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One thing I think would really make the game really realistic but also be challenging is if there was a genetic problem that showed up if you began to breed family members together more then just the one time. I know something like that does exist within the immunity genes but if you have two siblings that have completely opposite immunities then it can work out in your favor. Or if a parent and child have completely different immunities then it can work too.


But I think it would really interesting if a genetic problem showed up if you bred family together...maybe they were born with a special body that you only get with interbreeding. Like a deformed/tiny body. (Note not lean like there already is but tiny...smaller than the lean would it.) This body would probably be as small as a teenager normally would be. 


This particular body/animal would be great for hunting because its so fast (Make it faster then if you had double running legs possible? Only one point more though) but it would be more likely to have hemophilia and its children have issues that aren't even in the parent's genetics. And the more you breed into this particular line the worse the side-effects. Maybe make it that if you had bred into the family line like this for 3 or 4 generations the baby that is born from the grouping within that 3rd or 4th generation ends up with a completely new issue. Maybe double immunity but also a genetic disease that makes it a danger to others. It goes rogue randomly and can attack the other clan mates.


Let me know what you think because I've been puzzling over this for a long time and I really think this could make it not only more realistic but so much more challenging. Maybe this could be a feature that is only enabled if you are on harder islands or using the hard mode or normal. But not the easy. So that some people have that option. In this instance, it would be highly critical to have a full family tree at least to that four generations mark.


i wouldn't be a fan. interbreeding is too neccicary for this game, especially when you start with only two creatures, and some islands only allow you to have as low as five creatures when you travel to them.


As realistic as this might be, the problem I find is that I've ended up with only two of a certain gender in a tribe of twenty a few times now with no outside nichelings appearing, and a feature like this would have made a bad situation worse.


You all make very valid points and that is why I feel if they added this it could be more of a hard mode option and not be utilized throughout the game. :) It would be fun to see how life would go. Maybe they could make it was finding stray creatures on the islands was more likely to make that aspect easier.

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