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Everything posted by Zixvir

  1. well I guess the ground around him is on fire all I have to do is get gasoline on him. I yeet the tank. also where did I get shot.
  2. Zixvir


    if you detatched them, it would look like an eye of ender. "eye of goldfish" the goldfish would also die.
  3. Zixvir


    someone mentioned blue goldfish. Is this actually a goldfish?
  4. isn't it still on fire? it's gonna die anyway. where did the bullet hit? I'm assuming it shot me, but missed, because it's on fire.
  5. uhhh... put down torches? and if you're worried about losing yoru home, just set your spawn. you can just drown since keepinv is on.
  6. it's 1.16.5 soooooo, Rabies?
  7. Zixvir


    those are actually apart of it's eyes.
  8. or, alternativly, squirt flaming gasoline on them.
  9. uhhh, what's happening? it's kinda hard to tell what actually happened. I guess I'm not in prison. well I had something to light the bomb so I pour gasoline on the squirrel and light it up.
  10. but the bomb still explodes.
  11. I still have my stuff though. you didn't say I blacked out. so I definitly have my stuff. bomb.
  12. okay... hmmmm... what do I have access to in the cell?
  13. its not magic, it's alchemy.
  14. anyways, I draw a transmutation circle and create a tunnel(moving it into the hallway) and create another transmutation circle and create the wall of the cell. making it very thick. I create another transmutation circle moving the rock behind me, and repeating until I'm out. and I guess pancake escaped.
  15. oh. I thought it was like the last choice in this video (warning, there is one curse word.)
  16. wait, but I knocked the gun out of his hands.
  17. where does he shoot me? no matter what, I recoil from pain.
  18. ahhh. I knock the gun out of it's hands and strangle it. btw pancake escaped anyways.
  19. how do they throw me. I'm a human. what do they do to capture me. also, I freed pancake while giving them the nuts.
  20. it's a squirrel. I bribe it with acorns, bird seed, and tree nuts.
  21. I make many pancakes and attach them to you. now you are out of the cell.
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