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The arts n crafterz

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Posts posted by The arts n crafterz

  1. *Yeah, Dreamy could start flying now and just sleep at sunshine port… but they felt so tired right now, they didnt want to drop in the middle of a desert and just die of exhaustion… maybe they should take a small nap and then start flying..? Yeah, nap then fly.. Dreamy circled a large patch of leaves and gently laid down, wiping the dust away from the spot with their tail.. ‘sleep now, fly later’ they kept telling themself softly..*

  2. 1 hour ago, lizardcake said:

    well, you're ready to go. except it's still afternoon.

    uh... you can... go for a walk! read a book! or just go straight to sleep, i don't care!

    10 hours ago, pepper_ said:

    *Dreamy could sleep or just start flying now…? But no, what if somebody hurt them…? They were about small as a house cat so they could be easily hurt or kidnapped..? Sunshine port was about half a continent away… so maybe get flying now..?*

  3. 6 hours ago, lizardcake said:

    (foxleaf and gree are following this so there's no need to tag them)


    @Dreamy the drago


    so, huh, june 15th? that's tomorrow... you should probably pack your stuff.

    or do you? i mean, this is a luxury trip, you're probably going to have everything you need, but maybe you should pack anyways, just to be safe.

    *dreamy worriedly packed a small pouch and was ready to set off.. the bag was of course filled with a small scroll and some gems. Gotta keep the business with ya!*

    (forgot to mention dreamy owns a crystal shop-)

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