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Posts posted by astroslug

  1. I saw this issue just before after cloning a drone.  The drone's name was highlighted after I clicked the name edit box, but all keystrokes went to the description edit box, leaving the name unchanged.

    I'm trying to reproduce the issue now, but so far I'm unable to.

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  2. I don't recall if there was a transmitter on this planet.  It was a few days ago, and my brain has pushed out information.

    Here's another interesting one I came across tonight, where a cannon hit one of those purple clouds right next to it, which then covered the cannon in terrain.  The first shot in this video is the curious one, which collides with the edge of the new terrain.  That's followed by a shot through mostly original terrain that manages to get out.


    On the same planet I also encountered multiple instances of turrets shooting through terrain, but I won't provide images unless you need them -- sounds like you're already on top of that.

    Just a thought, it might be useful if you stored some metadata in your GIFs that you can use for troubleshooting.  Things like the random seed for a planet and other basic stuff.  Or maybe you already do this -- I haven't actually checked! 😊

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  3. I came across this just last night too while playing around with logic circuits.  After deleting an entire group of parts (or using cut -- can't quite remember), I found that the tags for those parts still existed while editing that drone.  I thought that maybe they were being kept around by an undo list or something.  But after going in to edit a brand new drone, all tags from the previous drone were still lying around including those tags that were only used on removed parts.

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  4. Hi @Markus yes, this was happening with 0.7.4 just a day or two ago.  As far as I'm aware that is the latest version.  I did quickly snap a GIF when I passed a fighter inside an ore deposit.  Will try and track it down when I get a chance (it's on another machine that's busy right now).  In that same session I'd encountered several instances of fighters inside terrain, but didn't screenshot.

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  5. Here's a galaxy with a sweet planetary alignment that messes up the marker display in a super confusing way.

    Could add something simple to stop the planets from spawning like this?

    For instance, as you roll each new planet's position, the nearest it can be to the current planet is about 20 degrees or so.  Or use the springy physics stuff from your weapon editor to push the planets apart.


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  6. Yeah I wondered if it's not an air resistance thing at all.  It could be mass related, and just feels like resistance when thrusters lose effectiveness.  Still, in a zone with no air resistance, the drone surely shouldn't be decelerating when not under thrust.

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  7. Oh right hmm yeah I see that a bit, where resources get a kind of outer crust that's impenetrable.  Usually though, I can get around the side of it, and then mine it from the inside.  Also see that same "crust" shape when respawning on a planet where I've mined an entire patch of resource.  Or destroying one of those purple puffy cloud things next to where there used to be ore.

    I've also experienced this same impenetrable thing with terrain, where I could happily mine the terrain inside but couldn't get through a wall.  Will have a look on my other machine in case I recorded a GIF of this.

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  8. You need a decoupler.  Attach the decoupler to your drone, and the resource tank to the decoupler.  Assign a key to decouple.

    People also attach other stuff like fuel and energy to this bundle, rather than have to drag that stuff around a planet.

    Note: this is only valid if you have wireless resource transfer.

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  9. Well, here's the log file from the session where this happened, but I've been playing for a while.  I can't just go back and visit a bugged ore planet, because they're single-visit worlds, right?  Plus, I've now left that galaxy and cannot go back to check.

    The log file contains no timestamps, so I can't isolate it to the time when I made the updated post (which is when I was currently on that planet).  Anyways, I've attached it, and maybe there's some way for you to find information related to visiting an ore planet in there.  Note that I only visited it once.  Since then, I've loaded a couple of other campaigns, and then returned to the one I was playing when reporting the bug.

    One hint might be I see a ton of null reference exceptions in there related to laser beams.  Now, the first time I used a laser in this campaign is actually for a drone that I made specifically for mining this ore planet.  Maybe there's a connection.  If I recall, it was a cryo laser, upgraded with digging 3, beams 3 and energy -80%.

    Hope that helps.  I don't think I'm willing to start a new campaign and grind to the ore planet just to test this again!


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  10. Just updating you...  I decided to test my specific-machine theory tonight, by starting a new campaign on my dev machine, which was the "different" computer where I'd seen time limits on an ore planet previously, and with which I believe (although not 100% certain) I was doing the Pilot campaign at the time.  So I made a new Researcher campaign -- this is the same mode I was in when I saw this issue previously.  And when I eventually found an ore planet, I spawned on it to find no time limit.

    So my new just-as-implausible theory is was that it's related to being in the Researcher campaign.  [edit] I just went and checked, and my pilot campaign has 8000 / 700 ore -- so yeah, the first time it happened was pilot campaign.

    Maybe it just happens randomly.


    It's interesting that the "Mine as many resources as you can" objective is already checked.  As you'll see in the screenshot, I've already explored a little and did in fact collect and return some ore.  I don't know if it was checked when I first arrived, but I have a feeling that it was.

    So another suspicion is that the objective being checked is actually preventing the explode-timeout from happening.

    One meta-question here: what is the actual mechanism for this objective?  The planet is going to explode, and I need to collect what I can within some timeframe (the lack of which I'm assuming is a bug)... But how do you decide "okay you've collected what you can"?  It doesn't really make sense as a reachable objective, unless it's checked automatically when I leave or the planet explodes.

    The only other way I can imagine that objective being useful is that you're using this value internally as a way to stop the planet from being visited again, and it's just kinda breaking things.

    Anyway, I'll stop conjecturing!  Drives me crazy when people report bugs to me and tell me what they think might be happening...  Yet here I am doing it. 😊

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  11. It's now happened twice that I visit an ore planet in campaign mode and there is no time limit.  So I just mine the planet to death, collecting thousands of resources!  But it kinda takes away all the excitement.

    In fact, I've never seen a time limit on ore planets when using that computer.  On a different computer, there is always a time limit.

    Please let me know what additional information or files you require to troubleshoot this.  Current version is 0.7.4.


    • Like 1
  12. That's quite a wild design!  I'd love to see it in flight.

    I have a much more compact workhorse.  Playing as researcher is great because of the energy=fuel thing.  Here's a 10-part drone that does everything I need for the first mission (and in fact several missions).  I can buy a 200% projectile count upgrade for 60 red before first launch, making this a very effective compact fighter.


    Note that it's very efficient on boosters, having only 4 in total.  The large ones provide both turning and forward thrust (I just hold down two keys), and the small ones are reverse.  I can turn on the spot if reversing at the same time as a turn.  It harvests and hauls, and best of all -- it's free!


    For planets that don't require any haulage, I swap out the magnet for a shield.

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  13. Hoovering up minerals in small nooks and crannies could use a small quality of life upgrade.  I'd like to see a reduced sensitivity to line of sight.  Right now, it never quite works right, even if I shove the harvesting nozzle right in there.

    I clipped an animation tonight of trying to clean up the last of a mineral patch.  Notice the animation shows minerals flowing into my resource tank, but in fact nothing was changing.  The GIF is short, but I sat there like this for some time before giving up on that probably less-than-one extra resource.

    Any improvements to this would be welcome!



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  14. I was in an asteroid field doing a "disrupt fracking operations" mission.  The world has no air resistance and I was zipping around just fine.  At some point during play, air resistance suddenly became high and stayed that way for the rest of the mission.  I am sketchy on details as to whether anything triggered this.

    Version 0.7.4, researcher campaign, galaxy #3.

    All I remember is that it happened after I ventured into the centre and saw the (shielded) fracking base.  I was positioned underneath, and unloaded my weapons at the underside of the asteroid it's perched on (to see whether I could damage the terrain).  I was equipped with plasma rocket launchers and kinetic blasters, each with both bullet count and projectile life upgrades.

    The only other thing I recall prior to then is one of those little blue crystal native creatures harrassing me, which resulted in a lot of me flying around bumping into stuff.

    I've also attached a GIF of something else I saw in that same run, with some weird collision glitch which you can see on the left side of the screen.  Dunno if that's relevant or not.


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  15. I was in a game where I accidentally pressed F7 without realizing.  Did not know what this feature does.  When I went to return to Nimbatus, I pressed ESC and the game paused by nothing else showed.  Only option was to press ESC again.  I couldn't use keyboard navigation while paused to select the invisible option that I wanted.  Turns out that's also the case if UI is visible ;)

    Pressing F7 while paused does not show the UI again.  Perhaps that would have helped.  Eventually I figured out what had happened after mashing some keys.  I don't know how useful it is for the Hide UI feature to affect the pause screen, but just wanted to share my experiences.

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  16. Inevitably, things like atmospheric drag, off-centre impacts, or simply shifting centre of mass after losing parts will cause your ship to rotate anyway.

    As an astral being, I am regularly travelling among the stars, and I can say this is how it works out in the real universe too.  The human meat shells on this planet have their own solution, called reaction control systems (RCS) that compensate for changes in orientation.  Although even those need to be adjusted in a changing gravitational field.

    Still, you can build a super-simple approximation to one in Nimbatus by just adding rotational thrusters to your drone and controlling them automatically with a directional gravity sensor:


    Here, the large thrusters are the WASD directional controls, and I bound the smaller ones to Q and E for rotating the craft which is driven by the gravity sensor.


    • Confused 1
  17. Did the red stuff (unobtainium) disappear when you harvested it?  If you collected a huge pile of it and didn't see any change in your drone's resource tank level, then it sounds like a bug.  If you only collected a small amount, it might not have been enough to show any change in your tank.

    As engineer, I attach a single resource tank to a decoupler and drop that in the collection bay after arriving at the planet.  Then, resources are credited as I harvest them.

  18. A helper part that can be placed anywhere in the editor would be quite useful for making design notes on a drone.  In particular so I can list the keybinds for complex logic flows, but certainly there would be other uses too.  Being able to attach this to parts could also be useful.

    [edit] My mistake -- I did not realise there is a separate forum for drone part suggestions.  Feel free to move this post there.

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