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*Story Mode Spoilers* The Home Island Immunity Gene


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Hello everyone! Now, apologies if this has already been asked/answered, I tried searching for it and couldn't find anything in regards to it.

The elusive home island immunity gene, you know the one, the pretty star one that Adam starts with. I have a big question pertaining to it: Is it mentioned anywhere within the game that order to interact with creatures on the home island, (once you reach it again,) that at least one of your creatures needs to have this gene? Because when I was about half way through the story mode, I heard that little tidbit in passing by a let's player. And of course by this point the gene had been long lost to my tribe. So I worried about this, of course. And a few days ago, lo and behold, I finally made it to the home island. And they 'didn't recognize my scent and fear my tribe,' and so I can't interact with them.

No achievement, no round ears, and a lot of disappointment later, I starting thinking. Did I miss it? Could I have skimmed past it, and just not registered it? If I did, I'm more than willing to admit it, but, I just started a new game and went through the tutorial again, (because it has been a while and it was a few versions ago since I started this file,) and I still didn't see any mention of this. So, am I just oblivious? Or is there really no mention, in game, of this crucial piece of information?

Also, is this file pooched now? Since I'm assuming that you can't obtain the home island immunity gene again once it's been bred out? Or is there some way to salvage it? Thanks for all of your help!

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The only way to invite home island nichelings is by having the Home Island Immunity. You cannot breed it back in after it is lost. The only way to get it back is by using console commands.

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