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Posts posted by Leafy

  1. Just now, Green the Freaking Out Fox said:

    yes, I know this! And I strongly agree!

    This is just beacause a wolf fits in so well.

    People have thought that wolves were wild beasts for a long time, and have connected them in mythology with evil. And the fact that there are wolves in alaska makes it all the better.

    And I would like to think that this pokemon does not want to cause damage at all, that it was just created like this. Sort of the same for mewtwo if I'm not mistaken. 

    Yes! I’m glad you didn’t take it the wrong way, thank you! :D

    • Paw up 1
  2. Just now, Green the Freaking Out Fox said:

    Too add onto this, look at it while listening to this


    Ooooo nice! 

    my inner wolf advocator has to say this I’m sorry, I know you don’t think this, but I try to share knowledge about wolves everywhere I go. They are not mean beasts, we need them for our food chain and ecosystems or they will collapse. They are wonderful creatures, which have been perceived as evil sense we first saw them, which led to there almost extinction. Just want to spread the word! I hope no one is annoyed with this! :)

  3. Just now, Pancrack said:


    or it could be a special move like dazzling gleam but it’s two turns and makes the opponent flinch (but the gleam part does no damage) and then it chomp

    does like 70-90 damage

    Brilliant! Should I draw it? And if so, traditional cartoony Pokémon style, or a half cartoon half realistic one?

  4. 1 minute ago, Pancrack said:

    Seems like good Pokemon material

    also it could be Fairy or ghost type along with water

    (the ghost type because it’s clear and the way it eats is kinda weird)

    (How it eats:


    Yeah! It could put its opponent into a daze with its light like ability, then chomp em (Om-) it seems like it would be a sweet but sassy Pokémon. Possibly having the ability to faze? 

  5. These can be the last one if y’all want, but I introduce you to a collection of Pokémon sea slugs, Sice, Slaick (slake is actually a better name for it. 🤣) and snug! (Slug and ice, slug and flake, and slug and snow. Names combined respectively) Also all of these would be at least 2 feet long, possibly growing up to 3 and a half. 
    Sice is a icicle sea slug, (Water/ice) that has a very sharp personality (... I’ll let myself out) compared to the other members of its species, it uses its back icicles for everything battle related, having the ability to shoot them, and to do a short range fast swim around its opponent, much like a little whirlpool, all the while scratching them. 
    The slake is a snowflake sea slug again water/ice, though it is also a fairy and grass type. (wish snow type was a thing.) It’s a very sweet Pokémon (in personality not in flavor LORD DONT EAT THE POOR THING) and has a mini ecosystem living on its back. For battle it can use the sharp pine needles as a thrown use, and can lull and distract its opponent into a false sense of wonder by summing up a snow cloud to make it snow, where it then takes advantage of the moment to attack. 
    the last one, the snug (uwu) is a snow sea slug, it has a calm personality, and for battle it can throw snowballs (magically, it has no arms but you know... Pokémon.) (if you wanted to, it would be funny and adorable if a less effective battle move was where it quickly wrapped it opponent into a snow man, then giving it a extra go to attack as the opponent escapes.) 


    • Love 1
  6. Just now, Pancrack said:

    Also- idea

    you can buy a trip to the bottom of the ocean for a (very large) amount of money

    and you can catch this Pokemon and some others in a submarine! (Idk how it would work but eh

    I love that idea!

    • Paw up 1
  7. I did another one, inspired by a manta ray! Introducing the manicle(manta/icicle) once again a water/ice. I drew both stages of its life. The manicle has three icicles that grow from the end of its “wings” as well as having six grow for the tip of its tail. I imagine you would find this Pokémon naturally both in the shallow feeding areas of the frozen ocean, and the deeper darker abyss as well. Despite feeding at the bottom, it commonly hovers just at the surface of the water. The blend quite well with the sunlight snow and ice that will cover the water by the banks, helping them survive. In moonlight, they appear very beautiful, but also eerie, as the moons rays reflect its shining icicles, which at night in the ocean will appear as flashes of white. they travel in small groups of up to 6, and don’t make any noise themselves, though they will smack there tails together to communicate, mostly for alerting the group, much like how beavers use there tails. There icicles regrow, and almost instantly for that matter. It’s attacks would be something like using its tail for a ice whiplash. And shooting there icicles on there back as well. 


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  8. Just now, NotEpicEeveeGaming said:

    We have a lot of foxes but thats my job

    Ah yes, I read the convo. I do agree foxes are amazing. But I understand there’s been a lot of fox Pokémon ideas, and I’ve done a deer, so I wanted to know what other animals have been overly made

  9. Just now, definitely cookie said:

    you kno like snowmen and stuff,, have you built any this winter? or last winter? or any winter?

    the other day i built this snowcrewmate


    I LOVE SNOW BUILDING. I build snow wolves cats dogs and foxes. There usually the actual size of the animal or species. 

  10. Just now, Leafy said:

    So, things could be more done, but I unveil to you Deerlet (a mix of deer and droplet.) who would be a water/ice type Pokémon. The main focus of this Pokémon are the frozen droplets of water hanging from its antlers, which I imagine would make a almost chime like sound when it moves, one way to know your near one. Both female and male creatures of this species carry the think antlers with the array of droplets, though if you wanted something to tell them apart, I imagine females are a bit smaller, and don’t carry the white and turquoise mark on the forehead, though keeping the two under the eyes. I imagine this would be the evolved creature, so if you wanted a un evolved/ phase one version I have one in mind. I think it would be very large (in terms of a large deer, not some giant 0-0) and would have thick tufts of fur. The chest would be a center point for a demonstration of this fur, as well as the tufts (almost like side burns?...) hanging from its cheeks. I think it’s habitat would be in a snowy pine forest, as well as sometimes being found on the side of a frozen riverbank. I don’t know any moves it could do. Maybe a kick with its hooves, which would be large to be able to walk on snow, or maybe one where it uses the frozen droplets as little ice spikes. I understand that a full body would be helpful, which if you like this idea i will draw later. I don’t want to seem like I am controlling anything so if any of you want to add anything go ahead! (Really, more minds are better, my mind is empty (• ^ •)



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