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give a reason to leave island


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So far there is no reason to leave your island.


When this is one of the main mechanics of the game, there actually isn't any reason to do it after the first tiny island.

There needs to be some reason or event for the pack to leave the island.

Even the starting island has little reason to leave until you are setup with surplus food.


Create some form of natural disaster like the ice age or maybe tsunamis & volcanic fissures.

the pack is just trying to survive so play on that, but if they don't have a reason to move from island to island then you lose the reason to one of your main mechanics and fundamental gameplay.


The Pros and cons for leaving your island.



- you are potentially getting a larger island to inhabit

- You could potentially get a safer island

- You could potentially get a more interesting island



- You have no idea what type of island it will be

- You have to hunt for food again

- You have to setup a safe zone again

- You are limited to taking only some pack members

- You may lose many pack members to harsh conditions


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Maybe food could only last so long? So after X rounds, a berry bush would stop producing or hardly produce anything at all?


Migration would also be good? So if a cold season came (going off the back of your ice age idea), the nichelings would be forced to either evolve quickly or migrate away to another island :0

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