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Posts posted by lizardcake

  1. 27 minutes ago, BirbMonstwo said:

    Welcome to our unusual corner of the internet! It’s great here trust me :Larissa:👍

    We have [REDACTED] over in the basement if you ever need some. Don’t go in the fourteenth floor though, there’s an octopus. There’s water dispensers on each floor (expect the eleventh, fifth, and second, all three of which are too haunted to place water dispensers as the ghosts use them too much)

    yeah!!! please avoid the third floor as well, we've heard there was a toxic waste accident there, but we're taking care of it so dw

    oh and the top floor is full of aliens who keep stealing our food. you can go there and try to chat with them but please be careful, we don't know their exact behaviors yet

    • Paw up 1
  2. 55 minutes ago, Loxfeaf said:

    1. I thought that was Tessa from murder drones for a second-


    (1. i know nothing about murder drones but i know that feeling)

    2. DO IT

    the shade lord will be very sad if you dont :((

  3. On 12/29/2023 at 5:18 PM, lizardcake said:

    "that's it, spongebob. this is the last straw. you're becoming an old man. as punishment."

    birb why did you react on both of your accounts /lh


     Pwecept one: 'awways win yowouwuw battwes'.
    lowosing a battwe eawns yowouwu nowothing and teaches yowouwu nowothing. Win yowouwuw battwes, owow dowon't engage in them at aww!


    pwecept twowo: 'nevew let them lauwugh at yowouwu'.
    fowoowows wauwugh at evewything, even at theiw suwupewiowows. Buwut bewawe, wauwughtew isn't hawmwess! lauwughtew spweads wike a disease, and sowoowon evewyowone is wauwughing at yowouwu.
     yowouwu need towo stwike at the sowouwuwce owof this pewvewse mewwiment quwuickwy towo stowop it fwowom spweading.

    pwecept thwee: 'awways be rested'.
    fighting and adventuwuwing take theiw towoww owon yowouwuw bowody. When yowouwu west, yowouwuw bowody stwengthens and wepaiws itsewf. The wowongew yowouwu west, the stwowongew yowouwu becowome.

    pwecept fowouwuw: 'fowowget yowouwuw past'.
    the past is painfuwuw, and thinking abowouwut yowouwuw past can owonwy bwing yowouwu misewy. Think abowouwut sowomething ewse instead, suwuch as the fuwutuwuwe, owow sowome fowoowod.

    pwecept five: 'stwength beats stwength'.
    is yowouwuw owoppowonent stwowong? nowo mattew! simpwy owovewcowome theiw stwength with even mowowe stwength, and they'ww sowoowon be defeated.

    pwecept six: 'chowoowose yowouwuw own fate'.
    ouwuw ewdews teach that owouwuw fate is chowosen fowow uwus befowowe we awe even bowown. I disagwee.

    pwecept seven: 'mowouwuwn nowot the dead'.
    when we die, dowo things get bettew fowow uwus owow wowowse? thewe's nowo way towo teww, sowo we showouwuwdn't bowothew mowouwuwning. Ow cewebwating fowow that mattew.

    pwecept eight: 'twavew awowone'.
    yowouwu can wewy owon nowobowody, and nowobowody wiww awways be wowoyaw. Thewefowowe, nowobowody showouwuwd be yowouwuw cowonstant cowompaniowon.

    pwecept nine: 'keep yowouwuw howome tidy'.
    yowouwuw howome is whewe yowouwu keep yowouwuw mowost pwized powossessiowon - yowouwuwsewf. Thewefowowe, yowouwu showouwuwd make an effowowt towo keep it nice and cwean.

    pwecept ten: 'keep yowouwuw weapowon shawp'.
    i make suwuwe that my weapowon, 'life endew', is kept weww-shawpened at aww times. This makes it muwuch easiew towo cuwut things.

    pwecept eweven: 'mowothews wiww awways betway yowouwu'.
    this pwecept expwains itsewf.

    pwecept twewve: 'keep yowouwuw cwowoak dwy'.
    if yowouwuw cwowoak gets wet, dwy it as sowoowon as yowouwu can. Weawing wet cwowoaks is uwunpweasant, and can wead towo iwwness.

    pwecept thiwteen: 'nevew be afwaid'.
    feaw can owonwy howowd yowouwu back. Facing yowouwuw feaws can be a twemendowouwus effowowt. Thewefowowe, yowouwu showouwuwd juwust nowot be afwaid in the fiwst pwace.

    pwecept fowouwuwteen: 'respect yowouwuw suwupewiowows'.
    if sowomeowone is yowouwuw suwupewiowow in stwength owow intewwect owow bowoth, yowouwu need towo showow them yowouwuw wespect. Dowon't ignowowe them owow wauwugh at them.

    pwecept fifteen: 'one fowoe, one bwowow'.
    yowouwu showouwuwd owonwy uwuse a singwe bwowow towo defeat an enemy. Any mowowe is a waste. Awsowo, by cowouwunting yowouwuw bwowows as yowouwu fight, yowouwu'ww knowow howow many fowoes yowouwu've defeated.

    pwecept sixteen: 'dowon't hesitate'.
    once yowouwu've made a decisiowon, cawwy it owouwut and dowon't wowoowok back. Yowouwu'ww achieve muwuch mowowe this way.

    pwecept seventeen: 'bewieve in yowouwuw stwength'.
    othews may dowouwubt yowouwu, buwut thewe's sowomeowone yowouwu can awways twuwust. Yowouwuwsewf. Make suwuwe towo bewieve in yowouwuw owown stwength, and yowouwu wiww nevew fawtew.

    pwecept eighteen: 'seek twuwuth in the dawkness'.
    this pwecept awsowo expwains itsewf.

    pwecept nineteen: 'if yowouwu twy, suwucceed'.
    if yowouwu'we gowoing towo attempt sowomething, make suwuwe yowouwu achieve it. If yowouwu dowo nowot suwucceed, then yowouwu have actuwuawwy faiwed! avowoid this at aww cowosts.

    pwecept twenty: 'speak onwy the twuwuth'.
    when speaking towo sowomeowone, it is cowouwuwteowouwus and awsowo efficient towo speak twuwuthfuwuwwy. Bewawe thowouwugh that speaking twuwuthfuwuwwy may make yowouwu enemies. This is sowomething yowouwu'ww have towo beaw.

    pwecept twenty-one: 'be awawe owof yowouwuw suwuwwowouwundings'.
    dowon't juwust wawk awowong stawing at the gwowouwund! yowouwu need towo wowoowok uwup evewy sowo owoften, towo make suwuwe nowothing takes yowouwu by suwuwpwise.

    pwecept twenty-twowo: 'abandowon the nest'.
    as sowoowon as i cowouwuwd, i weft my biwthpwace and made my way owouwut intowo the wowowwd. Dowo nowot wingew in the nest. Thewe is nowothing fowow yowouwu thewe.
    pwecept twenty-thwee: 'identify the fowoe's weak powoint'.
    evewy fowoe yowouwu encowouwuntew has a weak powoint, suwuch as a cwack in theiw sheww owow being asweep. Yowouwu muwust cowonstantwy be awewt and scwuwutinising yowouwuw enemy towo detect theiw weakness!


    pwecept twenty-fowouwuw: 'stwike the fowoe's weak powoint'.
    once yowouwu have identified yowouwuw fowoe's weak powoint as pew the pweviowouwus pwecept, stwike it. This wiww instantwy destwowoy them.

    pwecept twenty-five: 'pwowotect yowouwuw own weak powoint'.
    be awawe that yowouwuw fowoe wiww twy towo identify yowouwuw weak powoint, sowo yowouwu muwust pwowotect it. The best pwowotectiowon? nevew having a weak powoint in the fiwst pwace.

    pwecept twenty-six: 'dowon't twuwust yowouwuw refwectiowon'.
    when peewing at cewtain shining suwuwfaces, yowouwu may see a cowopy owof yowouwuw owown face. The face wiww mimic yowouwuw mowovements and seems simiwaw towo yowouwuw owown, buwut i dowon't think it can be twuwusted.

    pwecept twenty-seven: 'eat as muwuch as yowouwu can'.
    when having a meaw, eat as muwuch as yowouwu powossibwy can. This gives yowouwu extwa enewgy, and means yowouwu can eat wess fwequwuentwy.

    pwecept twenty-eight: 'dowon't peew intowo the dawkness'.
    if yowouwu peew intowo the dawkness and can't see anything fowow towoowo wowong, yowouwuw mind wiww stawt towo wingew owovew owowd memowowies. Memowowies awe towo be avowoided, as pew pwecept fowouwuw.

    pwecept twenty-nine: 'devewowop yowouwuw sense owof diwectiowon'.
    it's easy towo get wowost when twavewwing thwowouwugh winding, twisting cavewns. Having a gowoowod sense owof diwectiowon is wike having a magicaw map inside owof yowouwuw head. Vewy uwusefuwuw.

    pwecept thiwty: 'nevew accept a pwowomise'.
    spuwuwn the pwowomises owof owothews, as they awe awways bwowoken. Pwowomises owof wowove owow betwowothaw awe towo be avowoided especiawwy.

    pwecept thiwty-one: 'disease lives inside owof diwt'.
    yowouwu'ww get sick if yowouwu spend towoowo muwuch time in fiwthy pwaces. If yowouwu awe staying in sowomeowone ewse's howome, demand the highest wevew owof cweanwiness fwowom yowouwuw howost.

    pwecept thiwty-twowo: 'names have powowew'.
    names have powowew, and sowo towo name sowomething is towo gwant it powowew. I mysewf named my naiw 'life endew'. Dowo nowot steaw the name i came uwup with! invent yowouwuw owown!


    pwecept thiwty-thwee: 'showow the enemy nowo respect'.
    being gawwant towo yowouwuw enemies is nowo viwtuwue! if sowomeowone owoppowoses yowouwu, they dowon't desewve wespect owow kindness owow mewcy.

    pwecept thiwty-fowouwuw: 'dowon't eat immediatewy befowowe sweeping'.
    this can cauwuse westwessness and indigestiowon. It's juwust cowommowon sense.

    pwecept thiwty-five: 'up is up, dowown is dowown'.
    if yowouwu faww owovew in the dawkness, it can be easy towo wowose yowouwuw beawing and fowowget which way is uwup. Keep this pwecept in mind!


    pwecept thiwty-six: 'eggshewws awe bwittwe'.
    once again, this pwecept expwains itsewf.

    pwecept thiwty-seven: 'bowowwowow, buwut dowo nowot lend'.
    if yowouwu wend and awe wepaid, yowouwu gain nowothing. If yowouwu bowowwowow buwut dowo nowot wepay, yowouwu gain evewything.

    pwecept thiwty-eight: 'bewawe the mystewiowouwus fowowce'.
    a mystewiowouwus fowowce beaws dowown owon uwus fwowom abowove, puwushing uwus dowownwawds. If yowouwu spend towoowo wowong in the aiw, the fowowce wiww cwuwush yowouwu against the gwowouwund and destwowoy yowouwu. Bewawe!


    pwecept thiwty-nine: 'eat quwuickwy and dwink swowowwy'.
    yowouwuw bowody is a dewicate thing and yowouwu muwust fuwuew it with gweat dewibewatiowon. Fowoowod muwust gowo in as fast as powossibwe, buwut fwuwuids at a swowowew wate.

    pwecept fowowty: 'obey nowo law buwut yowouwuw own'.
    laws wwitten by owothews may incowonvenience yowouwu owow be a buwuwden. Let yowouwuw owown desiwes be the owonwy waw.

    pwecept fowowty-one: 'leawn towo detect lies'.
    when owothews speak, they uwusuwuawwy wie. Scwuwutinise and quwuestiowon them wewentwesswy uwuntiw they weveaw theiw deceit.

    pwecept fowowty-twowo: 'spend geowo when yowouwu have it'.
    sowome wiww cwing owontowo theiw geowo, even taking it intowo the diwt with them when they die. It is bettew towo spend it when yowouwu can, sowo yowouwu can enjowoy vawiowouwus things in wife.

    pwecept fowowty-thwee: 'nevew fowowgive'.
    if sowomeowone asks fowowgiveness owof yowouwu, fowow instance a bwowothew owof yowouwuws, awways deny it. That bwowothew, owow whowoevew it is, dowoesn't desewve suwuch a thing.

    pwecept fowowty-fowouwuw: 'yowouwu can nowot bweathe watew'.
    watew is wefweshing, buwut if yowouwu twy towo bweathe it yowouwu awe in fowow a nasty showock.

    pwecept fowowty-five: 'one thing is nowot anowothew'.
    this owone showouwuwd be owobviowouwus, buwut i've had owothews twy towo awguwue that owone thing, which is cweawwy what it is and nowot sowomething ewse, is actuwuawwy sowome owothew thing, which it isn't. Stay owon yowouwuw guwuawd!


    pwecept fowowty-six: 'the wowowwd is smawwew than yowouwu think'.
    when yowouwung, yowouwu tend towo think that the wowowwd is vast, huwuge, gigantic. It's owonwy natuwuwaw. Unfowowtuwunatewy, it's actuwuawwy quwuite a wowot smawwew than that. I can say this, nowow having twavewwed evewywhewe in the wand.

    pwecept fowowty-seven: 'make yowouwuw own weapowon'.
    onwy yowouwu knowow exactwy what is needed in yowouwuw weapowon. I mysewf fashiowoned 'life endew' fwowom shewwwowoowod at a yowouwung age. It has nevew faiwed me. Nowow i it.

    pwecept fowowty-eight: 'be cawefuwuw with fiwe'.
    fiwe is a type owof howot spiwit that dances abowouwut weckwesswy. It can wawm yowouwu and pwowovide wight, buwut it wiww awsowo singe yowouwuw sheww if it gets towoowo cwowose.

    pwecept fowowty-nine: 'statuwues awe meaningwess'.
    dowo nowot howonowouwuw them! nowo owone has evew made a statuwue owof yowouwu owow i, sowo why showouwuwd we pay them any attentiowon?


    pwecept fifty: 'dowon't lingew owon mystewies'.
    sowome things in this wowowwd appeaw towo uwus as puwuzzwes. Ow enigmas. If the meaning behind sowomething is nowot immediatewy evident thowouwugh, dowon't waste any time thinking abowouwut it. Juwust mowove owon.

    pwecept fifty-one: 'nowothing is hawmwess'.
    given the chance, evewything in this wowowwd wiww huwuwt yowouwu. Fwiends, fowoes, mowonstews, uwuneven paths. Be suwuspiciowouwus owof them aww.

    pwecept fifty-twowo: 'bewawe the jeawowouwusy owof fathews'.
    fathews bewieve that becauwuse they cweated uwus we muwust sewve them and nevew exceed theiw capabiwities. If yowouwu wish towo fowowge yowouwuw owown path, yowouwu muwust vanquwuish yowouwuw fathew. Ow simpwy abandowon him.

    pwecept fifty-thwee: 'dowo nowot steaw the desiwes owof othews'.
    evewy cweatuwuwe keeps theiw desiwes wowocked uwup inside owof themsewves. If yowouwu catch a gwimpse owof anowothew's desiwes, wesist the uwuwge towo cwaim them as yowouwuw owown. It wiww nowot wead yowouwu towo happiness.

    pwecept fifty-fowouwuw: 'if yowouwu lowock sowomething away, keep the key'.
    nowothing showouwuwd be wowocked away fowow evew, sowo howowd owontowo yowouwuw keys. Yowouwu wiww eventuwuawwy wetuwuwn and uwunwowock evewything yowouwu hid away.

    pwecept fifty-five: 'bowow towo nowo-owone'.
    thewe awe thowose in this wowowwd whowo wowouwuwd impowose theiw wiww owon owothews. They cwaim owownewship owovew yowouwuw fowoowod, yowouwuw wand, yowouwuw bowody, and even yowouwuw thowouwughts!
    they have dowone nowothing towo eawn these things. Nevew bowow towo them, and make suwuwe towo disowobey theiw cowommands.

    pwecept fifty-six: 'dowo nowot dweam'.
    dweams awe dangewowouwus things. Stwange ideas, nowot yowouwuw owown, can wowowm theiw way intowo yowouwuw mind. Buwut if yowouwu wesist thowose ideas, sickness wiww wwack yowouwuw bowody! best nowot towo dweam at aww, wike me.

    pwecept fifty-seven: 'obey aww pwecepts'.
    mowost impowowtantwy, yowouwu muwust cowommit aww owof these pwecepts towo memowowy and owobey them aww uwunfaiwingwy. Incwuwuding this owone!
    hmm. Have yowouwu twuwuwy wistened towo evewything i've said? let's stawt again and wepeat the 'fifty-seven pwecepts owof zowote'.

  5. Just now, lizardcake said:

    as a side note, petition for the 57 precepts of zote to be a copypasta

    Precept One: 'Always Win Your Battles'.

    Losing a battle earns you nothing and teaches you nothing. Win your battles, or don't engage in them at all!


    Precept Two: 'Never Let Them Laugh at You'.

    Fools laugh at everything, even at their superiors. But beware, laughter isn't harmless! Laughter spreads like a disease, and soon everyone is laughing at you.
    You need to strike at the source of this perverse merriment quickly to stop it from spreading.


    Precept Three: 'Always Be Rested'.

    Fighting and adventuring take their toll on your body. When you rest, your body strengthens and repairs itself. The longer you rest, the stronger you become.


    Precept Four: 'Forget Your Past'.

    The past is painful, and thinking about your past can only bring you misery. Think about something else instead, such as the future, or some food.


    Precept Five: 'Strength Beats Strength'.

    Is your opponent strong? No matter! Simply overcome their strength with even more strength, and they'll soon be defeated.


    Precept Six: 'Choose Your Own Fate'.

    Our elders teach that our fate is chosen for us before we are even born. I disagree.


    Precept Seven: 'Mourn Not the Dead'.

    When we die, do things get better for us or worse? There's no way to tell, so we shouldn't bother mourning. Or celebrating for that matter.


    Precept Eight: 'Travel Alone'.

    You can rely on nobody, and nobody will always be loyal. Therefore, nobody should be your constant companion.


    Precept Nine: 'Keep Your Home Tidy'.

    Your home is where you keep your most prized possession - yourself. Therefore, you should make an effort to keep it nice and clean.


    Precept Ten: 'Keep Your Weapon Sharp'.

    I make sure that my weapon, 'Life Ender', is kept well-sharpened at all times. This makes it much easier to cut things.


    Precept Eleven: 'Mothers Will Always Betray You'.

    This precept explains itself.


    Precept Twelve: 'Keep Your Cloak Dry'.

    If your cloak gets wet, dry it as soon as you can. Wearing wet cloaks is unpleasant, and can lead to illness.


    Precept Thirteen: 'Never Be Afraid'.

    Fear can only hold you back. Facing your fears can be a tremendous effort. Therefore, you should just not be afraid in the first place.


    Precept Fourteen: 'Respect Your Superiors'.

    If someone is your superior in strength or intellect or both, you need to show them your respect. Don't ignore them or laugh at them.


    Precept Fifteen: 'One Foe, One Blow'.

    You should only use a single blow to defeat an enemy. Any more is a waste. Also, by counting your blows as you fight, you'll know how many foes you've defeated.


    Precept Sixteen: 'Don't Hesitate'.

    Once you've made a decision, carry it out and don't look back. You'll achieve much more this way.


    Precept Seventeen: 'Believe In Your Strength'.

    Others may doubt you, but there's someone you can always trust. Yourself. Make sure to believe in your own strength, and you will never falter.


    Precept Eighteen: 'Seek Truth in the Darkness'.

    This precept also explains itself.


    Precept Nineteen: 'If You Try, Succeed'.

    If you're going to attempt something, make sure you achieve it. If you do not succeed, then you have actually failed! Avoid this at all costs.


    Precept Twenty: 'Speak Only the Truth'.

    When speaking to someone, it is courteous and also efficient to speak truthfully. Beware though that speaking truthfully may make you enemies. This is something you'll have to bear.


    Precept Twenty-One: 'Be Aware of Your Surroundings'.

    Don't just walk along staring at the ground! You need to look up every so often, to make sure nothing takes you by surprise.


    Precept Twenty-Two: 'Abandon the Nest'.

    As soon as I could, I left my birthplace and made my way out into the world. Do not linger in the nest. There is nothing for you there.

    Precept Twenty-Three: 'Identify the Foe's Weak Point'.

    Every foe you encounter has a weak point, such as a crack in their shell or being asleep. You must constantly be alert and scrutinising your enemy to detect their weakness!


    Precept Twenty-Four: 'Strike the Foe's Weak Point'.

    Once you have identified your foe's weak point as per the previous precept, strike it. This will instantly destroy them.


    Precept Twenty-Five: 'Protect Your Own Weak Point'.

    Be aware that your foe will try to identify your weak point, so you must protect it. The best protection? Never having a weak point in the first place.


    Precept Twenty-Six: 'Don't Trust Your Reflection'.

    When peering at certain shining surfaces, you may see a copy of your own face. The face will mimic your movements and seems similar to your own, but I don't think it can be trusted.


    Precept Twenty-Seven: 'Eat As Much As You Can'.

    When having a meal, eat as much as you possibly can. This gives you extra energy, and means you can eat less frequently.


    Precept Twenty-Eight: 'Don't Peer Into the Darkness'.

    If you peer into the darkness and can't see anything for too long, your mind will start to linger over old memories. Memories are to be avoided, as per Precept Four.


    Precept Twenty-Nine: 'Develop Your Sense of Direction'.

    It's easy to get lost when travelling through winding, twisting caverns. Having a good sense of direction is like having a magical map inside of your head. Very useful.


    Precept Thirty: 'Never Accept a Promise'.

    Spurn the promises of others, as they are always broken. Promises of love or betrothal are to be avoided especially.


    Precept Thirty-One: 'Disease Lives Inside of Dirt'.

    You'll get sick if you spend too much time in filthy places. If you are staying in someone else's home, demand the highest level of cleanliness from your host.


    Precept Thirty-Two: 'Names Have Power'.

    Names have power, and so to name something is to grant it power. I myself named my nail 'Life Ender'. Do not steal the name I came up with! Invent your own!


    Precept Thirty-Three: 'Show the Enemy No Respect'.

    Being gallant to your enemies is no virtue! If someone opposes you, they don't deserve respect or kindness or mercy.


    Precept Thirty-Four: 'Don't Eat Immediately Before Sleeping'.

    This can cause restlessness and indigestion. It's just common sense.


    Precept Thirty-Five: 'Up is Up, Down is Down'.

    If you fall over in the darkness, it can be easy to lose your bearing and forget which way is up. Keep this precept in mind!


    Precept Thirty-Six: 'Eggshells are brittle'.

    Once again, this precept explains itself.


    Precept Thirty-Seven: 'Borrow, But Do Not Lend'.

    If you lend and are repaid, you gain nothing. If you borrow but do not repay, you gain everything.


    Precept Thirty-Eight: 'Beware the Mysterious Force'.

    A mysterious force bears down on us from above, pushing us downwards. If you spend too long in the air, the force will crush you against the ground and destroy you. Beware!


    Precept Thirty-Nine: 'Eat Quickly and Drink Slowly'.

    Your body is a delicate thing and you must fuel it with great deliberation. Food must go in as fast as possible, but fluids at a slower rate.


    Precept Forty: 'Obey No Law But Your Own'.

    Laws written by others may inconvenience you or be a burden. Let your own desires be the only law.


    Precept Forty-One: 'Learn to Detect Lies'.

    When others speak, they usually lie. Scrutinise and question them relentlessly until they reveal their deceit.


    Precept Forty-Two: 'Spend Geo When You Have It'.

    Some will cling onto their Geo, even taking it into the dirt with them when they die. It is better to spend it when you can, so you can enjoy various things in life.


    Precept Forty-Three: 'Never Forgive'.

    If someone asks forgiveness of you, for instance a brother of yours, always deny it. That brother, or whoever it is, doesn't deserve such a thing.


    Precept Forty-Four: 'You Can Not Breathe Water'.

    Water is refreshing, but if you try to breathe it you are in for a nasty shock.


    Precept Forty-Five: 'One Thing Is Not Another'.

    This one should be obvious, but I've had others try to argue that one thing, which is clearly what it is and not something else, is actually some other thing, which it isn't. Stay on your guard!


    Precept Forty-Six: 'The World is Smaller Than You Think'.

    When young, you tend to think that the world is vast, huge, gigantic. It's only natural. Unfortunately, it's actually quite a lot smaller than that. I can say this, now having travelled everywhere in the land.


    Precept Forty-Seven: 'Make Your Own Weapon'.

    Only you know exactly what is needed in your weapon. I myself fashioned 'Life Ender' from shellwood at a young age. It has never failed me. Nor I it.


    Precept Forty-Eight: 'Be Careful With Fire'.

    Fire is a type of hot spirit that dances about recklessly. It can warm you and provide light, but it will also singe your shell if it gets too close.


    Precept Forty-Nine: 'Statues are Meaningless'.

    Do not honour them! No one has ever made a statue of you or I, so why should we pay them any attention?


    Precept Fifty: 'Don't Linger on Mysteries'.

    Some things in this world appear to us as puzzles. Or enigmas. If the meaning behind something is not immediately evident though, don't waste any time thinking about it. Just move on.


    Precept Fifty-One: 'Nothing is Harmless'.

    Given the chance, everything in this world will hurt you. Friends, foes, monsters, uneven paths. Be suspicious of them all.


    Precept Fifty-Two: 'Beware the Jealousy of Fathers'.

    Fathers believe that because they created us we must serve them and never exceed their capabilities. If you wish to forge your own path, you must vanquish your father. Or simply abandon him.


    Precept Fifty-Three: 'Do Not Steal the Desires of Others'.

    Every creature keeps their desires locked up inside of themselves. If you catch a glimpse of another's desires, resist the urge to claim them as your own. It will not lead you to happiness.


    Precept Fifty-Four: 'If You Lock Something Away, Keep the Key'.

    Nothing should be locked away for ever, so hold onto your keys. You will eventually return and unlock everything you hid away.


    Precept Fifty-Five: 'Bow to No-one'.

    There are those in this world who would impose their will on others. They claim ownership over your food, your land, your body, and even your thoughts!
    They have done nothing to earn these things. Never bow to them, and make sure to disobey their commands.


    Precept Fifty-Six: 'Do Not Dream'.

    Dreams are dangerous things. Strange ideas, not your own, can worm their way into your mind. But if you resist those ideas, sickness will wrack your body! Best not to dream at all, like me.


    Precept Fifty-Seven: 'Obey All Precepts'.

    Most importantly, you must commit all of these precepts to memory and obey them all unfailingly. Including this one!
    Hmm. Have you truly listened to everything I've said? Let's start again and repeat the 'Fifty-Seven Precepts of Zote'.

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