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Everything posted by MAТТRESS

  1. I used Krita. With a lot of duplicate frames. Fun fact- this intro already took 80 something frames at 6 fps...heheh.
  2. I downloaded this thingy-https://www.4kdownload.com/products/product-videodownloader (don't worry, it's safe) I then went on the music video I wanted the audio from, copied the link form the bar up top, went into the program above, and pasted the link in there. Then you click "extract audio" form the drop-down menu where it says something along the lines of "download video". Then I added it into Microsoft Photos (I'm pretty sure that's what you used for your animation, right?) And then boom, audio. Let me know if you need any more clarification 😊
  3. Oo, how about... This one? I luv Feather's (ya, that's his name) peacock tail :3
  4. Yep! I'm going to be doing an animation! A Warrior Cats animation, to be exact. It will be on the whole Ashfur betraying Squirrelflight, and Brambleclaw will be thrown in there somewhere too, I'm sure. It will be done to the song "House of Memories" by Panic! at the Disco. Original idea, I KNOW (I've seen a few M.A.Ps and animations illustrating this...but this one will be mine!) I hope I don't get burnt out, I'll keep working on it! Here's what I have so far, it is VERY work in progress, but I'm chugging along! (This is just the intro, oh, and if you're confused on what the Pepper Animates junk is about, I'm probably going to upload this to my other YT channel, it's an animating one. But if you look up Pepper Animates now, you'll just see one trashy animation I made a while back, the audio is awful...) Here it isssss, dun dun dun dun dun duuuuuun! I know the timing isn't perfect, I'm hoping that will be fixed with the full version, though. I think it's just because of the method I used to attach the audio with the video...Ya, that's it! Again, it's not even colored, so it's W.I.P... Ashfur_Medium.mp4
  5. I'm getting into watching her! I really like her short Warrior Cats animations. The Yellowfang one is really funny 😊
  6. Raana, pleassse?! Thank you!
  7. Ha HA, I did it! I really wasn't sure what to turn this girl in to, but I looked up "blue and white fruits" and thought that maybe the closest thing would be... A scary jester dude A dragon fruit! I hope you like it!
  8. No, I mean the stuff I put in them. Like when I reached 100, it was through asking somebody the details about a request they wanted me to do.
  9. *inHAles* MY SECRET HAS BEEN REVEALED! It's one of these things...Hmhmhm...
  10. I feel like all my milestone posts are ultimately meaningless...
  12. MmMmMmMm... A magician never reveals their secrets...
  13. *looks up brown and white fruits* *gasps* *chuckles* We'll see... >:3
  14. Hey guys, I procrastinated again! Heh. Anyways, here's the drawing. I saw the name, and I knew I could not make Pibeno into anything else other than... A PINTO BEAN Hope you like it!
  15. Hewwo :3 Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here, and that you don't mind how sometimes, we like to translate nursery rhymes using the veeery reliable Google Translate! (We're sane, I promise!) 😁
  16. Ya, can't complain. Thank you for asking 🙂. How 'bout yourself?
  17. Raana the glorious banana please? Thank you!
  18. Yes it is, my friend. She smelled like cotton candy when I got her (hence the name- Candy). That wasn't her original name though, but it was too elaborate so I changed it...
  19. Kay, a few things I noticed 1) Reuben is the same stuffed animal as Nibblet! (Nibblet was named after a pig I had in Minecraft that died due to an experiment involving witches and iron golems...hmmm...) 2) My sister has the same pig stuffed animal as well, and his name is Rueben Jr! (Because R.I.P RUEBEN I CRIED SO MUCH WHEN HE DIED AHHHHH! WHO KNEW A VIDEO GAME COULD MAKE ME CRY SO MUCH???!!!!) 3) My brother has the same wolf Minecraft plushie as you. 4) I have the same Minecraft poster as you on my bedroom door. That's it... cool collection!
  20. She looks super fluffy! Also, welcome to the forums ✨🦄 (what am I doing...)
  21. This drawing is so cute AHHHHHH! Seriously, it's ADORABLE! Also welcome. To the forums. *throws sparkles in the air*
  22. Oh uhhh UHHH Reasons...(I just was like "I wanna talk to someone" and a few seconds later I was like "Ummm, how 'bout...no...") Gonna go now...
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