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Everything posted by Wander

  1. I think that the island travel system is one of the poorest features in the game. It's hard to tell which island you've been to, and you have little to no control over which islands you'll be able to travel to. Like if you want to go to a hot environment to unlock the genes, you just have to hope a savanna port appears otherwise you're out of luck. Marking which islands you've been to would be a small improvement, but any improvement would be better than nothing.
  2. I thought they were called Hybrids cuz the achievement?
  3. Oh! I didn't realize some of these things were already planned to be implemented! Sorry I'm new. ^^; And yeah, I knew I could have made separate posts for each of these things in the other forum. I just didn't want to be that new person spamming up the place lol Plus, I like seeing what other people would like added to the game.
  4. I have no clue about what will be included in future updates. I was just throwing around ideas.
  5. I only recently found out about this game myself. I think the last update was in june or july, and that added new genes like wings and purr snout. This updated version is the only type that I have played. I assume that this update was free. Playing the game, I think it's safe for kids. There's no scummy microtransactions or lootboxes. No DLC that I know of. It's just a one time fee of $18, with i assume free updates every once and a while. The only drawback that I can think of is that it's kind of hard for beginners to grasp. The game doesn't really explain things well, not even in the tutorial mode. I saw a lot of adults complain about that on steam, so it might be hard for kids to learn and survive on the more difficult islands. But we'd be happy to answer any questions on the forums. I'm happy to see more people play this game!
  6. You just said you can't tell what their genes are because it's a whims of fate challenge, but then you told the genes.... =/ Also, could you imagine if your name was Strong Bear. Then one day someone named Stronger bear came up and was like, I'm exactly like you except better in every way! Reminds me of Friend bear and Best friend bear from the care bear series. Like you just tryin to 1-up them all the time? What a prick. Makes me feel bad for Strong Bear, so I pick her as the leader.
  7. Hello I just was thinking about new genes that could be added to the game that wouldn't necessarily add new features. They would be the same as other genes, just it's nice to have variety. That way you can chose whichever one you think looks the best without having to sacrifice function. These are just some of my ideas and I'd love to hear some of yours too! Bull Horns same as antlers and ram horns +1 strength Spiral Horns +1 strength Rhino Face Same as saber tooth fangs, +2 strength Pug snout I would say same as derp snout, +2 distasteful appearance But i understand some people think it's cute, so maybe just like normal snout +2 smelling Bat wings Same as normal wings, +4 flying but only if you have 2 of them Pteradactyl Wings +4 flying Rabbit Ears and Tail Ears same as big ears, +1 heat resistance +4 hearing -1 cold resistance Tail same as medium tail, +1 cold resistance Curly/Fluffy Tail Same as medium tail Duck feet Same as webbed feet, +1 speed +2 swimming Rodent Teeth Same as cracking jaw, +2 smelling +2 cracking btw, this is a pic of a cartoon because it's cuter. real rodent teeth r kind of creepy looking lol.
  8. This would certainly be a very cute addition! I agree that it should have less hearing than standard ears. Maybe add a point to smelling? I heard that dogs that are good at tracking (basset hounds, beagles, pointers, etc) all have floppy ears because it actually helps them smell. Their ears kind of act like a fan. When it flops it blows more air towards the nose.
  9. I like the idea of digging being more useful of a trait overall. Right now there's not really any reason to stack digging genes except to get more roots. Having a safe nest from birds would be really cool. Maybe high digging stat could also help you catch stagmoles hiding in their holes.
  10. I think that it would be interesting to turn the blind gene into a somewhat useful trait. Maybe even make a blind tribe challenge. It does add hearing and smelling points, so you could make a blind nicheling with big ear and big nose that actually can perceive a lot of its environment. There are animals irl with bad eyesight like moles that survive just fine. The only thing holding it back is the movement! Why rely on seeing nichelings to be able to move? Blind nichelings can hear and smell things far away, but they can't get to it just because the others can't see it? Disappointing... On a side note, if we allow blind nichelings to move, does that mean we'd have to change nearsighted nicheling's movement mechanics too?
  11. Good idea! Winged nichelings should rely on mostly on flight for getting places, so low speed +1. I think +1 would be better than +0 because if the nicheling did not have wings, it would not be able to move. +4 strength sounds OP. But I do agree that birds need more strength, because right now they're relying on horns, body type, and bearyena legs. And body type can lower your ability to fly. I love the idea of adding fishing ability to talons the most! Right now in order to get the bird to eat fish, they need a fishing tail. I wanted my bird tribe to have bird traits (peacock tail), so it's kind of lame that they have to sacrifice that ability to gather food. Plus if you wanted to double up on fishing traits, you could have both talons and fishing tail to catch razoranhas. +1 speed, +1 strength, +2 fishing?
  12. I agree that the water environments are kind of drab. New predators would be interesting. But I absolutely agree there needs to be more food! Everything is too scattered. Can't there be a berry bush or tree equivalent underwater? Something that doesn't move around... maybe kelp or seaweed.
  13. I was inspired from the new update, which added wings and peacock tail. The winged nichelings could fly to the tops of the trees, build nests, and gather food before it even fell from the trees. Also, peacock tail nichelings could call from atop these trees in addition to stumps. These features are nice, but felt a little unfair for the more grounded nichelings. It's especially frustrating that you have to rely on outsiders to come in with the wing gene to even be able to fly. That's why I think that the ability to climb trees would be a nice feature to add. You wouldn't even have to add a new gene. I think that 2 nimble fingers would do the job well, since real life animals like monkeys and squirrels live in trees and have fingers. Also, did you know that one hypothesis on the evolution of flight is "from the trees - down"? Some scientists think that before learning how to fly, animals learned to glide. Gliding is advantageous for animals that live in trees, because it allows them to quickly travel from tree to tree without expending a lot of energy. Some real life animals such as flying squirrels and sugar gliders are good examples of that. And archaeopteryx, considered a link between dinosaurs and modern birds, could have also glided from trees. Basically I mean to say that climbing trees can also help unlock wings. Climbing trees -> Gliding -> Flying You wouldn't have to rely on random strangers with wings to wander by your tribe. And if Stray Fawn does decide to add a forest biome... I think climbing would be very useful due to the abundance of trees. (wink wink nudge nudge, stray fawn)
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