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Everything posted by MАTTRESS

  1. or at least i Think i did i mean theres no way i couldve gotten it other way unless i killed an enderman but im pretty sure i didnt
  2. i just remembered like one time i was playing minecraft and i was in survival and i broke a grass block and i Got it and i did it with my hands i am literally ranboo
  3. hjust got dhot with a nerf gun foe the firsy tiba
  4. wait is that like a real thing i hope thats not a real thing that i just made fun of according to my mom its this disease that probably doesnt exist but my mom thinks everyone in the world has it or something
  5. wait i spelled it wrong its "mOrGeLLoNs"
  6. why does this cup make the water taste dusty its like when my mom made me drink water with Special dust in it to get rid of the "mOrGeLLeNes"
  7. and now i stubbed my toe this is the worst day
  8. oh hey i just did that cup around mouth thing and when i took it off there was blood in the cup Wuh oh [self hafjm again]
  9. oh i already insulted baby cookie here, guess she gets it twice [shes homophobic she deserves it]
  10. the best 10kth post possible
  11. i reached 10k posts 2901 posts ago
  12. welcome new stranger who is new and has not been here before and does not have a very large presence on this site


    yea i forgot about that lol that was just the only noun one i could think of
  14. why did this just Appear in my search history i never searched whatever this is ??
  15. its never like That hard but like if it was my mom might not take me to it anyway so
  16. *casually watches someone have multiple seizures and get possessed*
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