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Everything posted by Renio

  1. I think it's a light pinkish-magenta? really pretty, either way
  2. also I hope you don't mind if I steal this idea or something i'll steal it rn actually-
  3. yes make her goddess love 'er the couple o' raccoons love this bab. they blessed ur bab and love him
  4. *cough cough cough cough* there's another one at the bottom of the page https://www.pushtrumpoffacliffagain.com/
  5. I would love to be your friend on lioden! What's your username? I love lioden so I'll always be there at least once a day. lioden is my jam. I don't even like jam. lioden is my... snowday. I love snowdays
  6. you bet out of the 36 notifs I had this was the only I paid attention to
  7. *sigh* I guess i'll read the lioden wiki again
  8. I was enjoying staying away from here until I missed talking to my only friends but like, nobody talks to me here
  9. ah truck, here we go again
  10. Can somebody teach me how to play terraria? I mean, my terraria is extremely outdated, though...
  11. Ooooh right... I’ve had WCUT there for a long time and I barely play cattails, but they’re still there
  12. Uhhhh I didn’t find out from a YouTuber. This happened on my own. I just found the demo of niche on YouTube (but I can’t remember much) quite a few years ago, and I loved it. But that was the end until I was scrolling through YouTube again and I was like “that looks like that one game... imma watch it” so I watched it. And honestly, I loved it. I tried to watch Jessimews entire story mode (mind you I failed miserably), and for a couple of years I was watching niche constantly on YouTube on the dumb chrome book I had that couldn’t run it. So the year my chrome book kicked the bucket, for Christmas I got a laptop. And my mom got me a steam gift card, enough to buy niche (which was on sale, so I had enough left over to buy spore which was also on an insane sale), and we made my steam account blah blah blah, and then I played it. Dream come true. Wish I could experience that joy again. Also there’s a chance that Prince is a year old now. Now I rarely watch niche unless I’m rewatching these two playthroughs and I’ll probably go do that some other time. and I found the forums by clicking on that weird thing on niche that’s like “help us expand niche or the community or something or other” made an account, and the first thing I said was the worst grammar ever. Says me, the person that can’t say their when I mean they’re and not get overly ticked off about it
  13. That’s my ferus kid alright
  14. I’m broke again on lioden but as a side note I’m giving the ferus that was literally born today all my money because I bought a heavenly serenity and now she’s gonna get it so pretty thank you, Yuhazi you’ve definitely fueled my love for ferus lions
  15. i'll just sit here... for another 20 minutes... I hope they come back soon, because I can't keep moving the screen to show i'm not afk to not get booted out forever
  16. I legit just had the greatest time on discount wq keeping care of a puppy. 12/10 would do again. they should be coming back later, though, so I should be getting to do it again. just chilling until they get back been a long time since I said legit. feels good, Kimaba, feels good.
  17. hey @Flower could you help me out here? I mean you sound like the person that would make a wq rp… I just seriously want one, but if you don't have the time or want to that's okay ^^ (I would make one myself, but I really don't have any ideas and it'd take a literal year)
  18. hey wait actually, can I request that someone totally make a wq inspired rp? I'd be running faster than I ever have in my life, if someone did that Maiba and Makbe will have justice!~ once they find someone to talk about it. damn Makbe, I had to make you gay, didn't I? couldn't resist, now you're bi
  19. sort've, but less 'good' and less real lag for me. it's okay, I just never have anyone to rp with on there :')
  20. does anyone have roblox. can someone play with me on Yellowstone (https://www.roblox.com/games/2721393525/Yellowstone?refPageId=ff0e9483-7dec-4e07-824c-b538d41c39df), i'm not on there now but i'll go on in a second. i'm renie2590 and i'll probably play as a wolf named Maiba or Makbe
  21. shush I've tried to forget about countryhumans this is the most polite I can put it please stop
  22. don't be fooled, I barely know anything about wof just all my friends on here make a lot of stuff wof related
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