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The tribe of Landela


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So I'm starting this one a bit late butttt.... Let me give you the run down

So I forgot the name of my first creatures so they settle down have 2 children and BAM! Bearyena nobody gets hurt because we run from our Nut tree. We settle peacefully until Kunovan, The God of Starvation, appeared and ate all the food along with his mate, Meanaline, our tribe goes into a deep famine. Until Anais grandchildren show cracker jaw and nimble finger. They lived peacefully. Kunovan, angered that two of our tribe mates kill him and his mate, caused more famines from the sky. This caused creatures to drop,  A red male named redd came by and mated with Melanism cracker jaw, Sonah, and gave birth to a reincarnated god Snocat, who healed the tribe from wounds from famine. Our porcupine Khana will not join us to the new (Hopefully less famined) isle. 

Current tribe members:

 Sonah, Koise, Moanah, Snocat, Catus, Laana


We made it!


Sadly Snocat died on the port :(

And it is Moana's last day, she just gave birth to Sari the little baby on the right


Is this a good omen?


Blessed by Meringue!


Everytime we find a tree.


Killed it, done that, only male dies. This rouge squirt is our only hope.


Ahhhh... game froze... Be back later *Yawn*







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Update 2:

Errr...png.bee54e8a9468b805d2511c4883168bba.png found a rouge male... all seems well




DODOMINGO.png.5f222b42485f5086bb89ffa153ef33f0.pngFRICK YOU DODOMINGO! They are totally conspiring


1525733532_KILLEDIT.png.a07be6a0c46fa0b8b17e027585eff09d.pngYay we killed the Bearyena and our black cat heals us (Is that why we have such bad luck?) anyways, the rouge male mates with us again. I realized the rouge squirt has hemophila... HE WAS ATTACKED. 



Catsnout.png.5454d45b73572b974af5001526b3b546.pngHeir to the Cat-Snout throne

Screenshot_11.png.d38f9bf66185420ea2ef22175c9515ed.png ... Is this news?

Theformerbearyenawasgoingforthisguy.png.b4565c357ca6c6ff39ecd9bd33dda8fb.pngThe bearyena (stupidly) decided he'd have a meal a this lil' tyke, JOKES ON HIM (He was surrounded by like 200 derp-snouts i get it :() as he has 5 attack power! strong for our tribe! he had a swipe and ran, the others took care of the bearyena.

HEY.png.4f0ca8212eea2ea4ae48531187f76146.pngThis guy TOTALLY snuck up on me! but hey he has a baby (FiNaLlY)

URG.png.4f4d1049b5fd2de7940734935bbbbfc9.pngThis rogue male is so bad I want to gouge my eyes out


NEWSFLASH! oh wait


NEWSFLASH.png.f9d9b225c7cfe04ab75fd4654a12fb0d.png haha lol

*Turns of scent view*


HECKNAW.png.cfe0481aaf1020b3b27a70ce0032f54f.pngWHAT DA FLIP?! (One is friendly... but... 3...)

(No worries all were beaten and killed)

Apparently they were a family with a baby. I felt bad for murdering it's family (but they were trying to murder mine so it's understandable)

sad.png.a308996e8c82e5ea0d97c952033d4049.png (So adorable!) We now own 2 bearyenas (Wow.. set a record? for bearyenas killed or tamed.)


Oh btw we killed the bearyenas with help from DERP-SNOUT UNION (Distasteful appearance made them run away (It also helps they are the strongest))...

The end...


NOTANOTHERONE.png.26679d5d2950ed152b850057767826c9.png of this guy!


Hidere.png.a405b4787cde09a4851c7ec1a3dd7c8b.pngafter a couple unexciting days, this gal pops up in our tribe she is a savanna gal with lean body, big ear recessive, and Scorpion (!!!) tail hidden away. She also has immunity that goes with all of my males. (And females... we have a problem okay?)

After that really nothing


anyways I'll post back as soon as anything more than bearyenas happen






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Will I make it 3:

WOW.png.826344f74f1da294a69a9df71656f229.pngSeesh it's like they want us to have their children 


Got it... huh... Well I also got this vibrant red female with poison fangs, I bred her with my toughest fighter (Without derpsnout because that would over ride poison fangs) 

Also I am creating 2 more Gods, Vanduk and Flame, two brothers Gods of Travel, Loyalty and Exploration. I'm sorry I didn't put there story up here but I shall tell you. They were brothers who stepped into the savanna and then kept wandering and finding food for the tribe. They never did fight any bearyenas but they fought famine. They always helped eachother. because of their amazing loyalty and kindness the gods granted them more mortal days. they used these to go of the port to the hard island to continue their own story. (they actually died but their bones kinda blend in to the bones on the port so yeahhh...)


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YEAH another update (I play this game too much)

So we traveled to the port after peaceful living, we finally get scorpion tail to come out. (we also bred a couple of times with the bearyenas) so here is our build:

Meanako: 2 in almost everything but collecting, also has recessive purr snout

Barr: Double bearyena claw brute, 10 attack

Dark: Double bearyena claw brute, 10 attack 

Takuro: Good attack, (5) cracking, 1 collecting

Redow: Recessive poison fangs, cracking, Nice collecting, fishing, and collecting. 4 attack (Good)

Qiet: 3 collecting, 1 cracking and 1 attack, recessive ram horns and stinky tail (Her name was me attempting to spell quiet but fail (She also has recessive bearyena genes somehow?! She is gentle and quite not a bearyena brute)

Lasi: Melanistic recessive purr-snout (Need I say more?) Ramhorns and a part of the DERP-SNOUT UNION

Scorspi: The fabled scorpion-tail. Not very good genes. Will be breeding (With her unique immunity genes)

Mal: Another Melanistic Purr-snout (Recessive) Possible heir. Good collecting attack and cracking

Ash:Great attacker Carries recessive purr-snout and is melanistic (I love Melanism if you couldn't tell) And striking blue eyes. One collecting and four fishing



We've arrived, though it looks a though there are only coconut trees not nut trees >:(


Skip it!


Well... The game is glitching out... Creatures are aging faster :(

So I had to use the console to reset their ages... So this lead to some being the wrong age. I closed out of it and reopened


Ahhhh! Good small isle (First winter port to!)

First 2 babies born!


Vankir is a little tyke with 7 attack and a cracker jaw giving him 2 collecting

Anameana is a little more well balanced with big body and claw giving her 4 attack nimble fingers giving her collecting and cracking. Not to mention she can fish! (She has those gosh darn webbed hindlegs as well)


This is serenity with her Immunity compatible brother Ram... THEY BOTH HAVE RECESSIVE CAT-SNOUT (Btw I found out why I liked Snocat so much... She looks like my actual cat!)


I think I am done for today


(Btw I have some sub-groups:

Bearyena Brutes (Bearyena genes)

Derp-snout union (Derp-snouts and other Distasteful appearancers)

The Nutcrackers (Cracker 1 and up)

Cat-Snouted queens (Melanistic or Albino cat-snouts w/ ram horns)

Boulder bashers (all people who can smash a rock)

Evil Monarchy (Melanistic w/ Dark red horns)

Berry keepers (General collecters)

>.< Yes I know its purr-snout but let's call it cat-snout cuz it sounds better and thats what it actually is)















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