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Everything posted by Lilytuft

  1. So I was going to check what the dead mom looked like and... Human? Miteshadow is alive. You're dead Place of the forgotten ones moment Oh wow, she's pretty!
  2. FINALLY! (I have nothing against Deerstar, I just want the drama)
  3. Ooooooo Both of these prefixes are already in use, so name suggestions are welcome!
  4. No problem, glad you're having fun!
  5. Thank you! It might have something to do with the fact that I'm used to lineless work and working with ms paint, so compared to those alternatives this becomes easy. I'm intentionally being very loose with the lineart, color and shading instead of defining every single hair on the cat's body
  6. Next up: Genderlilac! I'll be the first to admit that the lighting on this one flopped, but I do like the pose
  7. I let my sister pick the next one and she chose Mottledclaw
  8. What an odd desire. Cats don't usually eat shrews because they taste bad
  9. Meanwhile barely anyone outside the group is interested in any romance with anyone (other than Sunleaves, apparently he's hot)
  10. Why are there like 6 cats that all have crushes on each other???
  11. Apparently Mousecloud also likes her (most of them did) but she liked Mayshade more
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