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Posts posted by Snow53211

  1. On 8/23/2018 at 7:46 AM, Wander said:

    I think that it would be interesting to turn the blind gene into a somewhat useful trait. Maybe even make a blind tribe challenge.
    It does add hearing and smelling points, so you could make a blind nicheling with big ear and big nose that actually can perceive a lot of its environment.
    There are animals irl with bad eyesight like moles that survive just fine.
    The only thing holding it back is the movement!
    Why rely on seeing nichelings to be able to move?
    Blind nichelings can hear and smell things far away, but they can't get to it just because the others can't see it? Disappointing...

    On a side note, if we allow blind nichelings to move, does that mean we'd have to change nearsighted nicheling's movement mechanics too?

    I don’t think we would really need to change mechanics too much, maybe just add the listening action to near-sighted nichlings. However the main focus is making it so blind nichlings can move and survive on their own.

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  2. Currently on the game a blind nichling can only move to tiles that are seen by other nichlings. However, blind people in real life still move around and navegate the world based on other senses like sound and touch. So I suggest giving two unique actions to blind nichlings.

    1.  Blind nichlings should be able to have a listening action. It would allow blind nichlings to hear  the tiles around them, making it so they can move around. You would be able to click action this in the same spot as the purring action.

    *How far the nichlings can hear depends entirely on their ears.

    2.  The touch/feel action.  This would allow them to touch/feel  something they can’t hear and interact with. For example touching  a piece of grass, would allow them to clear it away next turn. This gives the nichlings more mobility.

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    15 hours ago, Jojo said:

    What if this wasn't tied to immunities? I mean we get sick when it is very cold or sometimes wet, so why not have a random, low chance depending on the cold resistance of your creature, that it can get sick for a few days.

    That would work too, I just feel it’s weird only nichlings with double immunities can catch a sickness out of nowhere, I’ll add a suggestion for it.

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  4. 31 minutes ago, Dinocanid said:

    I feel like this could cause issues if not done carefully, or if there's a substantial amount of "neutral" immunities. Since if only, lets say, A or B is resistant to the cold, then it will be hard to keep that in the tribe without being constantly at risk for double-immunity sickness.

    I was thinking of having more then one immunities with cold/heat resistance 

  5. Maybe your nichlings can get sick from their climate, if it gets too hot or cold you can have a message saying your nichlings can get sick if they don’t stay warm/cool. The thing that effects which nichlings get sick is their immunities. Some immunities would be resistant for sicknesses in certain climates, like j could giving resistance to heat, but weakness to cold. B or A can be neutral, giving few benefits/weaknesses.

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  6. Thats why we have the different body types. in real life after a few generations you would see mutations to adapt to an environment, not right away. In niche this is shown by unlocking mutations after a few generations.

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  7. So one of my Nichelings was a few days away from death when she got stunned by a falling acorn. But she didn’t die when she was supposed to. my nichlings could walk on the same tile as her and I could click her, but I could not move her.


  8. 13 minutes ago, Philo said:

    We could definetly make it to some extent.
    The question it, at what cost?
    It would be a HUGE amount of work to make each model (let's say berry paw) for each skin type.
    Also for new genes we'd always need let's say 5 times as many models as before.
    Then the question is: Is it cooler to have 5 new genes, each with unique mechanics or one new gene (but with 5 different skin types).
    I'm all over the idea of skin types, but I'm just not sure how to do it without adding a big draw back to adding new stuff ^^

    True, maybe  the skin types would mainly effect the torso, and legs, because you see dogs with puffy coats right? Their paws aren't Puffier, i think the same thing can be applied with the nichlings. I also feel certain body types should be incompatible with certain fur/skin types, like the spiky, water and toxic bodies.

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  9. This idea seems to be floating around, with people wanting long hair, short hair, feather, or scales. A new slot, that would allow you to add these to the body type your nichling has. Some body types may unable to have fur/skin, like the underwater body type. But things like feathers could help you fly more, fur helps you resist hot or cold, attractiveness, distastefulness,  the possiblitys are limitless. 


    * please note that this was not my original idea, I felt it was needed to create a new suggestion for it

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  10. On 4/5/2018 at 4:13 AM, Philo said:

    Yes! I fully agree that we need this.
    There is one problem though. When is this activated? Whenever another animal does something? When you end the day?
    Let's say it activates when you end the day and let's say you have 5 "berry picking" animals next to berry bushes.
    There are also some wild animals and Rabills around who want to eat those berries. In the game they only move when perform an action.
    But now you only end the day and your animals automatically collect the food. The other entities don't get a chance to move/do stuff.
    This would make the game a lot easier.

    Or maybe there is a "perform job" button now?
    But if you have 5 animals that perform their job once you click it, does that mean the wild animals also get 5 actions?

    Any help on this problem is greatly appreciated!

    It would be best to be activated when you do an action wig your nichling. maybe when a rabill is next to the Bush, the rabill it eats a berry and your nichling can’t collect for that turn. 

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