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Posts posted by kakapo123

  1. I know I've read something about this in a suggestion before, but I think it must've been a post about something else because I can't find it :| If anyone else knows where it is you could add a link in the comments for me?

    Anyhoo, from what I remember this post suggested that nichelings with horns/antlers would have an option over them (like with the purr snout) to charge. They would then go in one direction continually until they bumped into something. If that something happened to be another animal it would be dealt damage. While I love the idea of being able to charge into other amimals and deal damage, I can't see this method working. I think it would work better if it was more like the swooping interaction that winged nichelings can use to attack rabbils and crabbits

    With my method, all genes under the horn slot (other than antennae of course) would give nichelings a charge stat. It wouldn't be something that has levels but instead would be something nichelings either have or don't have like the stats for being venomous or having a distasteful scent. Nichelings with this stat would have an option over larger animals (bearyenas, walrus deer, ramfoxes, balance bears and the two bears that will be added in the upcoming update) or other nichelings within their travelling range that would allow them to charge at it. They would then move from their current space to the nearest space beside whatever they're attacking, and would deal however much damage their strength dictates. They could also stun whatever they're attacking, which would work the same as coconuts falling on a nichelings head

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  2.  @Pokestardragacraft I didn't even realise that until you pointed it out, I completely agree. It makes no sense to just trade 1 piece of food for 1 day's worth of fat stores when both do exactly the same thing

    I think they should maybe gain 1 day's worth of fat stores for every set amount of days they get enough food. So for example every 5 consecutive days the tribe is fully fed every nicheling with the camel body could get 1 days worth of reserves

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  3. Again, each gene should be given its own post. I would definitely give the head +1 strength seeing as wolverines are predatory and use their relatively powerful jaws for hunting. The legs are pretty cool but because they are so short I can't see them working for nichelings. For starters, imagine how silly a nicheling would look if it had just 1 wolverine leg and the other was a normal length leg. They would also need new models for the bodies so that the bodies would work with the different sized legs. The horizontal stripes would be great, although I don't see why they would add extra camouflage 

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  4. @VankirvanJD I would also love to have an actual monitor head xD

    This is a pretty cool idea, but you should give these separate posts so that people can vote for each thing seperately. For example I love the idea of the monitor head, but I'm not that bothered about the legs

    I would also change the stats for the head slightly. I would remove the heat resistance and instead of having a separate gene for the venomous saliva (not to be that person, but saliva can't be poisonous) and add stats for venom to the head. It wouldn't make much sense to have the saliva be a seperate gene 

    Edit: that tiny wee box you get to type in edits is a real pain in the butt lol. I totally missed the bit about the whip tail, that's also pretty awesome :D

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  5. This is awesome :D

    Perhaps to unlock it 30 nichelings would have to starve, I think that's the same amount as how many need to take damage to unlock the spiky body

    I'm a little confused about how it would actually work though? How would it fill up with fat? As for using it, I'd rather it be kept as an emergency food store for when there's not enough food to go round. Instead of using up the fat stores as soon as they're gained, they would be kept for when there isn't enough food for every nicheling. This would make more sense, why use up emergency stores when there's plenty real food to eat instead?

    Personally I think 2 humps would look better, but I'd be happy either way

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  6. 3 hours ago, Fishyfishyfishy500 said:

    they have defense, it's hard to hurt them and not to implode from 3 turns of hurt without using armored body to help you

    I take it you're replying to me. I was confused for a minute lol. Anyhoo, if that's the case then maybe just attacking wouldn't be much better xD

  7. These should still be given separate posts so people can vote for each thing separately

    Anyhoo, the goat head giving collecting makes no sense as goats, like all artiodactyls, are ruminants and eat grass only. If grazing was implemented, which I'm pretty sure there's been a suggestion for, it could work for that. The distasteful appearance also isn't great as it's a matter of opinion if goats are ugly or not - I personally think they have quite sweet wee faces. I would love to see a goat head added for this reason, but only if grazing was added too

    Hooves have already been suggested, as I said. I think they would be a pretty good addition to the game. They could add climbing as well as speed, because goats must be some of the best climbers in the world (Google pictures of goats climbing)

    The stub tail seems a bit pointless. There are already suggestions for short tails, and given you wouldnt be able to see them unless you were in the family tree anyway it wouldn't even be useful for an alternative option 

    Id love to see horns added purely to have more options to choose from, especially some like the ones pictured below. Id give it +1 stats like all the other horns/antlers we have


  8. 3 minutes ago, Renio2490 said:

    Yes, but what if I have no males and only females no wanderers? WHO'S GONNA SAVE ME?

    You'd still be able to breed with rogue males if you wanted. All this would do is make it so that on hard/killer mode islands the rogue males would kill babies that aren't theirs

  9. You should include more detail than just naming a few random genes if you're wanting people to upvote this. What would the stats be? How would you unlock them? Also, each gene should have its own individual post. Hooves have been suggested before, and there's also suggestions for both a bobtail and a rabbit/deer tail. What would make the goat tail different?


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  10. 1 hour ago, RandomWanderer said:

    Actions points are cool, but maybe they could just not move as much in another way? So if their speed is 5, they'd only have a two or three. Otherwise, picking a berry would be as exhausting as actually running. It helps that rogues are very slow, despite speed genes at times.

    Another possibility is reducing their lifespan. The near immortal rogues on higher age settings would be nerved that way, too. 

    That makes way more sense lol. I'll change it :D

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  11. 51 minutes ago, RandomWanderer said:

    I guess we have a different opinion on seriousness? I'm really not sure what to say, but please don't worry about suggestions that seem overkill. They're usually very unpopular, so the community doesn't like harshness. I think some of the most downvotes I've seen were on cancer and abortions, so anything even related to dying baby nichelings and unpredictable death is one big no-no.

    I agree that most of the more violent suggestions have plenty of downvotes, but arent there ones for being able to kill baby nichelings and cannibalize wanderers/rogue males with a decent few votes ?

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  12. 1 hour ago, Renio2490 said:

    At this point in Niche, everyone can only think of things that hurt your Nichelings. What about new biomes? New ways to genes aside from wanderers? Special genes that really don't make sense? Goat head? Hooves? Stub tails? I could think of so much that isn't related to the Nichelings getting hurt. A way to tame rogue males into your tribe? Anything magical isn't really bad. Remember whale island? That's a whale. That your Nichelings live on. Now isn't that magical? I just wish everything wasn't about your Nichelings getting hurt and just things being realistic. Isn't Niche supposed to be where you get away from life and problems and just life the real world and agony? Aren't all games supposed to do that? Niche is one of those relaxing games, aren't they? Or is it about dying and suffering in a climate because your last child died by a rogue male? I can't get the grasp of why this should be added. Niche, in my mind, is about surviving and being calm while doing it. And saying this, makes me realize it doesn't do that anymore. Also, please don't take this seriously. I'm tired. I just wasted my time writing this and killing myself in the process.  I should probably not post this. 

    Most suggestions have nothing to do with nichelings getting hurt lol. There are far more suggestions for new genes and stuff like that. And while lots of new genes are cool, the game would probably get boring without the odd 'violent' suggestion. I get if that sort of thing isn't your cup of tea,but if that's the case then can't you just stick to some easier islands where theres less stuff to worry about killing your nichelings? A lot of people would lose interest in the game pretty quickly with nothing to make the game more challenging 

    Also, in response to your first comment, rogue males aren't meant to be goofy, they're meant to cause problems and add challenge to the game

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  13. On Monday, May 14, 2018 at 11:03 PM, Dinocanid said:

    I think the tail tuft should be it's own thing instead of an add-on for the fishing tail; maybe call it "tuft tail" or something. Since it's based on a lion, perhaps the only buff could be heat resistance.

    Tails with tufts like the lion's are actually used to keep flies away from what I've read, so instead of heat resistance it would probably keep the fly swarms on swamp islands at bay

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  14. 1 minute ago, Skysplash8 said:

    Unlike probably everyone else, I think this would be awesome. Except for the fact that they might kill their own children. Maybe they don't kill the babies if they're their own, and instead protect them (so bluebirds and other rogue males don't kill them)? That would be cute :D

    Yeah, they would probably be able to tell if the babies theirs or not so they don't kill their own babies xD

  15. Another negative suggestion, but I find that while the rogue males can be annoying they're not that big of an issue. Other than the crippled paws and kind of ugly derp snout they don't have too bad genes, they actually have really good fertility. As well as this, many male animals in real life will take any chance they get to kill babies that don't belong to them so that they can have a chance to pass on their own genes. Rogue males (only on hard/killer islands) would kill any babies left undefended. They would either go right up to any baby whether theres an aduly there or not and only back off if attacked by an another nicheling, or would only kill babies left on their own like the bluebirds

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