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Posts posted by Avilulu

  1. 4 minutes ago, Fox leaf said:

    "Howcouldyouaskthatthatwassomuchfunicantbelievehowmuchfunthatwasinthisplace! Itwaslike,OHMYGOSHWEAREASPINNINGTURBULENCEOFFUNOHMYGOSHLETSDOITAGAIN" The spirit grabbed pancake's paws again and started to spin, again

    “ I think you need to calm down- “ they were kind of freaked out by all this


    2 minutes ago, Fox leaf said:

    This time, they crashed into a bunch of brambles

    They were trying to convince them to stop

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Fox leaf said:


    "Pancake, you know where you are, right?" The spirit asked. "This is where you go to make new friends! LIKE YOU AND ME! Yeah!" The spirit chirped

    “ please don’t randomly pop up like that!” Seems like she does not like surprises 

    The more scared they get it seems like the more hotter they are because smog was starting to come out of her mouth their main was puffed up 

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  3. They seem to relax more feeling the cold aura of the other spirit maybe The heat radiating off of her could help them warm up they had a feeling that they were going to be around each other a lot 

    10 minutes ago, lizardcake said:

    why. is. she. calling me pancake?? i'm not pancake! what kind of dumb name is that?!

    so... i'm dead? no way. a warrior like me?? the strong and powerful-

    the- strong and powerful-

    what was my name again?

    she remembered that she was extremely cold and reluctantly walked over to the hot spirit.

    so they started to become a loaf not really hiding anymore 

    “hi…frosty is it OK if I call you that because you’re cold?” They look over to the frozen spirit trying to give some humor in this black situation

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  4. 1 minute ago, AndromedaTheGalaxyCat said:

    "T-the afterlife...? I'm......Dead?" She said, clearly upset. "We can't be dead! There's gotta be some way to get out of here! Right?"

    “honestly I prefer it over burning alive…” they grumble to themselves

    ” maybe you should look for the guide that’s who I got the dead theory from..or you could talk to the nicer one Fangs he can get you settled in” they were giving the best advice they could

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  5. 9 minutes ago, AndromedaTheGalaxyCat said:

    "Who are you? Do you know what this place is?" She prodded. "I just woke up here all of a sudden. Did the same happen for you?" She then paused. "Oh, I'm so rude! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm.....I'm...." She stopped. "Wh-What even is my name?"

    “ I don’t have a name…” they popped her head out from there fluff “ none of us really do, we can’t even remember anything about ourselves… my theory is this is the after life“ they said before hiding again before deciding it was too warm and coming back out again

    grooming her own fur because they feel very awkward

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  6. The warm silhouette took a notice about the ones shimmering getting out of the little pool they shake themselves off before joining the other two

    4 minutes ago, Fox leaf said:

    The spirit awoke and found herself walking peacefully. She saw another spirit and went over to them


    26 minutes ago, lizardcake said:

    the spirit opened her eyes. what the...

    she tried to remember how she got here, remember anything actually, but the only memory she had was a blizzard, and the unbearable cold. she was still shivering in fact.

    she noticed the light of someone else's eyes and started walking towards them but suddenly stopped. wait. they could be enemies.

    (anyone can respond if they want to)

    “ you seem cold…” they had very warm presents to them in fact he was radiating off of them

    The only thing they can remember themselves was the fact that they were in a wildfire so it was kind of like they were the opposite

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  7. 5 minutes ago, AndromedaTheGalaxyCat said:

    The silhouette of this nicheling is slim, with 2 claws, round ears, antlers, a platypus beak, and a fin tail. 

    -This nicheling seems to be very upbeat. 

    -They are very kind to strangers and hate discrimination.

    -They love the water and always want to be near it. 

    -They love to collect little trinkets, especially seashells. 

    (Is it too late for me to join the party?)

    ) I don’t think so)

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  8. The silhouette of this nicheling shows a short snout and runner legs,A very fluffy body,Big ears,and a fuzzy tail

    they seem quite young only having two gems

    for some reason the smell of ash and smoke follows them sometimes smog comes out of their mouth because they cough a lot sometimes they even wheeze when talking as if struggling to breathe 

    they seem to have very overgrown fur in places like their ears and face making them look like they have a mane even though they are not male

    They always feel very warm to the point where they sometimes complain about it

    They seem to get scared easily jumping when there’s a sound or when something touches them


    (picture to be added)


    (I am so sorry if this is really long)

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