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Posts posted by mhiahia

  1. Dear Bonala

    We are deeply sorry for our foolish error. We didn't intend anything bad. We will therefore again ask for your forgiveness.

    We would really like to join the UNN, even though we still are a young nation that just emerged. We assume you've already read out declaration of existence, but we will present you our goals:

    We wish to stay neutral under any circumstances. We may still send mercenaries to other countries of the UNN in time of need. We also expect the help of all other UNN-nations in the case of an emergency.

    All yours


    • Like 1
  2. Hello, dear shade. We would like to join you. We are:20190105142022_1.thumb.jpg.4944e8ee1289bc317a6b1cc344e09e75.jpg

    I'm the god of sacrifice. Not the heroic type of sacrifice in which you throw yourself in front of a bearyena to save a baby, but rather the quiet sacrifice of spending your whole life in front of one berry bush, collecting food for your tribe, without having a mate or any kids. I lead the souls of those nichelings to the afterlife and comfort them in their last moments.


    I am the god of luck. I was born in a time of plenty, with enough food to feed my big tribe. I also had only two kids with my mate, who both had fitting immunities which allowed them to continue our legacy.Also, I am the god of outstanding nichelings, as I was the only albinistic nicheling in my tribe.

    We are happy about the opportunity to fight next to you against those pesky racoons.

  3. New nations/armies/fan clubs are appearing out of nowhere. Maybe you've already joined them - but maybe you've noticed something strange: Almost all of them are ruled by one mighty leader, not a trace of democracy can be found - what can we do against it? We hereby send our excuses to the dear Bonala, as we fools forgot to mention that the Niche States of America have been democratic centuries before us.

    You may join the best newest nation of them all: Switzerland.

    We are a democratic nation that follows the basic idea of switzerland (which may be simplified at some points). Allow us to explain.

    Switzerland consists of different cantons (packs) who all have their own constitution (no values against the national constitution), their own government, their own police and their own courts.

    Our government consists of a parliament, where every canton sends two nichelings. Those nichelings elect the federal council, consisting of four nichelings, of which each is in command of one of those four departments:

    - department for foreign countries: This department has the task of maintaining the relations with all the other nations.

    -department for the population: This department is responsible for weather, culture, medicine and obviously, the happiness of the population.

    -department of justice and police: This department cares about the safety of the country and immigration

    -department of protection: This department takes care of the military

    If you want to change the constitution, you may start an initiative. The initiative is successful if the majority of the parliament and the population accept it (voting).

    Of course we are neutral towards everyone.

    Voting and electing:

    For cantons, the "founder" may decide about the elected parliament members, except if there are any immigrated nichelings. These can apply for a parliament position if they want to.

    For the federal council, every nicheling can declare himself/herself a candidate. They can try to convince others to elect them. The federal council gets elected regularly (I'm not too sure about the time span in between. Give me ideas)



    In case you feel like joining, please enter one of your packs using the following form. Each canton is a island, all together form the territory of switzerland.

    Name (required)

    territory (required) How does your island look? What kind of food is found there? If you're as lazy as I am, just say what kind of island it is.

    sigil (optional) picture and explanation. If you'd like to, you can also create some signature words.

    two nichelings for the parliament (required) pictures, character, way of thinking (conservative, liberal, etc)

    constitution (optional)

    government (required) Between three and ten nichelings, their character, their way of thinking

    The amount of time after which a new government gets elected (required) You can decide this freely, and also vary the time, but if you want to change it, every member has to be replaced.

    Population: describe how the population looks, talks, their rituals, etc.




    Reason for emigration:

    Age (you decide freely):

    Occupation (this can go from manager to berry picker to nothing):

    Home island:

    Picture of the nicheling, preferably with genes:

    Canton he/she wants to go to.

    If you apply for a canton, the person responsible may decide about your fate.

    Cantons so far:

    Bearyen: A Deadly Hills island. Its sigil consists of a bearyena in front of a yellow background that gets red on the borders (basically bern's sigil but with a beryena instead) see what I did there?

    The population consists of three main groups:

    Winged, dotted nichelings with cracker jaw (youngest population group)

    Nichelings with spiky body, bearyena snout, bearyena claws, bearyena ears, mask, black and red brown fur, white pattern and red pattern, pattern shape B, double tiny pattern, double pattern density thick, black megalocerous horns, yellow eyes.

    Toxic bodied nichelings with the mask, double pattern density thick, double medium pattern, pattern shape A, sometimes B recessive, cracker jaw, nimble fingers and digging paw, black megalocerous horns, purple eyes.

    parliament: 20190125190014_1.thumb.jpg.f3c5fa049370e9ea4fac5ab0522eb5ac.jpg20190125190021_1.thumb.jpg.0c6f2e13f174dfc51724c8900c97e40c.jpg

    government: consists of three nichelings who get elected whenever I please (coming soon)

    Their customs basically consist of eating toxic berries, killing all annoying wanderers and killing bearyenas to eat them. They all have a really weird two-part name, with the starting letters according to their immunity genes.

    Belongs to: Me

    (I will edit the rest of this later, I'm just really tired right now)


    I wrote this after having  a spontaneous idea and I don't really have a clue what I just made. Most likely no one will be interested, but I just wanted to write this down. I also apologize for any spelling error, but I can't read correctly anymore. Also, I'm away next week, so most likely I won't answer to posts.


    • Like 1
  4. Alright, I've tried this a few times already but I just found the best creature ever. He's just too beautiful, I can't.


    I need to know his pattern, I want him to be truly alive.

    Oh and by the way, this is me:


    The size is fitting, the gender...not so much.

    • Like 4
  5. Alright:

    The weird names are because of their immunity genes (Most of them are in german and they sum up my feelings towards them pretty good). So as an extra challenge, get his immunity genes correct.


    This poor guy never had kids, but he likes getting reincarnated in other files.


    Tourmaline, one of my all time favourites.


    And because of the amount of boys, here she is:


    Little question: Are you attempting to recreate their phenotype or all of their genes?

    • Like 1
  6. I've started a tribe in story mode some time ago, and now, after about 300 days, I have no clue about their "history". Since this kinda frustrates me, I decided to start a new story mode tribe on another save file, and post it here. This is mainly meant for me, but also for everyone who enjoys reading playthroughs. I will upload irregularly, and I can't say how long it'll take me to reach home island, or if I even manage to reach this goal. Naming ideas for any Nicheling are welcome, so are survival tips. I will also kind of create my own lore, and switch back and forth between the story and my comments.

    As Adam looks around on the island he dropped onto, fear rises in his chest. He's alone, all alone. There aren't any orange pelts around him, and the sounds of the pack are gone. The familiar chirping, the high, excited cries of the playing kids, the deep call of is mother - the only thing he hears are the reeds, slowly floating in the wind. His siblings, his mother and their warm, calming scent are far away. He feels uneasy, his heart beats loud and irregularly.  Being alone isn't something that lies in his nature. It is against her. 


    Adam stumbles over to the next tile, searching comfort in the familiar smell of the berries, as he falls asleep next to them. He awakes the next morning, disorientated and confused. In his dream, he was back on his island, playing under the watching eyes of the adults. His memory starts fading as he notices his hunger. He decides to pick some berries, but the task proves to be hard and tiring. Soon, he decides to sleep again. The next day, he notices a flowery port at the northern end of the island, and curiously makes his way up there.

    On his way he grows older, and as he sits in front of the long path of stone tiles that lead into the sea, towards a new island, a new home, he's become an adult. He puts his paw onto the first stone, and leaves his island behind him.


    His old island has long disappeared behind him, and as he starts to feel tired, a breeze brings a bunch of new, unfamiliar smells. His pace fastens and soon he spots an island in front of him. Then, in just a mere second, the sea begins to shake, and so the tiles he stands on. Panicked, Adam runs towards the island, while the stones behind him crumble, and start to sink into the ocean. The ground starts to slip away under his paws, and he jumps-

    The ground is hard, and the feeling of disorientation and fear remind him of the bird and his dreadful fall. As the pain starts to fade, Adam scrambles onto his shivering legs. He flattens his fur and decides to take a look around. It's an utter shock as his nose discovers the smell of one of his kind. He sniffs once again, this time carefully examining the smell. It's a female, about his age and she's close. Excitement and joy overwhelm him and drive his caution away. The need, the craving for a pack, for a companion is stronger than ever.


    The female sits still in the grass, waiting for him. Adam approaches her carefully - he has been alone for almost as long as he can remember, and he's not sure how to interact with her. It seems as if she's as alone as he is, since Adam can't find a trace of another animal. He's still kind of wary. The female's head looks strange to him, broad and heavy, not to mention her fur - a strange, shining colour, only occasionally broken by a light brown. Shy, he chirps his name as a greeting towards her. She answers immediately with her name, a deeper, softer sound - she is called Eve. Encouraged by this, Adam offers her some berries that he picked on his old island. The female curiously sniffs at them, then she begins to carefully eat one after another, obviously enjoying the new, unfamiliar taste.

    As the day starts to come to his end, the two of them lie down next to each other. They touch each others nose and groom the others fur, exchanging their smell in the process, getting to know each other better.

    I have been writing this for some time now, and I just want to post this, so here I go. Also, I try to take a more realistic approach, as you might have noticed. English isn't my native language, so my writing isn't too good.

    • Like 5
  7. This is only a really short update, and the next one will probably come next week.

    It's Tourmaline's last day, and since he only has daughters (six daughters. SIX daughters and no son) and the toxic body/wing lineage is at risk, he needs to find someone to mate with, in hopes of leaving a son after his death. (Also, once I get a tablet and become good at drawing nichelings, I will totally make some fanart of him, his mate and his children).


    For the sake of his lineage, he decides to mate with the young double digging paw Islais.


    Tourmaline's last day begins, and he passes away, next to his sister Amber and Islais, the mother of his last, unborn child.


    Amber deicides to use the nest of the Rekola and Tourmaline. Rekola, who still mourns her mate, gladly lets her have it.


    Also, Islais sits on the nest that she was born in, now waiting to have her first, and probably only child.


    Meanwhile, poor Siisana has been stunned by a coconut.


    Ralame decides to have another child, since only her firstborn carries the recessive bearyena hindlegs. Due to her and her mates low fertility, she has problems with getting pregnant, and doesn't succeed this day.


    The next day begins, and with him two young lives. Tourmaline's last child turns out to be a sickly daughter called Rakoana with bad fertility and only a recessive toxic body.


    On the other hand, Amber's first son Rovanta turns out to carry the velvet paw. His mother is stunned by his beauty (and I am too).


    Two days later, Amber gives birth to her second son. Similar to her, he also caries a wing and a velvet paw, but still got the derp snout of his dad. Since he has a recessive toxic body and a wing, he could be the male to save the toxic body lineage.


    The albinistic wanderer appears again, and gets attacked by our purple toxic body, Anareko (yes, I need to look the names up)


    At the same time, Siisana finds some rabbils..doing a polonaise?


    Our hybrids get their fourth, last and perfect baby. She doesn't have the recessive bearyena ears, but she has the hindlegs we needed, and just like her brother, she shows the poisonous fangs of her grandfather Tourmaline.


    Siisana reaches her last day, surrounded by the rabbils she loved to hunt.


    A bearyena appears, alarming the hybrids, who run in his direction as fast as they can.


    He gets attacked and takes some damage, but not enough for him to die.


    Amber gets her third son (if she continues to have boys, then...I dunno, I get angry?) Apart from his gender (and tail), he's living perfection, and has some beautiful blue eyes.


    The albinistic wanderer dies, after he tried to steal some berries. He messed with the wrong tribe.


    Anareko decides to continue her father's lineage, and takes her cousin Kirnu (Amber's second baby) as her future mate.


    I have no clue why I took this screenshot, but this moment was worth it for some reason, so here he is:


    Short notice: I really like having my playthrough here, because I can see what happened over time. It's kinda like a detailed family tree. This is why I will attempt a playthrough in Story mode, and post him in another topic. This was some shameless advertising, if you'd like some advertising too, you can buy this spot for only twenty food per letter.

    • Like 3
  8. So, it looks like there are still some districts left and I'd like to go with district 1.



    Tourmaline is a rather nice guy, but since his only real abilities are strength and being toxic, he focuses on protecting his family from wanderers or rogues. His biggest dream is to fly one day, and he hopes that his kids will have two wings. Since he's from the rainforest, he's really scared of apes and hopes they will never appear, since he doesn't have the ability to fly, and can't really hide himself. He's the son of a wanderer, and in the derp snouted tribe with the occasional cracker jaws, his poison fangs make him a rare sight.


    By his side is his mate Rekola, who he has a close relationship with. She's fast and good at hiding and she would die to protect her kids. She's a bit self-conscious of her appearance, as derp snout is most of the time seen as ugly. She knows that her appearance is well adapted to the rainforest, but she still can't really believe that the good-looking Tourmaline chose her to be his mate.


  9. And here comes the next update. I didn't really feel like playing, plus school has started again, but once I began, the fun started. When we left off, a wanderer was around, a new baby had arrived and one of the females was still pregnant.


    She's the daughter of our derp snout Kuta and therefore the half-sister of Tourmaline. Her genes are a big disappointment, as she has recessive blind eyes, no velvet paw and only a recessive toxic body. Also, the wanderer gets invited.


    The tamed bearyena appears again, just in time for Kois to mate with him. She hopes to bring the bearyena genes into the pack, where they could be needed.


    Tourmaline and the rest of the tribe get really hot for some reason. Also, Lame has mated with the invited toxic-body wanderer, and is ready to give birth.


    Lame has given birth to a little clone of herself, the only differences between them are eyecolour (the baby's eyes are black, Lame's are green) wings (the wings have switched sides) and paws (the baby has a claw, while Lame is crippled). It's her last day, and she's pregnant again, because none of her children have inherited her J immunity so far.


    Lame passes away shortly after she gave birth to a little baby girl. She inherited the toxic body and the velvet paw, but not her mother's J immunity. Because of her golden pelt and her brown dots, she's called Amber.


    Our invited wanderer dies, but a new pair of mates has appeared. Tourmaline and his half-sister Rekola mate together. They are trying to start a lineage of winged, toxic bodied nichelings. Also, a wanderer appears next to the two. He looks cool, but doesn't carry the right genes (actually, they are really weird).



    Also, Kois has given birth to her hybrid child, but was too old to survive the next day. The baby, Kunuro, possesses all bearyena genes (most of them recessive) and unlocks the bearyena claw. He's destined to be a warrior, and a protector of the pack.


    A day passes, and Lame's clone daughter (aka Sisana I think) discovers a rabbil at the shore. She jumps onto it, trying to catch it, but fails as it jumps away- although not far enough to avoid her deadly hit. Proud, she gathers the meat and decides to become a hunter.

    Meanwhile, Koana (the yellow female with the stinky tail sitting on the nest) has mated with Vannuduk. They both carry the velvet paw, and hope for a baby that carries on this precious paw onto the next generation, since it's not sure which lineage Amber will follow - the one of her older brother or her own?


    Koana anxiously awaits her firstborn - only to see her hopes for a velvet paw crushed. The healthy little girl between her paws carries nothings but the digging paw - twice. Apart from that, her genes are almost pure perfection (apart from the yellow fur). Still, little Kolaana will most likely not be used for breeding.


    Meanwhile, Tourmaline and his mate Rekola have decided to build their own nest, and Rekola has given birth to a daughter. However, she's not at all what expected. With double claw and lacking toxic body, Ralame is entirely not what Tourmaline and Rekola wish their line to look like.


    Islais is the second result of the desperate breeding for a velvet paw. Like her older sister, she only possesses digging paws. This seems almost like a curse.


    Also, Tourmaline and Rekola have their second child, a rainforest-beauty with bad eyes and recessive peacocktail, Kola. Or Coca Cola, as I like to call her.


    The digging paw curse has happened again - the third daughter of Koana and Vannuduk is born, no velvet paw is to be seen in poor Rare's genetics. Meanwhile, Amber is off to discover the unknown depths of the jungle, while our huntress Sisana hunts in the grass.


    Tourmaline and Rekola also had their third daughter, Memera, the first winged creature in the history of the tribe. Her crackerjaw will be perfect to crack nuts. She also has the toxic body and recessive poison fangs of her father.


    While Koana gives birth to their last child, Vannuduk passes away. The tribe is panicked - will the velvet paw stay? In the early morning, little Tataku is born - the first nicheling of the tribe to carry a double velvetpaw. His genes are almost perfect, except for the non dominant webbed hindlegs, but the curse of the digging paw has been broken. He gets renamed to Velvet, showing the importance of his genes.

    As you see in the top left corner, Ralame (the claw child) and Kunuro (the hybrid) are both next to a nest. This is because they are a breeding pair. The primary goal is to give the recessive bearyena genes on to the next generation, and then to pair two of their children up, to unlock all bearyena genes. The secondary, long-time goal is a line of protectors and fighters.


    The double digging paw Kolaana also went to the west, since there are many roots underground.She's right next to Sisana, who's there to hunt rabbils and stagmoles.

    Kolaana discovers an albinistic wanderer with poison fangs, but since he has a recessive purrsnout (I don't really use purrsnout) and a crippled paw, we won't invite him.


    The fourth daughter of Tourmaline and Rekola gets born. She's basically a copy of her older sister Memera.


    Our first bearyena gene kid gets born. Taroduk is perfect, except for the lacking dots and the bad fertility. The pack hopes for a female that he can mate with.


    Behind the young family, a bearyena appears. He picked the wrong prey, getting killed by four hits.


    Memera sits onto a tree, starting to gather food by cracking the walnuts around it open. The group is doing really well so far.


    Tourmaline and Rekola get a fifth daughter, Analare. She possesses the toxic body, but lacks a wing. Her genes aren't too good, but they are alright.


    Our second hybrid son gets born, showing off the poison fangs of his grandfather, Tourmaline.


    Speaking of which, Tourmaline is now father to a sixth daughter, that proudly presents her toxic body. Except for her gender and her head, she's the exact reproduction of her dad.


    Our two hybrid boys finally get a sister. She shares the same immunity genes with her older brother, and one with her poison fanged brother, but it is still decided that she will mate with both of them, for the sake of the new genes and the future of the pack.


    This is were I'll leave everything so far. The tribe has grown since the beginning, and begins to part into three different bloodlines: The winged toxic bodies, the strong bearyena hybrids and the fast velvet paws. Let's see how well this will go.



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  10. 11 hours ago, magpie said:

    District: 6


     Cherry isn't especially bright and probably wouldn't win any beauty contest, but (and this is after all the thing most important in a nicheling) she has a HUGE heart. She befriends almost anyone, including rabbils, which makes her a pretty sorry hunter - and an unlikely Hunger Games winner. Her only chance is to soften up her opponents and turn them into hippies, thus sabotaging the whole murder process. Here's her photo, she's posing alongside her youngest son:



    Ryuk is a handsome fella, if you're into trunks. He's handsome and he knows it; he spends his waking hours sitting by a lake, admiring his reflection. Sometimes he is forced to do something else, e. g. fight bearyenas, but he can't quite focus and often ceases to fight altogether, falling into yet another daydream about his own brilliance. Thankfully his beauty is so overwhelming it stuns most bearyenas as well; they freeze on place and contemplate Ryuk's fine figure, becoming easy targets for Ryuk's uglier relatives. The photo below shows Ryuk sitting magnificently on a tree stump and two females from his tribe watching him with adoring eyes.image.thumb.png.07b9e63f3c7ffd80fc2b010a44626458.png


    This is one of the best things I've seen.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Jojo said:

    Sure go ahead :D


    District: I don't really care, but 5 would be nice.

    Names: Meana and Roku




    Roku is a very pack-orientated nicheling. He'd do anything for his pack, especially for his siblings. He normally spends his time with picking berries or hunting rabbils. He's very friendly and likes a good talk. However, if his pack is under attack, or food is stolen, his protective side takes over and he mercilessly attacks everyone who poses a threat. While attacking, he makes good use of his poison fangs and big body.


    Meana is Roku's niece and like her parents part of a twin litter. She's the first one of her clan to have the poison body and is really proud about this fact. She's somehow got a higher rank than Roku, since her twin brother has compatible immunities to her, meaning that they are a mating pair. She's a bit of a complicated character, only getting along well with her close family. She's afraid of water, because she almost drowned while traveling from one island to another. Even though she's rather weak, she's not afraid of many other things, since she's been born with the ability to poison every attacker. She's really fast and likes to walk around a lot, even when it't potentially dangerous.


    I'm really interested in how this is gonna come out.

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