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In short, I love the idea of survival, going around to different planets, completing missions and mining for resources.

What I didn't like was the preasure of always having to "rush" trough galaxies to avoid the corp from killing you, that is where I think an exploration mode would be a great idea.

I want to play same planet over and over again to mine alot of resources that would be used for upgrades and keeping Nimbatus functional.

If anyone else would like this, upvote :) There are alot of things to disccus of how it would work, but the general idea is to explore new planets, find/research new parts so you can take on other planets and missions, a good progression.

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Like a zen mode? I kinda like it. While I do like that there's no "end" to the game and you're just kinda doomed to die at some point when repairs become more and more expensive, having a chill mode is something I've also thought about. Could be selected when creating a new character as a third option to "survival" and "sandbox"

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