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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by Call_Me_Ash

  1. You know what they say Death loves company welcome to the best hell ever
  2. Silly little doodles from science class (don’t mind my shirt in the pic)
  3. I was emotionally beat to a pulp by a 6th grader today 😭😭😭
  4. Call_Me_Ash


    So I have nothing to post. i have run out of art (unless you want me to post more tmnt stuff) My new plan is to try to post once every week, but that might take a while to start bc I still have to draw things thank you (Here’s a pose I drew for Atlanta, it’s free to use with credit)
  5. I drew this while having a panic attack also the next day i forgot how to draw so Atlanta is actually evil
  6. Either that or I know how to draw but I have the worst art block ever
  7. I literally sat down to draw something on 2 different days and I ended up staring at a black piece of paper for 2 hours bc I don’t remember what I’m doing
  8. I no longer have my Apple Pencil so I now have to use my finger to draw online until I get a new stylus I also might use this place to vent, but I’m always here if someone needs to talk or if you aren’t comfortable with saying it publicly , you can private message me ❤️
  9. [insert cool intro here] come here if you need to ask questions, want to hang out, or need to talk to someone I won’t judge anyone and if you need to talk or just need comfort, you can come here and talk with me also, I’ll be posting art and memes and other things here so look out for those most are going to be about mha or tmnt i also might post short stories or a chapter at a time from the story I’m currently writing
  10. Call_Me_Ash


    Sorry I haven’t been very active, I’m sick im trying to get better and I’m working on the requests so please sit tight thank you
  11. I was going to add the other three of my ocs but I ran out of time ✨
  12. Call_Me_Ash


    Thank you both 😀 Got the pic on my profile now
  13. Call_Me_Ash


    Does anybody know how to condense files bc I drew a new pfp and it’s too big if you know how to, can you please help me thank you
  14. Call_Me_Ash


    Ok I’m done
  15. Call_Me_Ash


    Ok so these might take some time but I’m gonna work on them im also in an art contest though so I’ll be working on that art too please don’t rush me, it causes stress and makes me break down thank you
  16. Call_Me_Ash


    Ok that isn’t too much but the cat will look cartoony sorry but it’s just how my art looks i hope you still like it though
  17. Call_Me_Ash


    I mean, I kind of read the first book, but I’m not fully sure how to draw dragons ill draw it but please don’t assume just bc I mention things that it means I know them thank you
  18. Omg I found someone im also a therian I’m still looking into it, but I think I’m a lion (very much still researching)
  19. Is it not allowed to be? Bc I only know how to do game forums or fanart sooooo
  20. Call_Me_Ash


    What would the dragon look like? Is it a certain dragon from WoF or a different thing? Is it your oc? Can you please just give more details. Thank you 🥲 sorry if this is annoying
  21. Call_Me_Ash


    So I’m out of art to post and I want to draw something but idk so art requests are ✨OPEN✨ yeah
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