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The Whims - A Contagious Challenge


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Guess who's hopping on the whims bandwagon? Anyways, rules are as follows: the maximum tribe size is to be generated every time a new patriarch/matriarch is chosen, i'm not allowed to look at the genes for any reason other than to check the immunities of each creature, and in every creature's mutation menu must go one random mutation.

We start out with two cracker jaws (which I dislike) Koanako and Kuta. I change their gem colours accordingly to their roles, and start out on our journey. And fun fact: we're in first snow!


The next day we give birth to a little girl, Anaana. I also generate the random mutations. Anaana's mutation is blue eyes, Koanako's is brown horns, and Kuta's is white horns. All cosmetics, which is neither good nor bad. I decide to give both parents good eyesight, and since cracker jaw isnt bad and short snout isn't desired, I leave Anaana's mutations alone for now. Aside from that, I generate the amount of tribe mates we can have right now, and it turns out ot be 37. I'm generating between 1 and 47, since thats the amount of people including bots in a discord server im in.

As for now, im gonna keep breeding our matriarch and patriarch until they have five kids.


A day or two later, we have Mesi. Her random mutation is pattern shape A. I decide to give her medium tail, as that will allow us to gain 1 point of cold resistance.


Third baby is Taduk, our first male, accompanied with our first bluebird. His random mutation is white horns, just like Kuta's.


I decide to send Mesi and Anaana to explore beyond the stream bordering off where we started. So far they've found a single berry bush. But perhaps if they go further, they'll find something else? Next day we have Sira, who has big pattern. I accidentally gave her white horns so I guess she's out of potential good mutations.


Perhaps exploring was a bad idea. Welp, as they say, strike, scream, and run!


After fighting battles we can't win without getting hurt, collecting food, and dealing with it getting colder, we see a small wanderer across the stream. We invite her, the young Aname, into our tribe. Perhaps she could be useful to us? She gets yellow eyes as a random mutation.


I guess we're moving the entire tribe. There's a lot of food over there from what we've experienced in the first day. Also, there's an ice block in the far distance.


We're still finding a decent amount of food, however it's getting a bit chilly. The tribe packs itselves into groups to keep eachother warm. The patriarch and matriarch breed one last time before deciding to pass down the responsibility of their roles. I decide to choose Aname and Taduk as the new patriarch and matriarch. The next day a plain female baby is born named Meis.


And in the distance we see... well, let's get away from that!


We also spot a sick little boy in the ocean. While cute, and with a nice pattern, he is undesirable.


The next day, the snow clears up, the balance bear shows little interest in us, and a walrus deer appears. The tribe, low on food, decides to attack it, even if its futile. They quickly notice how little damage they're doing to it though, and leave it alone. They find a dead crabbit and a root instead... they also find two arctic ramfoxes... of which they decide to steal from. One of them dies the next day of something, and Aname attacks the other one. (AND OH MY GOD THE SOUND IT MAKES WHEN YOU ATTACK IS SO CUTE AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME AAAA)

Our previous matriarch and patriarch die, so we assign the new ones. Our new tribe size limit is 16. Also I just noticed the balance bear has this fluffy tail and I love it.


The tribe finds a port to a supposed swampland, and decides that being in a swamp full of bugs and toxic berry bushes is better than being in a frozen wasteland where they can barely find enough food to sustain themselves.

Surprisingly, what they find at the end of the port isn't a swampland.. oh no, it's much worse. It's a jungle! The tribe tells themselves to stay calm, and that they'll find a way out soon. For now, they will be collecting, staying to the sidelines, and being as quiet as possible. 

Velvet paw has unlocked as a mutatable gene. 

The tribe decides to make its way to the northern port, as perhaps it could lead to the legendary home island of the very first creature to create a tribe of their own, Adam.


One of our females, Meis, gives birth to twins, the one with horns and big ears being sick. But yknow what? Fuck the game, im using the console to fix this. However, I will make the other one sick.


Along with beggining to collect large amount of food per day, our luck only increases as we find a stinky-tailed poison-fanged child in the bushes! While he does appear to have a crippled paw, I love him all the same. In our tribe he goes!

And with that, I'll end the update off. Cya!


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