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This is basically me coming up with ideas for challenges when your brain fails you. I'm doing this because I have these ideas but am too lazy to actually do them so it would make me happy for me to see them not going to waste.

  • Rouges on top challenge: It is how it sounds. Basically, if you find a wanderer you have to invite them no matter what and you can't murder them. Also, if you find a rouge male you have to have a female breed with him or multiple if possible. (My rouge male god smiling down on me rn lol.) You can't chase the rouge male off or kill him. And if you wanna do leaders or something for rp reasons the leader has to be the female with the most rouge features in the tribe and can ONLY breed with rouge males.
  • Vegan challenge: You can't kill any animals or eat any. And you can't even hurt predators you just have to run. You can hurt other nichlings though because some vegans love animals but are horrible to other people. *Cough cough* Vegan Teacher *Cough*. Also, for the rp side anyone with anything like horns or claw that makes them strong or even fishing stuff are outcasts and being seen harming an animal gets you killed or banished.
  • Devolution challenge: You know how a bunch of animals went from water to land because of evolution? Well basically you're trying to get your back into water with all the water stuff. This also creates good rp stuff since some nichlings have to stay closer to shore, so they don't drown and are seen as lower-class citizens.
  • Worship challenge: Basically, if you have niche gods or something you have your tribe worship one of those gods and depending on what the god is and their personality it controls how your tribe is run. Say for example the tribe worships my rouge male god (as if that would ever happen) they would be run how the first challenge is.

I may add more in the future and if you have suggestions for some, I will give you full credit even if I change it a bit. Also, if you use one of these please give me credit and message me I would love to see it. Have a nice day/night/whatever time it is.

  • Paw up 1

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