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Actual Clangen Playthrough (most recent update)

medicine cat

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MOON 22 (Newleaf)

MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Maplekit ; a tortie she-cat
Beamkit ; a brown ticked win
Tuftkit ; a pale ticked tomkit
Rimekit ; a gray and white tabby tom

Condorfuzz is no longer sprained.

Lavendergrass was out on a stroll one day when he found a maple leaf, and thinking it pretty, decided to keep it as his own.  As he was looking for a way to stick it in his fur for decoration, Maplekit ran in. 
“I brought you some flowers for… for helping cats,” Maplekit said, presenting them to him. Lavendergrass mrrped with a little chuckle.
“Well thank you, Maplekit. I’ll be using these to make sure our clan is healthy and strong.” 
That evening at a clan meeting, he found Maplekit crouching and listening in at a clan meeting despite the fact that she was supposed to be in the nursery. He decided to let her stay and observe- she was being well-behaved, after all.

The kits in the nursery’s personalities began to emerge more and more. 

Tuftkit, for one, was a very clever kit, and boy, did he know it. He was the first to speak up when a question was asked, even if it wasn’t directed at him. He began to develop a friendship with Beamkit, since Beamkit was daring and fun to play with in his eyes.

Beamkit, meanwhile, as the oldest kit in the nursery, was rather rebellious. He had a terrible habit of getting himself into trouble, as well. Gillshiver, wanting to be the “fun dad”, had issues punishing him, so it was sometimes left to Mantisstar to scold him.

Rimekit, as the youngest kit in the nursery, was very quiet and soft-spoken still- but that didn’t mean he wasn’t talented. He was the stealthiest of the kits in the nursery since he knew how to go unnoticed. Mantisstar found herself fond of both of her sons equally and didn’t understand how other cats could choose a favorite between the two.

Finally, Maplekit became more involved with clan discussions. Her interesting fur pattern made it look like she had been sitting with her hind legs and tail in mud, making Tuftkit and Beamkit occasionally tease her about it. Even so, she was the most mature of the kits and found herself wanting to be like an adult warrior despite being so little. She loved hearing Halffoot talk about clan history and talking to Lavendergrass about whatever he was doing that day.

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MOON 23 (Newleaf)

Halffoot disappeared after taking a walk in the woods one day, worrying all of the cats in MantisClan. Flattening her ears, Condorfuzz began desperately looking for her father, but his scent just faded off into the woods. Cats began to worry that the elderly tom had died on his walk, when some days later he made his way back to camp, irritated and with an indigo collar around his neck.


“Father!” Condorfuzz yelled, bounding over to him. “Where on earth have you been?”
“I’ve been to Hell and back,” grunted Halffoot, pulling at the collar around his neck. “Got taken into a Twoleg nest. Can’t get this thing off to save my life. Ridiculous.”

Maplekit took a specific interest in Halffoot’s adventures and where he’d been while he was gone.
“I didn’t have anyone around to tell me stories,” she said, sitting down sadly in front of him. “Tell me about where you went while you were gone!”
Gillshiver came over and picked up Maplekit. “Not now, Maplekit. let him rest. Go back to the nursery, okay?”
Sighing, Maplekit toddled back over to her brother and the other kits.
“You alright, Halfoot?” Gillshiver asked, sitting beside him.
“Yes, just shaken up,” he grunted. “I was worried I’d be stuck with those twolegs and their kits for the rest of my days.”

Meanwhile, Skypatch spent some time walking through camp and conversing with his clanmates. He felt something swell up inside him- a desire to be something greater in his clan.

Beamkit took a tumble off of a log, hurting one of his paws. Gillshiver took him to Lavendergrass, who set him down to get a good look at him. 
“So, what’s it like over there in the nursery?” Lavendergrass asked, crushing up a few herbs to put on Beamkit’s scrapes.
“Super fun!” Beamkit responded. “Me and Tuftkit play all the time, and dad tells me all sorts of stories. Dad brought us a moss-ball the other day, and we play with it all the time.”
“You like moss-ball, huh?” Lavendergrass asked, picking up some moss from his herb supply and gently rolling it over to the kit. Beamkit giggled and batted it back with his uninjured paw, and Lavendergrass couldn’t help but smile. Beamkit reminded him of when he was younger.


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MOON 24 (Greenleaf)

MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Maplekit ; a tortie she-cat
Beamkit ; a brown ticked win
Tuftkit ; a pale ticked tomkit
Rimekit ; a gray and white tabby tom

Early greenleaf arrived, and with it came some health concerns for the kits.
It started with Beamkit getting more scrapes after falling off a tall rock when adult cats refused to play with him. Lavendergrass sighed and patched him up, giving another Mossball.
But Rimekit then got fleas. He had to be quarantined in a separate den, and Halffoot agreed to watch him. 

Unlike Beamkit, Rimekit became very shy and embarrassed about his condition, hiding from other cats. He hid behind Halffoot in his den.

Next, Maplekit contracted heat exhaustion from playing too hard in camp from a particularly hot day. Lavendergrass was forced to keep her in the medicine den, and Gillshiver became very worried for his kits.

Meanwhile, Condorfuzz relaxed for once with Splashbumble and Gillshiver as they sunned themselves.
“Poor Rimekit,” Splashbumble said, grooming herself on a warm rock. “He seems so embarrassed. Won’t even talk to Mantisstar. He hardly talks to anyone anyway”
“Poor kid,” Condorfuzz said, showing some softness for once about the little kit. That evening, she poked her head into the elder’s den, Halffoot having left it to eat his dinner.
“Hey, Rimekit.” Rimekit didn’t answer, sitting in a corner of the den. “Come on kid, you’re gonna starve in here by yourself.” Whimpering, Rimekit shook his head and backed further against the wall. Condorfuzz sighed. “Okay okay, fine.” She turned to leave, but felt a pang of guilt looking at him one last time. Finally, she came back a moment later with a shrew.
“...Here. Eat something,” she said, leaving the den again. Rimekit let out a small meow of thanks.

Tuftkit was not taking being the only healthy kit in the nursery well, and found himself terribly bored. He began nagging other cats to play with him, choosing Mantisstar to be his primary victim. But Mantisstar didn’t mind, enjoying her time with her son.

Maplekit and Beamkit recovered, and Beamkit was very eager to see his sister return out of the medicine den and be ready to play again.
“Maplekit!” Beamkit yelled excitedly. “I’m so glad you’re better!”
“I’m glad too,” she meowed. “I saw your scrapes- you were really brave.”
“You were really brave too,” responded Beamkit.

Splashbumble announces that she’s expecting kits again with Skypatch.
“Do you really need to have kits again this early when Mantisstar is still in the nursery?” criticized Halffoot. “It’s a deputy’s duty to be a deputy, not to constantly be looking after kits. Try looking after your clan.”
“You have no business saying that when you had kits with an outsider.”
“And they grew to be great warriors,” spat Halffoot. 

Meanwhile, the fleas epidemic spreaded from Rimekit. Guppyflash, Maplekit, Skypatch, and Bunnyshade all got fleas, and the clan separates patrols into the infected and the uninfected.

Meanwhile, Mothpaw is kidnapped by twolegs and returns a couple of days later with a lilac bow around his neck. One day when in camp, he hears Guppyflash joking about him to Condorfuzz.
“He looks ridiculous,” snickered Guppyflash. “Look at the bow around his neck,” he said as Condorfuz laughed.
“I can’t believe him,” chuckled the tortoiseshell. “That’ll take his ego down a couple notches.”
Hurt, Condorfuzz let out a low growl to himself and padded away, over to sit with his mother.

Condorfuzz went on patrol with Skypatch, being two flea-ridden cats together. But while walking on patrol, they encountered a PearClan cat scent in their territory! Following the scent, they found the cat up a tree. He yowled a warning down at the two of them, and as they turn around, a dog comes barreling down the path and bit Condorfuzz.

Terrified, Condor tore away, clawing the dog’s face and took off back toward camp with Skypatch, bringing a bite wound with her. Lavendergrass takes her into the den to heal up.


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MOON 24 (Greenleaf)

MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Maplepaw ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftkit ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes.
Rimekit ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes.

Maplepaw and Beampaw are promoted to apprentices.
“I’d like to call the clan together to assign these promising young cats to their mentors,” meows Mantisstar. “Firstly, Maplekit. From this day on, you will be known as Maplepaw.” Looking across the clearing, Mantisstar called to another cat. “Bunnyshade, I’ve watched you grow to be a loyal warrior and an impressive climber in your time here. I trust you to mentor Maplepaw as your own apprentice.”

Mantisstar then looked to Beampaw. “And Beampaw, I would like to assign you to Skypatch. Skypatch is an honorable and resilient warriors, and I know he will train you well.”
Too excited to contain himself, Beampaw slammed his nose against Skypatch, so much so that he moved his head back in surprise- but not without a smile and a laugh.


“You think Tuftkit will be fine in the nursery without you? Or you think he’ll be bored to death?” Maplepaw asked her brother.
“He’ll be fine,” meowed Beampaw. “He’ll be with us next moon anyway.”

While patrolling, Maplepaw and Bunnyshade encounter Omeletpelt.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you!” Omeletfleck said, bounding toward Bunnyshade.”
“Who’s this?” Questioned Maplepaw, tilting her head to one side.
“Why, Omelet! I haven’t seen you in forever!” Bunnyshade said, leaning forward. “I can’t believe it’s you.”
“Well, It’s about time you actually acknowledge me. I haven’t seen you in over a year,” the kittypet said. “Anyways, good thing I’ve finally found your territory. I’ve come to audition as a warrior!” she declared. "I've been training ever since you left."

“Audition..? Can you do that…?” Whispered Maplepaw.
“I mean, we can talk to Mantisstar about it…” Bunnyshade said, tilting her ears back, unsure. Mantisstar approves, and Omeletfleck joins MantisClan, named for her speckled pelt. She proves herself to be shockingly experienced, being a great fighter and climber.


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MOON 27 (leaf-fall)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Maplepaw ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes.

Tuftpaw is Gillshiver’s apprentice. He feels safe with Tuftpaw around. He heard an ugly rumor about Omeletfleck. He’s daring and quick witted.
Splashbumble has a litter of two kits, but the female kit dies and the one to survive is a specled white-and-brown tomkit with sage colored eyes. He sticks close to his mother, curling up beside her in the nursery.

“You can come in, Skypatch,” Splashbumble calls, holding the tomkit protectively.
Skypatch padded up to his mate and put his nose up to his kit. “Where’s the other one?”

“We lost her,” said Lavendergrass, answering for Splashbumble. Skypatch hung his head low. 
“But look at this one. I just know he’s going to be a strong warrior,” meowed Splashbumble. “Let’s call him Yewkit.” Splashbumble coped relatively well with losing one of her litter, doting on Yewkit, but Skypatch took the loss a lot harder.

Meanwhile, Tuftkit and Rimekit were of apprenticing age. Mantisstar called a clan meeting for her sons.
“Tuftkit,” she began, “I’ve been so proud watching you grow over the last couple of moons. I am honored to place you with Gillshiver, one of my most experienced warriors. You will now be known as Tuftpaw.”
Proudly galloping over to Gillshiver, Tuftpaw touched noses with him and waited for the clan ceremony to end. Meanwhile, Mantisstar continued.

“Rimekit, you have chosen a path other than one of a warrior. Therefore, I am proud to place you as the medicine cat apprentice of Lavendergrass. You will be known as Rimepaw.”
Lavendergrass stepped forward, approaching the old spotted tom. Rimepaw looked around shyly, and Lavendergrass touched noses to him with a smile.

Rimepaw was approached by Maplepaw a week or so later, the pretty young she-cat trotting over. “Hey, Rimepaw. How’s apprenticing going? Haven’t seen you in a while.” She gave a warm smile and sat down beside him.”
“Going fine,” he meowed softly. “Thank you for asking.”
“Have you gotten to hear anything from StarClan yet?”
“No, but Lavendergrass has. He told Splashbumble he received word about expecting new clan members soon,” he shrugged. 
“Sounds cool,” Maplepaw said. “But I’m sure they’ll talk to you soon. You’re really smart, Rimepaw. Don’t doubt yourself, okay?”
Smiling, Rimepaw flattened his ears. “Shucks, Maplepaw. Thanks.” He felt renewed with the compliments of his friend, and then self-doubt hit him. Maplepaw was so calm and comforting- wouldn’t she have been a better medicine cat apprentice.

“Of course not,” Lavendergrass said when Rimepaw asked him about it. “Look, you can’t be doubting yourself. We’re going to be cutting that off right now. Jumppaw used to do the exact same thing.”
“Jumppaw?” questioned Rimepaw.
Lavendergrass turned his head to RImepaw. “Did they never tell you about her? What’re they teaching you kits?” sighed Lavendergrass, sitting beside the apprentice. He felt a pang in his chest of sadness- now that he thought about it, Jumppaw died a year and a half ago. Other clanmates weren’t even really thinking about her anymore, except for him. 
“...Jumppaw was your predecessor,” Lavendergrass finally explained. “She was so bright and friendly. Cared about her clanmates so much, often noticed things even before I did.” He twitched an ear. “She died of frostbite after collecting herbs with me one bad Leafbare.”
“Oh…” RImepaw said quietly. He had big pawprints to follow, it seemed.

Tuftpaw, meanwhile, was adjusting to training with Gillshiver. He was a fast learner, and got on quickly with Gillshiver. Gillshiver was impressed with him.
“Your clanmates will feel safe with you protecting them in no time,” Gillshiver said, and Tuftpaw puffed out his chest proudly.


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MOON 28 (Leaf-fall)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Maplepaw ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.

Lavendergrass - Condorfuzz - Mouthmask - Maplepaw - Yewkit

(switching to present tense pov because I keep accidentally switching in my drafts and it’s frustrating, lol)
“You know, it’s a miracle of Starclan that you’re not permanently scarred,” Lavendergrass grumbles to Condorfuzz, looking at her leg. “But your dog bite seems to be healed now. Don’t hurt yourself again.”

Rimepaw moves to apply one more poultice to Condorfuzz’s wounds, and she lets out a snarl when he hit a sore spot. He leaps back. “S-Sorry, Condorfuzz.”
“Watch it,” groaned the warrior as she limped out of the medicine den. “Thank you guys.”

“Looks like Condorfuzz is finally feeling better,” comments Tuftpaw.
“Maybe her ego will be taken down a couple notches,” murmurs GIllshiver as he sees Condorfuzz limp across camp. “No need for her to be so bitter to other warriors all the time.”

Meanwhile, Skypatch spends his free time watching Yewkit and tending to him. He worries about losing Yewkit like he lost the other kit in his litter, and he pulls Yewkit close, brushing his nose with his tail as he rolls around on the ground.

“Hey, guys,” meows Mantisstar, approaching Splashbumble, Skypatch and Yewkit. “How are we doing in here?”
“Doing good,” purrs Splashbumble, bumping heads with her friend. “What’s going on?”
“Well, I thought you’d be happy to know Mothpaw’s ceremony is tonight,” said Mantisstar.
“He’s finally becoming a warrior?” Splashbumble’s eyes gleamed. “I’m so proud, Mantisstar. It’s about time!”

Mothpaw is renamed Mothmask and is honored for his composure.


But something worrying strikes- Lavendergrass reports feeling unwell, and when Rimepaw wakes up the next morning, Lavendergrass is hissing for him to get out of the medicine den.
“What’s wrong, Lavendergrass?”
“It’s greencough,” the old medicine cat says, flattening his ears. “And it’s contagious. Please, get out.”
"Out, you fool!" hisses Lavendergrass. "I'm not losing another apprentice!"
Backing up anxiously, Rimepaw nods. ”What do I get for you?”

“Catmint. And Tansy for you. And pray for me…”
Trying to remember what those look like, Rimepaw runs off for a warrior to help him on a patrol for herbs.
"Tuftpaw..." Rimepaw whimpers, poking his brother.
"Huh? What's up?" Tuftpaw asks.
"Can you and Gillshiver... Accompany me for herbs? Please?" He flattens his ears. "Lavendergrass needs help..."
"We can ask him," says Tuftpaw. "C'mon."

"Sure," Gillshiver answers after the situation is explained to him. "Anything to help Lavendergrass. But I don't know what the herbs look like."
"I'll... I'll lead the way," Rimepaw says quietly, praying to Starclan for guidance on getting the right herbs. He returns with catmint, but not tansy.

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MOON 29(Leaf-fall)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Maplepaw ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.

Lavendergrass recovers from greencough over the next moon, much to the relief of Rimepaw.
“If it wasn’t for you, I likely would have been done for. I can’t thank you enough for gathering those herbs,” says Lavendergrass to Rimepaw. “I think you and I are going to have a spectacular career together, Rimepaw. ”
Rimepaw’s honored by the compliment. “Thank you, Lavendergrass… I’m actually really like learning about herbs.”
“And you’re very talented with them. I might just keep you around,” he said jokingly.

But just then, Tuftpaw bursts in. “Help! Help!”
“What’s the matter? Slow down,” Lavendergrass says, leaning forward.
“Mom was attacked by a dog! We were out sparring in the forest, and.. and..  She needs help!” yelps Tuftkit.
“Mom!” Rimepaw whimpers, beginning to panic.
“It’s alright, Rimepaw. Starclan’s given your mother nine lives. We just need to get to her, and fast. Where is she, Tuftpaw?”
“Gillshiver’s bringing her back to camp,” he says. 
Gillshiver drags Mantisstar into camp, and Lavendergrass gets a good look at her. “We’re going to have to keep her in the den with us,” says Lavendergrass. “Get some cobweb for her wounds, Rimepaw.”

Rimepaw gets to work, rushing to gather some supplies. They manage to stabilize Mantisstar.
“Is Tuftpaw okay…?” She asks when she can finally catch her breath. “Where is he..?”
“He’s uninjured,” says Lavendergrass. “Worry about yourself first, Mantisstar.”

Meanwhile, tensions rise over petty things between Condorfuzz and Beampaw- Beampaw gathers the softest bedding material for himself, and Condorfuzz snarls at him. “How about you consider your other clanmates?” she hisses.
“How about you find your own bedding?” Beampaw says, flattening his ears.
“That’s no way to talk to a warrior, kit,” Condorfuzz hisses. “I could have your tail if we were in battle.”


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MOON 30(Leafbare)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Maplepaw ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.

Gillshiver trails through the woods with Tuftpaw, Tuftpaw following faithfully behind in the new fallen snow. But Gillshivcer slips on some rocks and yowls, having dislocated his leg. Lavendergrass takes him into the medicine den, and he settles down next to Mantisstar.

It’s not long before Tuftpaw gets impatient waiting for Gillshiver to get better and comes trodding into the medicine den. “I’d like to speak with Lavendergrass, please.”
“What’s wrong? Got a cough? Runny nose?” Lavendergrass asks.
“No, but can you treat Gillshiver any faster?” he demands. “I’d like to get back to some valuable training time.”
Lavendergrass rolls his eyes. “Give him some time, Tuftpaw. It’s not anything I’m doing, the joint has to heal.”
“Be patient, Tuftpaw,” groans Mantisstar, still recovering from her wounds.

“Then who am I supposed to train with?” demands the little tom. 
“There’s plenty of warriors without apprentices. Heck, even train with another apprentice and their mentor,” says Mantisstar, sighing. “Come on, son.”

Maplepaw comes in later, trotting up to Gillshiver. “Hey dad, are you feeling any better?”
“Still sore,” sighs Gillshiver. “Need something?”
The she-cat shakes her head, sitting down next to her father. “No. Just figured you’d be lonely.”
“That’s sweet, Maplepaw,” Says Gillshiver, nuzzling his daughter. “But you don’t have to worry about me. Me and Mantisstar are keeping each other company.”

Maplepaw, Guppyflash, and Bunnyshade go off for a training patrol, but an argument breaks out between Maplepaw and Guppyflash. Maplepaw thinks hunting and providing for the clan should take precedence over patrolling borders, while Guppyflash thinks defense is the highest priority. A fight breaks out between the two of them.
“Bunnyshade, am I not correct?!” hisses Guppyflash. “Tell this kit how being a warrior works.”
“Look… I’m not… I’m not equipped to lead this patrol,” groans Bunnyshade, overwhelmed. “Can we not just go home?”
“Fine,” hisses Guppyflash. Maplepaw looks down, disappointed Bunnyshade let Guppyflash talk down to her.

Meanwhile, Tuftpaw convinces Omeletfleck and Mothmask to go on patrol with him. Omeletfleck, delighted at the opportunity to teach a young cat something, is happy to bring him along. While they patrol the borders, they hear desperate screaming and follow the noise to see a twoleg with a bag. Omeletfleck rushes forward and claws at the twoleg, and Tuftpaw follows suit. Dropping the bag aggravatedly and running away, the twoleg leaves.
Tuftpaw investigates the bag, and out comes an old gray she-cat.
“Thank you so much,” the she-cat coughs. “Could’ve sworn I was a goner.”
“Who are you?” Tuftpaw questions.
“My name’s Danger Dave. Don’t think that name really fits me, though. I suppose you’re warriors?” she asks. Mothmask raises his brows at the she-cat Danger Dave is ancient, far older than even Halffoot. How had she lived so long?

“You can join us, if you like,” Omeletfleck offers. “But maybe Dangerstripe instead of… Er… Danger Dave?”
“That fits me way more, I think,” the she-cat purred. “I appreciate your generosity.”


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MOON 31(Leafbare)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Mothpaw ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Maplepaw ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.

Lavendergrass tosses and turns in his nest, having vivid dreams.
In his dream, he is by a beautiful, starry lake, and he can’t help but take a moment to marvel at the sight. A familiar pelt brings warmth against his back, and he turns his head to see Weedpelt. His heart overflows, and he buries his head against her. Memories flooded his mind- getting to know her, getting to love her, and losing her and the kits he was going to have with her.
“You’re as beautiful as the day you left, Weedpelt… I’m so very sorry.”
Weedpelt pulls back, looking into his eyes. “You did nothing wrong, Lavendergrass. You did your best to save me. And our kits.”
 Catching his breath, Lavendergrass nodded. “...Took you long enough to get here and visit me, you know.”

Weedpelt’s eyes were sad, and she nods. “I’m afraid the reason I come to visit you isn’t a good one.”
“It’s worth it to see you,” Lavendergrass says.
“No, Lavendergrass. I am warning you of a coming war. I don’t know with who or for what reason, but war is coming. Please, stay safe. Keep the clan safe.”

“I will do everything to keep them safe,” Lavendergrass responds earnestly. But as he holds her, he feels her fading- fast.
“Weedpelt. Weedpelt!” He shouts, to no avail as the stars dim out around him.
The warmth of being with Weedpelt again fades, and Lavendergrass is left to think over the prophecy left for him. He rises, shakily, in his nest,

“Beware of coming war.”
“What?” Mantisstar asks from across the medicine den, still recovering from her dog attack.
“It’s news from Weedpelt. Beware of coming war.”

Mantisstar frets over this news for most of the day, and she drags herself out into camp to try to get her mind off it.
“What’s wrong, Mantisstar?” asks Mothmask.
“I’m worrying about our relations with other clans,” confesses Mantisstar. “...Lavendergrass received an unpleasant prophecy.”
“I mean, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”
“No, Mothmask. Lavendergrass’s messages are never wrong,” she says. “We need to be wary.”
"I'll do my best to protect our clan, then," Mothmask meows, dipping his head respectfully.


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MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Maplespot ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Mothmask ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Dangerstripe - Gray she-cat with a large dark gray stripe down her back.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.

Skypatch is joking to his clan warriors one day about a recent sprain on his paw, and erupts into a coughing fit- one so concerning that the warriors take him to Lavendergrass for a look.
“You’ve got yellowcough,” meows Lavendergrass. “Rimepaw, go looking for some lungwort.”

Splashbumble barrels into where Skypatch is quarantined a bit later, flattening her ears. “Skypatch, what’s the matter?”
“I’ve got yellowcough,” he mumbles from a respy throat.
“What?!” Hisses Splashbumble. “You were watching Yewkit earlier! What if he gets sick!?”
“I didn’t feel bad until just this afternoon,” Skypatch responds, flattening his ears. “I don’t know what you expect me to do about it.”

“And what do you expect me to do?” Splashbumble demands. “I’m already overworked. I’m trying to run the clan while Mantisstar lies injured in the medicine den, we’re at the brink of war, and now I have to worry about you and try to take care of our kit in hopes he doesn’t get sick too?! You’re no help, Skypatch,” Splashbumble hisses arrogantly. 
“Splashbumble!” Skypatch yells, but is too sore to follow her out of his small den. “Splashbumble…”

In less depressing news, Gillshiver improves and can train again with Tuftpaw. Tuftpaw is ecstatic to continue training with him. “Come on, Gillshiver! I’ve heard Maplepaw’s going to be made into a warrior. I can’t get too far behind her in my progress!”

And Maplepaw is indeed promoted to a warrior! She’s named Maplespot and is considered a cat to depend on in the clan. She’s known for her intelligence and composure.

“Gee, Maplespot, congratulations,” Rimepaw says, smiling up at her the next evening. “You’ve grown into an amazing warrior.”
“And you’re growing into an amazing medicine cat,” Maplespot responds. “I’m in awe of your development as of late. I’d trust you with any injury or illness of mine.”
"I hope I can be a warrior soon, too," complains Beampaw. "Skypatch isn't going to be able to help me at all, it seems."

A patrol also finds a lone kit- Tawnykit. He's taken in.

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MOON 33 (Newleaf)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Maplespot ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Mothmask ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Dangerstripe - Gray she-cat with a large dark gray stripe down her back.
Beampaw ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.
Tawnypaw; a white and ginger tom. Apprentice to Condorfuzz.
Yewpaw: A long-furred speckled golden brown and white tom. Apprentice to Omeletfleck.

Rimepaw has a running nose. He works despite Lavendergrass telling him not to due to his own morals.

Splashbumble holds a warrior ceremony for Tawnypaw and Yewpaw instead of Mantisstar due to her injuries.
“Tawnykit,” begins Splashbumble, “You’ve only just joined Mantisclan, but already show great interest in being a loyal and strong warrior. For this, I would like to give you the name Tawnypaw, and have you train under Condorfuzz. May you train hard.”
“I’ll make you proud,” Tawnypaw says.
Tawnypaw bounds over to Condorfuzz, and the she-cat touches noses with her new apprentice. 


Splashbumble turns to Yewpaw, her whiskers twitching excitedly as she regards her son. “And Yewpaw. I’m so excited to see the kind of warrior you’re going to grow up to be and all the great things you’ll do. Please train alongside Omeletfleck, one of the clan’s most experienced fighters.”
Omeletfleck is delighted to be selected to train an apprentice, and pads up to Yewpaw with a purr.

Splashbumble frequently checks up on Omeletfleck to see how Yewpaw’s training is going, hoping Yewpaw becomes a warrior faster than Mothmask did.

Meanwhile, Tawnypaw shows a great interest in learning clan lore and being a helpful warrior. He’s very headstrong, but follows what he believes to be right (wether that complies with the warrior code or not). Condorfuzz is impartial to the warrior code, so she encourages his individualism.

“I wonder how that new kit that they found on the border is doing,” Lavendergrass comments one day while sunning himself with the elders.
“He’s actually quite helpful,” Dangerstripe meows with approval. “I think he’s real brave for joining a clan like that so young, too. I know how it feels to join a clan, and I don’t think I would’ve had the bravery to do it at his age.”


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MOON 34 (Newleaf)

MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Maplespot ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Mothmask ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Beamstreak ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.
Yewpaw: A long-furred speckled golden brown and white tom. Apprentice to Omeletfleck.
Clearkit: An unusually spotted ginger tom
Pigeonkit: A white and unusually dappled brown she-cat
Tadpolekit: A gray smoke and white she-cat

Mantisstar heals from her broken bone, and Skypatch recovers from both yellowcough and his sprain.

Beampaw grows to a level of experience where Mantisstar feels satisfied with his progress, and she holds a ceremony for him.
“Beampaw, I would like to give you your warrior name- Beamstreak. You are known for being an excellent, strong fighter, and I think you should be honored as such.”
“Beamstreak! Beamstreak!” cheer the warriors.


Beamstreak puffs out his chest with pride at his clan’s cheers, but something stirs deep within him as he looks down at the warriors of his clan. He wonders, even just for a moment, how he’d lead the clan if he was in charge. Would he lead the clan better?

But this moon is certainly not all joyous. Yewpaw is on a walk with Dangerstripe and Tawnypaw one day, telling the apprentices stories. Suddenly, Dangerstripe slips on a rock by the rushing water.

“Dangerstripe!” yell the apprentices, rushing to figure out what to do.
Yewpaw crouches low to the ground, aiming to jump in and save her.
“Yewpaw, it’s too dangerous,” hissed Tawnypaw. “I’m going to try to find a branch to reach over for her to claw onto. Don’t-”
But it’s too late- Yewpaw selflessly dives into the water to save her, and they are both swept away by the water.
Running to follow them, Tawnypaw runs desperately with the current of the water. He looks desperately, thinking he sees an ear or a tail only to see that it’s a rock. He curses under his breath. There was nothing he could do.

Shaky and sick to his stomach, Tawnypaw returns alone to MantisClan Camp as fast as his paws can carry him.
“Mantisstar!” The apprentice cries. “Something terrible has happened.”
“What’s the matter?” Splashbumble asks, raising her head. Oh no, Tawnypaw thought to himself. He had prayed to Starclan he wouldn’t have to give the news to Yewpaw’s mother.

“I was on a walk with Yewpaw and Dangerstripe. Dangerstripe fell in a rushing current, and Yewpaw dove in to save her… And… And…” He looked down.
“And what?!” Demanded Splashbumble, not wanting to believe it.
“They drowned,” choked out Tawnypaw. “I’m… I’m so very sorry. I was going to get a branch to help them claw out, but they were swept away.”

Upon hearing the news, Splashbumble let out a loud, mournful yowl. Mantisstar rushed over to her, nuzzling her. The warriors of the clan looked up, horrified as the news spread around camp within a matter of seconds. Omeletfleck hung her head, having lost her first apprentice in less than a moon.

“She’s lost her entire litter,” Bunnyshade says softly to Tawnypaw. “She’d lost his sister, and Tawnypaw was the only one in his litter that survived. She’d had all her hopes on him.”

Splashbumble remains grief-stricken, settling quietly in the nursery by herself. Lavendergrass comes to visit her soon after Yewpaw’s death..
“Hey, Splash,” he says. “You haven’t left here in days. Talk to me.”
“It was so recently he was just a kit in here in my paws,” Splashbumble says. “I can’t just… go on. It’s not possible for me, Lavendergrass.”
“Everyone’s worried about you. Can’t you at least come out and eat some prey with us this evening?”
“No. It makes me all the more angry that they can just move on with their lives. Especially Skypatch. How can he just… be fine with this? How can he just keep working? Our son is dead.”
“He probably is working to distract himself,” explains Lavendergrass. “That’s what I did when I lost Jumppaw.”
“Jumppaw wasn’t your daughter,” hissed Splashbumble.Lavendergrass felt a pang of sadness at her words- he knew what it was like to lose his kits. He lost Weedpelt. 
“Just… Just leave me alone, Lavendergrass.”
“Alright. But if you need anything, you have me,” sighed Lavendergrass. “I care about you, Splashbumble.”

Mantisstar becomes mates with Guppyflash.

The patrol also comes across a she-cat named Shadeclaw, and invite her into the clan. She joins with her three kits.
Shadeclaw is a young she-cat, and a good speaker. She’s surprisingly competent despite never being a warrior.


Meanwhile, Clearkit is a young tomkit. A polite and gracious kit, he’s a talented moss-ball hunter.
His sister, Pigeonkit, is a bossy and know-it-all she-cat who doesn’t enjoy battling and more just likes listening to stories.
The youngest of the three kits is Tadpolekit, a mischievous she-kit who’s always climbing, wether it be on rocks, logs, or other cats.


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MOON 35 (Newleaf)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Maplespot ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Mothmask ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Beamstreak ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.
Yewpaw: A long-furred speckled golden brown and white tom. Apprentice to Omeletfleck.
Clearkit: An unusually spotted ginger tom
Pigeonkit: A white and unusually dappled brown she-cat
Tadpolekit: A gray smoke and white she-cat

Mantisstar is seen discussing clan relations with a cat in Cicadaclan by Tuftpaw. Upon seeing a strange cat on the border of MantisClan territory, he bounds forward, puffing up his chest and lashing his tail at the stranger.
Mantisstar raises a brow and smiles at her son and says goodbye to the intruder.
“What were they talking about?” Tuftpaw asks, flicking his tail. “Were they bothering you?”

Mantisstar smiled and shook her head. “No, Tuftpaw. I was trying to better clan relations because of bad omens I’ve received recently.”
“Well, I think I managed to scare them off with my strength,” Tuftpaw bragged. “They won’t be bothering us anytime soon.”
“Let’s hope not. We don't need their smelly pelts on our territory, do we?” chuckled Mantisstar,

Shortly after, Tuftpaw’s warrior ceremony occurs. He is renamed Tuftfog, honored for his good nature. He begins immediately pushing himself into his warrior duties, rarely ever sleeping so he can be as part of as many patrols as possible.
“Perhaps you should ease off, Tuftfog,” Omeletfleck suggests one day. “You’re overlooking your health.”
“Well, the clan’s not gonna protect itself!” Tuftfog says, raising his head high. “Come on, Omeletfleck. You know that.”

And Tuftfog isn’t the only cat in MantisClan going through some changes. A retirement ceremony is held for Bunnyshade. 
“Bunnyshade, ever since joining the clan, you’ve been an eager warrior and always happy to help. I hope that now you can finally rest and relax in the elder’s den, and I ask StarClan to give you many moons of peace.”

But admittedly, Bunnyshade doesn’t find herself all that satisfied in the elder’s den. Sure, she finds it easier on her leg, wounded so many moons ago, but she feels as if she’s missing out on adventures… and personally, she finds Halffoot absolutely intolerable to hang around.

Meanwhile, Tawnypaw is badly injured by a dog and receives a runny nose. He is ushered quickly into the medicine den, the clan cats not wanting to lose another valued apprentice after the loss of Yewpaw. 

Shadeclaw’s curious kits find their way into the den, especially Tadpolekit, and she climbs on top of him. Tawnypaw yelps in discomfort.
“Whoops! Sorry,” giggled Tadpolekit, rolling on her back to look over at Tawnypaw. “Why are you in here, Tanwypaw?”
“I got hurt,” Tawnypaw groans, still sore. “I have to sit here for a while so I can get better.”
“So you can’t climb? Or run? Or play?” Tadpolekit asks.
“...No, Tadpolekit. But I’ll play with you all you like if you leave me alone for now.”

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MOON 36-37 (Greenleaf)
MANTISSTAR ;  White she-cat with light gray spots. Gloomy.
Splashbumble - She-cat, Warrior. White-and-gold pelt with golden eyes and long fur. Arrogant
Lavendergrass - Short-furred tom with heather blue eyes and a speckled light ginger coat. Childish.
Gillshiver - Tom. Brown ticked coat with silver eyes. Charismatic.
Skypatch- Rosette tom with white patches and gray eyes. Charismatic.
Condorfuzz ; A tortie she-cat with icy eyes. Lonesome. Daughter of Halffoot. Apprentice to Gillshiver.

Guppyflash ; A pale tabby tom with grey eyes. Attention-seeker. Son of Halffoot. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Omeletfleck ; A long-furred speckled cream she-cat.
Maplespot ; a tortie she-cat with sage eyes. Apprentice to Bunnyshade.
Mothmask ; A golden and white tom with long fur and yellow eyes
Beamstreak ; a brown ticked tom with silver eyes. Apprentice to Skypatch.
Halffoot - Gray tom with stripes and heterochromia. Strict.
Tuftpaw ; a pale ticked tomkit with gold eyes. Apprentice to Gillshiver.
Rimepaw ; a gray and white tabby tom with blue eyes. Apprentice to Lavendergrass.
Yewpaw: A long-furred speckled golden brown and white tom. Apprentice to Omeletfleck.
Clearkit: An unusually spotted ginger tom
Pigeonkit: A white and unusually dappled brown she-cat
Tadpolekit: A gray smoke and white she-cat


As Greenleaf rapidly comes upon the clan, the sun shines upon Splashbumble and she finally has the motivation to get out of her nest again and return to clan activities. She approaches Gillshiver, smiling at the friendly tom.
“Gillshiver, why not go on a patrol and explore the territories with me?” she meowed. “I haven’t been out to see everything in moons!”
“I’d be happy to,” the tom says, dipping his head politely. “I’m just glad to see you feeling better, Splashbumble.”

But Gillshiver suffers Heatstroke, and is confined to the medicine den to heal.

Omeletfleck announces that she’s expecting kits, much to the curiosity of the cats of the clan.

Meanwhile, Guppyflash goes on patrol with Mantisstar and a couple other cats. Upon the scent of a loner, they find a strange she-cat with a couple kits. Guppyflash hisses, raising his hackles. “I thought I told you I don’t want to see you again,” he said.

The she-cat swipes her claws at Guppyflash and he leaps back with a snarl before she turns to leave. 

“I wonder what that was about,” Mothmask said to Mantisstar.
“I don’t know, but it’s not good,” Mantisstar says quietly.

Halffoot is bitten by a snake and dies. Bunnyshade and Omeletfleck are killed by rogues, leaving half the clan’s warriors in grieving over somebody. RImepaw,  Guppyflash, and Condorfuzz fall into a deep depression, and even Mantisstar and Splashbumble grieve together. This isn’t helped by the fact SKypatch also gets a mangled tail.

But in more positive news, Rimepaw is named Rimeneedle, and becomes a full medicine cat of Mantisclan. It’s hard to celebrate as he is mourning, but he still appreciates being recognized for his achievements.




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