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Broom Wielder

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Posts posted by Broom Wielder

  1. And here’s the example! Just some Nichelings I’ve had in game except for the bottom left which is one I designed because I liked the looks of ram horns, white grey spotted nichelings, purple, and the bunny ears of Niche mobile2C577347-398B-4CC8-B41D-F97332C1CD6E.thumb.jpeg.48220275ca09bb434a6903187cb07ca0.jpeg 

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  2. Hey there! If you put a picture of one of your nichelings here, I'll draw em. I'll put up an example of my drawings in a moment but for now, my pfp is also my own art.

    Quick edit, you can put another nicheling if you've sent one before if you like. One nicheling at a time is my only rule.
    Also, putting in the personality of your nicheling if they have one would help with posing.

  3. On 5/17/2023 at 3:56 AM, Loxlozfeafcakerat said:

    Why can't I think of a question?

    because you must make sacrifices for ideas. Maybe a few rituals too for good measure. Or a sacrifice and ritual at the same time, that'll guarantee it! Maybe even a quick soul selling.

    Is there any natural way to make my favorite creature live longer? Is it even possible?

  4. I once had a dream where the nichelings were really realistic and you played as one. Though I think it was more of a stepping into the nicheling world sort of thing. I don't remember if I was a nicheling or just watching, but everything was super realistic. There were some big bodied guys around and apparently the tribe was struggling on this really tiny island with one pink cherry like tree, like Adams island but way way smaller. Eve island type of small except for I think it was a little smaller and with a drop off.

    Then, either a second dream or the same one just poorly transitioned as dreams do:

    It was a build of niche where it was all continent, like in the old trailers. But the newer creature models of course. In my dream it was more of a top down view. The goal for the nichelings I was watching was to get to the travel area. Yes, a travel area on a continent. The game was different sectioned off areas basically, but if you go far enough, you get more of a wide view and can choose via broken lines where your nichelings end up! I think it was preset and there were a couple of line choices and at the end an X marked the spot.

    And just now I remembered a THIRD one I've had long ago. It was a new version and there were some new genes. I had gotten toxic bodied creatures and was trying to find the new genes and I found a few! I just don't remember what they were. That's the vaguest of them all though.


    Though ever since that second dream I wished that niche had a mode like that, because that sounds like a really cool way of getting around. If I was half asleep and wanting to play niche I'd think about that version I made in my head only to remember with disappointment that that doesn't exist. And it sounds like, with some editing, that one is feasible to code too. Like maybe you could get this big randomly generated map and select the size of your play area and what tiles specifically.

    But alas, I'm cursed with it being nothing but a dream. I might go put it in suggestions later just for the fun of it though now that I remember.

  5. Another little one, Sunray, has been born. And on the next turn, Gather and Cedar will have their last child just as they both pass away. Cedar passed on the knowledge of Adam, the home island, and the odd bluebird to Hop, hoping that she will lead the tribe through any hard times to come.ScreenShot2023-05-19at10_12_06PM.thumb.png.fae1f1746e15720be8152f54360c57be.png

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  6. Another girl, Reach, is born to Cedar and Gather. This one with double nimble fingers, not inheriting the deformed paw that her sisters did. A change of pace from the rest of the tribe which only her mother has nimble fingers out of them all.

    Meanwhile the siblings in the grass have returned with a new wanderer in tow! He can't see very well and is only a teenager, but in these first days of being on this island any paws they can get will help.

    Screen Shot 2023-05-19 at 10.02.57 PM.png

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  7. Alas, our leaders have had another baby with a crippled leg. The other mother however has had a child with one wing, a theme that will continue with the rest of the children there. But the baby is far from blind, having normally functioning vision. With the rain falling just like the day before, she has been named Rainfall.

    Screen Shot 2023-05-19 at 9.48.20 PM.png

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  8. Our youngest members are most likely hoping for some animals to hunt soon, especially since they can hear and smell them in the grass by now. Shrub and Seek are probably the ones hoping for it the most I'd say, as they're in the front and much closer than the others. Meanwhile the two expectant mothers in the tribe settle down on a nest as they get ready for the night to pass.

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  9. Cedar and Gather have their first child born, a girl that they named Hop. Unfortunately she has her fathers no paw but otherwise she's as healthy as can be. Donta, Seek, and Shrub have all grown up now and have grown their final gems. Meanwhile Flight and Armadillo are preparing for little ones of their own as Flight oversees the area from a tree.



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  10. Cedar makes the first steps onto the island to make sure it's safe for everyone. Then everyones obviously descends upon the island. Shrub and Seek bound ahead of everyone else, ready to explore much more than the rest.

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  11. And now, they arrive on the first island of the archipelago.ScreenShot2023-05-19at9_15_38PM.thumb.png.48728527c989672c69b50e92414a287e.png

    Since they all have a whole chain of islands in front of them, it's time to step in and have some babies in these new lands. Gather has been waiting a while to have her baby after all.

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  12. Cedar makes the last call and when not another nicheling steps forward, they're ready to move on. At this point Cedar has probably discovered that once he's lead his tribe to the next island, his job has been completed. His father before him had told him stories of how they settled the island they are departing from and he's doing just as his father did.ScreenShot2023-05-19at8_44_50PM.thumb.png.0a6fd3a72a5398e570dda07562643963.png

    As goodbyes are shouted throughout the island, Cedar latches on to the travel stele and jumps across to the first stepping stone, his mate and everyone else not too far behind

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  13. The port to the new island is only seen when Cacti, brother to Gather, bounds ahead of his sister to help her move forward. Then is when they spot it, a rock sticking up through the grass. The travel stele for them to leap off of to hop along to the next island.

    When the next day comes and Cedar spots it as well, he calls for nichelings who wish to take the long journey to the next island to follow along. Flight, the blind wanderer Armadillo, a teen named Seek, Seek's older brother Shrub, a brown, clawed, and a ram horned, spiky, fanged nicheling named Hunter come forward with this news. They wont fill up the entire port, but they are the ones willing to go.

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  14. Flight saw Armadillo's striking red fur as he took off and came to investigate. All the while the rest of the tribe is moving towards the ports unbeknownst to even Cedar himself.
    Gather comes across a healing fruit plant without its fruit.

    Seek, a new child of a blind wanderer with a scorpion tail named Daisy and then Naner (Naner had the scorpion tail in his recessive so I paired them), smells more unique among everyone else so will be hopefully moving on to the next islands once she grows. There will also be plans for Donta to move on to the next island since he has home island immunity and no a immunity.

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  15. I think that is all there is that I want to introduce as there are 19 tribe members at the moment.


    Right now blind wanderers are seen as a good omen, as most of the wanderers that show up have been blind but have helped out the tribe a lot. Cedar's mother was one of those blind wanderers, and even with double no paws she was very important seeing as she mothered the next leader.

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  16. Now we have Thorn and her twins Donta (left) and Smear (right.) Also the male in frame is Crimson.ScreenShot2023-05-19at6_30_19PM.thumb.png.4cd036445413d75eda11e7d58c4d1c95.png


    They aren't important character as of now. More cousins is what they are. Thought Donta doesn't have A immunity which is everywhere in the tribe right now. Crimson has been collecting toxic berries as of late.

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  17. Then we have our two identical twins, Cherry(left) and Rose(right)ScreenShot2023-05-19at6_25_00PM.thumb.png.1077863098c00cb07e0190f1bd7e8e73.png


    Currently the two are chasing after a rogue male who seems very disinterested in their spiky bodies. They're first cousins to Cedar and his siblings.

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  18. Then we have Flight (Ft Naner's nose and a bit of Redcap)ScreenShot2023-05-19at6_07_22PM.thumb.png.8cbd0d35db19d6e740b1e648f9ad8c92.png


    Flight is our first and only flying nicheling. He was born of one of Adam's sons named Tidepool and a wanderer whom was red and named Ember. His mother was the one with the wing. He has a little brother as well, Ceros, who lacks the horns, fangs, and wings (leaving him with a digging paw and velvet paw.) Other than that his brother looks exactly like him. Flight's gem colors come from flying lines. Others say his second wing was a gift by Skybound (only old nicheling god I remember that I have from when I was younger and playing this game) since his father didn't have any. Reality is I put it in the mutation menu for his father but shhh, story line.

    Redcap is the nicheling to the right, and the only sister of Naner and Cedar's. She didn't get any of that home island immunity so she wasn't in the running for leader. Despite the lean body she's headstrong and provides food to the tribe via hunting bunnies as that's what she can do best to provide.

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  19. First and foremost, we have our leader for this generation, Cedar, on the left. (The other nichelings are a wanderer that just showed up named Armadillo in the middle, and his mate Gather on the right)ScreenShot2023-05-19at5_39_20PM.thumb.png.f0e3dd13555f7434f67d58563e01fb4b.png

    Cedar is the third ever leader, currently leading his tribe to the archipelago. His grandfather is Adam, and his father was red and named Cevan. I added a few more syllables for the names, and as you might see, more gem colors. Anyhow, slightly unrelated tangent aside, Cedar was given that black gem to symbolize his leadership just before the night of his fathers death. In my head I've been titling the gem as a mutated black bird feather. Yes, to mimic Jessimew's blue bird feather leadership gem, but also without clashing with any gem colors that are found naturally throughout the world. He was told when he choses the next leader it be either his offspring, or any nicheling that smells of home, but preferably both.

    Cedar isn't confident about his role of being chosen leader. He's smaller, weaker, and younger than his brother, Naner, who also smelled strongly of home. But despite that, with cautious optimism, Cedar is trying his best.

    Gather as mentioned before is Cedar's mate. One of the few around without matching immunity genes aka the strong scent of closely related family. She never really met her mother as she died the same turn she was born. I don't have much on her as of now.


    Armadillo is just some wanderer that just showed herself. And she has new immunity genes which will be very helpful.

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  20. I started a story mode save just yesterday and only now have decided to share it to help me keep interest!

    For a small bit of background on this first post, I've tried and tried and tried to stay interested with story mode saves before, but only got as far as the archipelago. With the short lifespans and my tendency to speed through their interactions, I wouldn't get attached to any of my nichelings or make any story. I'd just be bored and eventually delete the save prematurely. But on this one I have made an effort to go slower, talk to myself a bit on the story, but now as that is getting a tad old... I'll start to share it here!

    I'm about 3 generations down from Adam and Eve so far, so I'll have to introduce all my creatures and their backstory. A few of Adam's descendants aren't on the family tree anymore due to passing away without having any children, but I'll just have to roll with it.

    Onto the nichelings!

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  21. IT WORKED!

    I have been trying to get this to work for literal years! YES!!! For any Mac users facing the same issue, it's in the file named "com.strayfawnstudio.niche" If you have two of these files, as did I, saves may be in one while the customizable files are in the other.

    For anyone clueless on how to get there on a Mac:

    Open finder

    click go

    hold down option to show library

    click on library

    open application support

    find either your team niche file or the one mentioned above

    and add your unique colors and or names


    May nobody else have to do as much digging as I did, stay safe :)

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