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Everything posted by caracaal

  1. Oh, okay! That makes more sense, thanks!!
  2. Oh! Sorry, I didn't see those! I'm not exactly sure how to delete this or if there is a way to, but should I try since this post is so similar to the others?
  3. I think it would be really cool if there were some reptile-inspired genes in the game! Some reptiles these genes could come from might be: Camouflaging skin (Patterns Section) that gives added camouflage in any environment. Inspired by chameleons. Prehensile Tail that gives +3 Climbing to climb coconut/oak/jungle trees, to hide from predators or collect extra coconuts/acorns. Inspired by many climbing reptiles. Independent Eyes that give +3 Eyesight. Inspired by chameleons. Scaly Body, a negative trait that causes the creature to become too hot or too cold easily in extreme environments. Inspired by reptiles in general.
  4. My brain literally will do anything to get away from doing something productive. Basically yesterday I went to Target, got some gelato, did my makeup, took it off because it looked bad, painted my nails, ate some pasta, drew a whole sketch, played Niche for an hour, and texted for a bit so I didn't have to do homework. Am I the only procrastinator here, and if you procrastinate too, what's the worst bit of procrastination you've ever done?
  5. 1. Usually ignore it but if they take my food, kill or attack it. If it's a male and he doesn't have the worst genes or has new immunities or is pretty I'll have one of my females breed with him then ignore him. 2. Usually put it by a berry bush and have it collect there until it dies. If there's another sick baby I'll put them together and they can be friends. 3. Check the amount of time the Bearyena has left till it dies, and if it's low, gather my least favourite creatures in a circle around the Bearyena and kill it, even if it takes two days. Then stop the survivors' bleeding and go on with life. 4. It depends on how many days it'll take for it to get over. If I have a pair of mates that would get too old to have more than one or two kids, I'll leave the other creature behind. 5. Invite the baby immediately, Bearyena genes can be super useful, especially if the tribe has a lot of shared immunity genes.
  6. Alright so I've created my new save and named it "Playthrough Boi" so that's fun So of course we're starting off with stripey child Adam, as usual.I'm not sure why my mouse pointer was that far up, but moving on.. He's so far away from the port! Anyways, Adam ended up getting to the new island on the fifth day of his existence? time away from his home island? either way, it's been five days. It's fairly big for only the second island!And I've found Eve!! She's actually very pretty, and I'm not sure if its visible, but she has blue eyes. Maybe she can pass those on to her kids (hopefully).On the seventh day (Adam's second day on the second island) Eve is pregnant. I was looking at memes a second ago so I'll be using memes for the names of their kids So Adam and Eve's first baby is born and he's an unfortunate shade of yellow, but that's ok. He's called Kuvan, and since I'm feeling uncreative, I'm going to wait to give him his meme nameAnd there's the second baby, Vankukir, he's pink. And much prettier than his brother, honestly..On day 12, Eve is pregnant again because I want a baby girl or at least one with a claw; claws could be useful on future islands.So it's ANOTHER boy.. But, I mean, he has a claw and poison fangs, so I'll take it! He also looks essentially like a clone of his oldest brother (at least in colouring), Coincidentally his name is Vanku, which is basically his brother's when you reverse the syllables, so that's kinda fitting. Anyways, I'm going to breed Adam and Eve one last time before I move everyone to the next island, so Eve will be pregnant when they get there.The whole family's ready to move to the next island! Off topic, but I've decided not to give them meme names unless I have some massive wave of motivation to think properly within the next five minutes. Anyways, fifteenth day, next Island:To be continued when I have a functioning brain and have made a dent in the massive pile of homework I'm currently suffocating under.
  7. So basically I've seen a couple of people doing playthroughs (idk if thats what its called or not but I'm just going to go with it haha) of their Niche saves so I think I'll do that too (in story mode, by the way), since it seems like a neat idea!! By the way, I'm new here so if I do anything wrong, please tell me!! Also, quick warning, I'm not exactly familiar with the terminology of all the different things in the game, so if something's unclear, sorry!!
  8. Oh alright, that makes more sense! Thanks for the help!!
  9. So this is kind of random but I have a question-- I've seen a few people doing playthroughs (if that's the right word, I'm not quite sure), and I realized that they were for a challenge that's closed. But I was wondering if it's okay for me to do something similar but unrelated to the challenge, like just documenting a new game that I'm starting? I just want to make sure I don't do something that I shouldn't, lol
  10. Oh, okay!! Thanks so much, I'll probably get commenting right away!!
  11. Thanks for all the welcomes! I've got a quick question-- I don't know if this is kinda obvious and I'm just being dumb but can I just start like replying to posts and everything on the discussions?? I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right haha
  12. Hi, my name's caracaal and I'm new! I'm not exactly sure how this place works, but I've been looking around the Niche discussions for a couple days and this seems like a pretty cool place!! idk how I didn't find this place sooner; I've been playing Niche for around two years (I found Niche in November 2016) and I've loved it ever since!! So anyways, I don't quite know how this whole thing works but I suppose I'll figure it out soon enough, haha
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