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Everything posted by MAТТRESS

  1. *inhales* Hi. People call me Raana, so I guess you can call me that too. Or Pepper (usually that's my online name). I'm not new...been here a few months...but people were doing this soooooo... I like Warrior Cats and books and art and foxes and animals in general and stuffed animals and Niche. Oh, hot chocolate's good too. My favorite show is Gravity Falls, my favorite book is Anne of Green Gables, my favorite video games are Cattails, Slime Rancher, and Niche. Yea. I'm gonna stop talking now. Hi.
  2. WAIT, I FORGOT A MEMBER OF THE "SHELF SQUAD"!! Hedwig 😊 My friend actually crochet her for me, along with that fox in the other pic, Autumn.
  3. What a creative name...😆
  4. I spy with my little eye... MINECRAFT PLUSHIES!
  5. I decided to take photos of the rest of my stuffed animals that I have access to currently... Here's the "Shelf Squad" From left to right, we have- Nibblet Unnamed raccoon Sleuth Fleecia Cass Licorice Unnamed dalmatian My Flippazoo (The one shown now is Sparky) Sly Autumn...I think? August The "Cabinet Squad" Left to right is- Sparkles Shiny Sherbet And some other guys... Some are unnamed, but the pink cat is Princess Pink, and the rabbit is Pastel.
  6. Pudding the panda Phoenix the dog Pua the pig Phew, I think that's all of them in the "Favorites Squad"! Okay... I have A LOOOOOOT of plushies...
  7. Rainy Pusheen the cat Icy Pucheen the cat Brightheart the cat (or Warrior Cat, I might add) Crowwing the cat (another Warrior Cat)
  8. Gilbert the pig Tanner the snow leopard Zip the cat Cabbage Rose the dog
  9. I know you have at least one...post pics of them... Don't judge, I know I have a lot of plooshies... Oh, and this is just my "Favorites Squad" I have a "Shelf Squad" and a "Cabinet Squad", but the "Favorites Squad" is the biggest... Pepper the Fox (the inspiration for a lot of my usernames...) Jupiter the sea turtle Destin the sea leopard Candy the...bunny blob...? Okay wait, apparently all my pictures take up the max file size...this will have to be spread out among many posts..kay.
  10. Wait, do you mean the wanderer is close enough to Raana's appearance, or Raana is close enough to a deity?
  11. Hem hem...Raana isn't a deity...but I must say, that wanderer looks very close to her! Good job!
  12. Yup, sure is! I actually realized right away, idk why... Also did you ever notice that the default text color on the forums is not completely black? I just noticed that now...
  13. The Great HammerGoveFhark Hey! I got most of that right!
  14. Good! And it's good that you are good too!
  15. How's everyone doing? This is pretty fun, I never typed in white text before! Secreeeeet...
  16. I call these two below the toxic twins...I need to draw a pic of them someday
  17. Man, I did not know this many people on here had YT channels. I mean, I knew about heyitsgeorgie, and Kattails (anybody remember Kattails? They haven't been on for a while, I don't think) having a channel, but not anybody else. Cool! I have a channel, but it's really cringy...ahhhh...so I'll spare you of not knowing what it's called...😆
  18. I read that one once, too! I liked the way that it was like a poem.
  19. I don't cry that often in books. Usually when characters die I only start crying when another character in a book is sad about it... like when Harry starts crying at Dumbledore's funeral, and Anne starts crying after Matthew dies (Anne of Green Gables...ha). I did kinda cry when Brom died in this book called Eragon. Or it was somewhere in the series he died...not sure what book... Oh, ya know what book I cried a lot in at the end? Where The Red Fern Grows. AHHHH, that ending was SO SAD! Man...sad ending...
  20. My friend read that book, I think. They told me I should read it, and then they were going on about somebody chopping off their finger and using it as a key to some lock. I decided right then and there that mayyyybe this book wasn't for me...idk maybe I'll give it a read someday...?
  21. That's a good one! I'm really disappointed the movie didn't do it justice, though...
  22. What are you guys' favorite books? Mine's Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery. I also like Girl, Stolen by April Henry, though. And the fist Warrior Cat book Into The Wild by... one of the Erins... My favorite used to be Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. Oh, The Seventh Most Important Thing by Shelly Pearsall is really awesome too. Awkward by Svetlana Chamakova is cool (it's a graphic novel). But yeah, all time favorite is Anne of Green Gables as stated before. If you have any favorite books, you can comment them!
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