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Hello, hello!


As I write this, I would like to explain that I mean no offense to how the Water Aspect of Niche was put together, and I only want to improve on how it could be more enjoyable to live as an Ocean Based Nicheling.


One way this could be done is through more genes, but not just any new body genes- new slots specifically for the ocean. These slots would be similar to the albinism/melanism, whereas if you don’t have it, the slot is greyed out and must be achieved through Natural Selection of breeding outside the tribe, or taking actions in small pools of water (for the chance slots) and eventually being submerged fully underwater (for the obtained slots). This could really make an underwater playthrough more interesting in many ways.


An example of how this could be good is now that you have these slots which could be for breathing, camouflage, speed, etc, you can now use the slots which would have previously been taken up (Water Body or Gills) for something more exciting and practical.


Another thing that can be done for a better Ocean Playthrough is more food sources, such as a plant that grows back a certain amount each turn, much like a Berry Bush, mostly to make things a bit easier and not have all your creatures starve if you’re not good at fishing (or hunting in general).


Finally, my last suggestion to this topic would be more scenery (along with more interesting terrain on the floors) to the oceans and lakes, such as pretty submerged flowers, corals, and well- color! A colorful area underwater full of aquatic animals and scenery would certainly have many players find the scary waters not so gloomy.


Thank you very much for taking your time to read through all of my ideas. Please feel free to expand onto them!

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