birth to a baby called Eve!
  5. "It's not your time to go yet." The strange orange creature was unfamiliar to young Redé, but his fangs were much like his. "What do you mean?" The sickly child sneezed. "Your death is soon, but I will stop it." "My death? But I'm so young!" "You are sickly. The rest of your tribe will die without you, however.'" "What?" "Promise me you'll save your tribe? I'm risking everything for this. Including my place in the afterlife." "I don't understand, but I will." "Good. Then this will be the last time we speak. Call me Eve."
  6. Could I do something like this? It will be in a different habitat with different Nichlings, but it will be recorded kinda like how your doing it!
  7. Oooh I'll probably try this! Also: Baby: Roll 1-100, anything over 58 will cause the death of the baby Child: Roll 1-100, anything over 60 will cause the death of the baby Teen: Roll 1-100, anything over 75 will cause the death of the baby
  8. At this new island, Taisra gets pregnant. Aaaand we've lost home island immunity... RIP.
  9. Even though the last lil swimmer has died, he's gotten water body!
  10. With a lot of hard-work, Lenle, Taisra, and Adam IV have found the island port.
  11. Lenle finds a cool wanderer! The wanderer, who's name is Taisra, helps Lenle find the flower port.
  12. Ok seriously Corbee, quit giving me cool looking babies Corbee's first daughter, Lenle, is trying to leave the island.
  13. Poisson has given birth to a beautiful baby! I'm afraid I don't even wanna drown her, honestly! Successfully made a wanderer give birth huhuehe
  14. Yea, same, but he wouldnt go more then that
  15. found a rogue male to experiment on It flies! Just not that well
  16. aaand RIP save it died, oh well, time to start a new one
  17. i broke the rogue male haha it's acting like a wanderer now-
  18. decided to make the rogue male pregnant bcuz i can
  19. Doesn't look like any console commands work on em
  20. Ok, What if I gave #0003 a baby, but this time he's mated before? Hypothesis: Probably just another #0002 Results: ...How nice.
  21. Here is Experiment #0002... ew. Next, Experiment #0003! He is male, but I'm giving him a baby. Hypothesis: Baby will look like #0002 Results:
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