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Posts posted by shortcake

  1. On 8/24/2023 at 9:42 AM, Ozzy. said:

    hello i have a question

    is it normal for parents to restrict internet access until the child is 16-

    that is literally what happened to me ive only been able to watch yt for a year and a half since they actually let me be able to search things on gogle


    is this normal-



    also um, is it also normal not to be able to have sleep overs or friends over to stay the night???

    My grandparents are the same way (I live with them). I've been 16 since mid-April, and I still don't have a phone. I've had a phone before (on multiple occasions), but when I first had one, I had a screen time limit of 15 minutes a day. And half the time, I wasn't even allowed to be on my phone because i was being a "bad kid". I didn't have access to the internet, and if I wanted to download an app, it had to be approved by my grandmother. I didn't have access to Youtube until about two years later, and it wasn't even normal youtube- it was youtube kids. 


    Sorry for the long explinations, but I just want you to know that I'm in the same boat, man. It sucks.

    • Sad 3
  2. bro the only reason i look forward to my second class every day (for those of you who are curious, it's an oral comm. class) is because i was doodling on the number cards that are taped to the desk, and i stuck a couple sticky notes with some more little drawings of mine, and then someone else who sits in the same seat, but during a different class period stuck some more sticky notes on, and then made it into a tiny little book of doodles, so we've just been making a bunch of doodles and sticking it in there lol

    but yea

    that's like, the only reason :3

  3. 6 hours ago, YourLocalStranger said:


    Also if you go to seminary does that mean you're training to be a priest???? 

    yes, 5:30 :3

    and no, i'm not training to be a priest. my church has seminary in the mornings, but it's centered around high schoolers. my church's seminary is basically just early-morning bible study for people in high school. it's nice to be able to start my day with a small amount of people (literally like, 12 other high schoolers and that's it), rather than like, 2,300-ish high schoolers all at once

    if anyone is wondering, I'm LDS (we're more commonly known as Mormons, but that name orignated as an insult towards us, soooo yeah.

    • Paw up 1
  4. On 8/19/2023 at 2:51 PM, Andromeda Frog said:

    another thinge I dislike about anti-furries is that they keep saying that furries are nasty and they hate them so much, but they refuse to leave furries alone- 

    literally every time you watch a furry video and go to the newest comments, there's anti-furries throwing fits because "eW fUrRy" and complaining about why furries are showing up in their recommendations. If you really don't like furries, then just watch other videos? and press "not interested" when you see furry videos? it's like they're so desperate to annoy people...


    On 8/21/2023 at 3:29 PM, Andromeda Frog said:

    last part of my anti anti-furry rant: 

    -anti-furries are way too persistent. no matter how many times you tell them that not all furries are gross and that furries don't identify as animals, they'll just keep saying stupid stuff like "oH sToP cApPiNg." and will literally ignore everything you say. it's like it goes into one ear and comes out the other. maybe their brains just can't handle this information

    -they use the most unoriginal insults EVER. they're always like "fAtHeRlEsS lMaO" like if you're gonna insult someone at least not use the most dumb, overused, and unoriginal insult ever????? 

    -they complain that furries spend thousands of dollars on fursuits. why do you care if someone spends tons of money on a fursuit? it's not your life, and buying a fursuit isn't hurting anyone, so why do you have a problem with it

    -the anti-furry army thing is so stupid. why are you roleplaying as a soldier who kills innocent people for having a hobby 😭 

    -they always pretend to have guns and say stupid things like pulls out pistol  like little timmy I know you lyin you dont got no guns stop pretending to be a "cOoL sIgMa mAlE" on the internet  

    -they always copy and paste the definitions of grass and AK-47s. like I know what grass and guns are thank you very much 

    -they are always like "I hAtE fUrRiEs BeCaUsE tHeY'rE gAy" what's wrong with being gay though????? 

    -their stupid anti-furry flag is so ugly bruh

    bro the fact that the anti-furry people post on the furry videos makes YouTube's algorithm be like "oh they comment on these videos a lot, this must mean they like them" so then it just keeps popping up on their for-you page. and thus the cycle continues.

    • Paw up 1
  5. On 8/14/2023 at 8:28 AM, takoyamaaaS said:

    welcome to purgatory and happy early birthday 👍i just got prompted to select a skin tone variation for that emoji 

    On 8/15/2023 at 12:50 PM, Andromeda Frog said:

    welcome to the ghetto


    anyway, welcome. hope you don't mind, but we've laced the water, causing all of the frogs to turn gay. except for Jerome. Jerome is only 64% gay. lol

    On 8/16/2023 at 9:15 AM, galaxysshadow said:

    it's a game where you climb a mountain but your mentally ill and trans

    that's like, the best way of describing that game that i have ever heard lol

    On 8/19/2023 at 6:47 AM, Icecatcake_frog said:

    Ur real name ?? 
    wait why would u say that online ? 

    chill, bro /pos

    they made the decision to :3

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