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A tier of upgrades that should come after the branch that should come after the 'debuff' branches, such as the - damage, or - accuracy branches. What these will do is take away from some stats but boost some others at a rate far better than any to make up for it. This allows further specialization, such as a rapid-fire blaster with the +50% firerate, +100% firerate and a new upgrade:  +150% firerate but reduces  accuracy, damage, or velocity. Or a 'heavy projectile' upgrade that reduces velocity but increases damage, which can be used to make hard hitting weapons. A special one I can think of could be called overclock, in which the weapon gains massive dps boost but the weapon will generate heat + slow down drastically as it gets hot, ideal for boom and zoom vehicles that likes burst damage.


Tldr new upgrade types which debuff a few stats but adds a lot to another few. Good for specialization.

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