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kinara tribe playthrough


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so im starting a new playthrough where there are no rules and its just cute nichelings, I haven't really felt like playing any of my other tribes so im gonna see if this helps


the way im naming creatures is that im going to just mash random syllables together, if I make words which mean bad things in different languages or stuff like that its purely a coincidence so sorry


we start with kinar and raron, two star-crossed lovers from an island of peace protected by petalily herself (my goddess of peace) so that nothing bad came upon any of them. the two decided to leave, still with the mindset that the whole world is peaceful, and they are about to learn that many dangers fill the outside world.

"my love, we have set our first foot on this island! it shall be named kinara island after you, and our children shall live on for generations, fed by this blessed land! settle down under this tree, and we shall explore in the morning." raron was bold and romantic, and felt nothing but admiration and love for his soon-to-be mate.

kinar giggled and blushed softly.20190217162035_1.thumb.jpg.b1cf9022d0fe1a018da9490880c7ee06.jpg

in the morning exploration had begun; raron was hunting moles with great success and kinar was gathering roots she could find on the ground. there was some discussion about where their future home, but they both soon realised that where they stood was already perfect- a tree in the tidepool, a berry bush for kinar and a nearby mole burrow for raron.


after a few days of food gathering away from their home, they returned to the tree to settle down. kinar had suggested having their first child, and raron seemed very excited that his mate wanted to finally start having children. kinar built her nest, and waited patiently to give birth.20190217163832_1.thumb.jpg.e78ee9a714afa0e225f948518b81f7e6.jpg

in the morning raron was introduced to his newest daughter, rosli, and he was very proud of her. kinar had observed that she was not very good at seeing, but neither of them seemed too concerned. there was no danger anywhere, after all.20190217164108_1.thumb.jpg.ed99f673b8deafedc5e6903c561c9d0c.jpg

whilst kinar was busy gathering food, raron leapt into the water to see what food was down there, and kinar found the whole thing very funny:

"raron, get out of there! theres nothing down there; you can stay up here and gather acorns if you want to help feed rosli"

"do not fear, my love! I have discovered fish, which shall feed my sweetest rosli!"

"if you say so!"20190217164422_1.thumb.jpg.b1b8f40b89eb14f8135ab07bc0893c33.jpg

when raron hopped out the water to dry himself off, a wanderer greeted him, called rereek.


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