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The 7 Clans || Warrior Cats Challenge Playthrough

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The 7 Clans









-Generated names must relate to the cat somehow

-Cats from different clans cannot breed together unless no others are compatible

-Different clans must have their own culture 

-Each cat must have a generated personality and theme song 

-Randomised events must be followed

-Prophecies may exist



Nightingalewish is slim, and they dislike their body; and something that stands out from them is that they have a speckled nose. They have a scarred, blue point pelt and are intersex. They also have golden eyes, and they are not blind. // Big Data - “Big Dater”

Robinpoppy is sturdy, and they like their body; and something that stands out from them is that they have a white chin. They have a coarse, silver point pelt and are not intersex. They also have light brown eyes, and they are not blind. // YOHIO ~ welcome to the city


Nightingalewish awoke, although it was in a place she had never seen before- where was the rolling moors of Windclan? She was not even in the lands of another's territory!- it was outlandish. Nothing was where it was supposed to be, either. 

With a huff, Nightingalewish set about gathering the strange weeds that littered her camp. 




Meanwhile, on the opposite side of camp, a strange Former-Windclan tom stalked up, his hazel eyes narrowed at the blue cat- the scent confused him, although he watched with an odd sense of calm. 

Of course he was sent here. Why wouldn't he be?

Edited by mr.j.williams
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