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Everything posted by InTheHeights111

  1. Darkstar nods "I guess the logical answer, is that mainly cause of how Branchstar trusts me and because i was born into Treeclan's territory"
  2. Darkstar nods listening. "Of course Branchstar can stay here in caveclan territory" You wait for a answer
  3. Darkstar looked up, and followed Opalfinch Leafeyes thought about it for a while
  4. You enter caveclan camp and see Darkstar on top of his ledge "That I'am" she said and nuzzled her kit
  5. Blaze looked at the group, "Stay here, I'm gonna explore what that scent is"
  6. You enter Caveclan territory Leafeyes smiled happily at her son, "SO you're my son" she said happily
  7. You catch up with Holefoot "that she is" he said smilign Leafeyes purred as she saw her son
  8. Blaze kept close to the river and kept the voice in her head
  9. The two cats were murmuring you try to hear the conversation
  10. Stripesnail walked into Caveclan territory, "Now i want to see your hunting crouch" he said
  11. Branchstar nods, "All right" she said Stormstar looked at Leafeyes, "Yes that's your mother" he said
  12. accepted, your mentor shall be Stripesnail- Darkstar You wake up and hear your mentor calling you
  13. Branchstar nods, but there was fear in her eyes , "You think we could live on your territory then" A cat that looked like Rainkit, halted the patrol and mewed, "Stay here". She walked over to Stormstar and Rainkit
  14. Blaze shook her head and stood up. "All right, I'm going on" she said ,"The three of you can choose to come or not"
  15. Branchstar, "Go on" she said You follow your father to treeclan territory and see a treeclan border patrol
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