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Stray Fawn Community


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Everything posted by notgono

  1. ((made a new account just for this used to be gono/c0ffeebeans. yes i know im pretty late) sdsfkjhsdfksfa i've been hoping for this for ages one suggestion i have is modding, there NEEDS to be modding imo. it let a lot to be desired from niche 1. i it would bring over a lot more sims and spore fans also, if there's a story mode, have it be an actual story. in the first game story mode was just a rehashed sandbox with a ONE cutscene, a small tutorial and two pretty disappointing endings considering how long and tedious it is to get to home island and have a good ending. having something to keep the player wanting to get to home island would help, since adam literally cannot live long enough to get back to home island, and dies very early in the game. so there is basically nothing for the player to latch on to so they want to continue the story. achievements don't help either since they barely work. and a suggestion i made back in the trenches of quarantine which i still think is pretty cool idea (tw: 2019 cringe):
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