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Everything posted by Aether

  1. hhhh Maybe my character doesn't know that so they just go crazy and one day they learn friend died and just snap (further than they were before.)
  2. Also ghostbur playing minesweeper
  3. 😧 yes I saw the /j just playing along : D
  4. also Ur skin is the bottom one. Wilburs is the top one. Don't ask why there is a dream skin there-
  5. idk I heard he died in the last time L'manberg blew up.
  6. Wilbur actually does other stuff and Dsmp or minecraft in general. Like he makes music... does You laugh You loses... Uh warning? Theres a few curses in it...
  7. He's a dream SMP member. He was one of the writers for the first main arc His character ended up dying but he came back as the absolute cinnamon roll Ghostbur who owned a sheep named friend. It was a blue sheep. And I am in denial friend is dead.
  8. So u stole friend polly? (I'm assuming so since u took retaliation in me 'killing?' greens cat) but what if we keep that part canon and my character goes crazy trying to find friend again-
  9. Between whomst? I’m just gonna stretch a guess and say we’re on opposite sides.
  10. Poor george. I've already abused him. oh well. He's really fun to throw. George be lik :c
  11. I found more. https://twitter.com/honeybunmirren?s=20 (You'll find it in their pinned.)
  12. "I just yeet george." "Where's george I want to yeet him." "George is like a fidget cube, you just yeet him."
  13. I found Dream SMP shemiji's or however you spell it. I love them.
  14. "Your screen has been Ranboozled"
  15. I'm sorry. I was confused too. tbh I didn't even know that polly interpreted what I did that way. (Tbf I just was an accomplice in a technically pet murder-) have this to calm down.
  16. I was accused of attempted murder so someone stole my pet sheep, burnt down a monument I built, and stole my diamonds. : ( then proceeded to roast me on block choice. Also, If I wanted to kill that cat, that cat would be dead. I can one-shot a cow with my axe, I have half netherite armor and am decent at pvp. Polly, you wouldn't be able to stop me, I killed you once with an axe and no armor while you had a shield, and axe, and full iron.
  17. ur sus. @Flower can u vouch for me.
  18. I think I was confused on why the cat was covered up again so I dug it back out. I can’t exactly remember, maybe Flower can provide more evidence, they were there too. But I had no intention to kill the cat.
  19. Hey- at least I saved him then borrowed him. Fair trade? Right?
  20. If the cat died sometime after that, it’s coincidence.
  21. I actually originally took the picture to send to my friend cause it was really funny- I just happened to stand over there- the cat was already unburied and I wasn’t about to kill someone’s cat just in cold blood. If pets die to my hands it’s either my own or an accident. Usually an accident whether it’s mine or not. (The boatfoxes weren’t owned by anyone and are easier to get back than a cat.)
  22. So apparently I tried to kill greens cat. let’s add that to the list of weird things my character has done while offline, including logging on where I didn’t log off.
  23. Laughs in being stolen from 3 times while offline.
  24. Ok so I just went really far out and built a portal cause I didn’t like the spawn of the village portal. I didn’t like that one either ._.
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