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A Playthrough Of Story Mode || Hated Genes Challenge

wikipedia [he/him]

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In the beginning, there was nothing. 

Then there was light! Right, mother?

Well, that differs for each religion, yes? Each one has a different ending and beginning. 

What if a bunch of them came together? 

Ah. Well, I do have a story for that.


Adam awakes, his eyes fluttering open in a deep haze of swamp life. Had Emerve abandoned him? 

Blindly- and guided by an unseen force, he collects the few berries he can find.


Somewhere, deep in his gems- the two pitiful emerald ones, oh so alike to Emerve's, there is a flickering hope. 

However, in his sleep, days pass. His bones grow, and he is transported on the pale wings of a large, beige nicheling... 

To another one, who hisses through a strange, flat beak so unlike the ones Adam is used to! 

Her red gems seem sticky, and look like they melt into her feathers. 


"Who are you?" The creature hisses, beak clicking. 

Adam blinks. "Adam, from the land of the Stephan's emerald dove- Emerve." 

The beige-brown and grey nicheling rolls her hazel eyes. "Yes, idiot. Totally what I wanted to know- however, this is a trade." She scans her eyes over Adam. "Eve." 

She digs her beak into the ginger fur of the other, and purrs. "You will do- for now." 

The following day is punctuated with the growls of young, baby nichelings- Ihih, the golden one, and Laej, the copper one-

However, the opposing sisters share one thing; they both stare in shock at the strange nicheling before them. 


Ihih recoils, her snout crinkling and eyes flaring. "What is that terrible creature?" 

Eve frowns, staring down at the golden one. "Your sister- Iselxin." 



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