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I did not see this suggested already, so here goes :)

I'd love to see a sort of "character creator" added to the game where we could literally just fuss around with genetics and try out different combinations and such.  It would be nice to see what a certain genetic combination looks like before breeding for it in game, especially once you hit the point of breeding for appearance.

Bonus: Creatures from the character creator can be named and saved/loaded/edited at any time, and maybe even imported from the active family trees of your current tribes.

Bonus bonus: Saved creatures have a chance of appearing as wild creatures in-game that can be added to your tribe!  Maybe this could be expanded to having some sort of "online library" where you could upload/download characters?  Or, of course, people could do it the good ol' fashioned way and just share the files manually.


A test area for creating creatures sounds really cool, and having the chance for something saved to spawn somewhere would be nice. Probably have to have a complexity setup so that you don't get apex nichelings appearing right out the gate though.


A test area for creating creatures sounds really cool, and having the chance for something saved to spawn somewhere would be nice. Probably have to have a complexity setup so that you don't get apex nichelings appearing right out the gate though.

Ohhh, that's an excellent idea!  I've heard Nichelings spawn with island-dependent traits?  I.e. hot islands are more likely to give you big ears, etc.  Maybe something like that could help govern what spawns and what doesn't?


Yeah, that could work, using a system where saved nichelings get a chance to spawn dependent on biome and their genes. Could create a similar system for other genes, like a saved nicheling with toxic body will more often spawn on islands with toxic berries or similar.

  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, I don't think the chance of the character creator option spawning into your world isn't really fair, because then people could just make creatures with the genes they haven't unlocked just to breed them in so they could invite them and breed. Plus, this sort of defeats the purpose of the challenge in this game because you're suppose to adapt to the environment through natural occasions, and simply creating what you want and spawning it into your world and breeding with it 24/7 with all new immunities and stuff is kind of cheating.

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