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Everything posted by Applesauce

  1. Speaking of mates, in the morning Nina finds a tall handsome creature. 'Why hello handsome!' Baba, scare Nina can't tell the difference between a mound of dirt and a potenial boyfriend, reminds her it's only dirt. There goes all her hopes and dreams.
  2. Not in a huge rush to find mates. I like to focus more on story than building an actual tribe but if the chance arrises I definitely would like to have some babies
  3. They are the most wholesome couple. I watched a video of them making gingerbread
  4. Everyone has their own playing style, but how would you describe yours? I’ve been jumping around with different ways to play like changing the pacing and such so I’m looking for ideas. The only thing I do consistently is not use the mutation menu, as some of you might know. For me, it just feels too easy. Heres a couple questions to get you started - do you use any story/role play? and how long to you tend to stick with one game? Include any details that feel important.
  5. After a two successful healings and two near death incouters with meat-eating plants, the trio is quiet worn out. Hopefully there will be some bliss in the days to come.
  6. Meanwhile, Baba and Nina find the sunplant. 'Hmmmm... what's it taste like?' Nina asks 'I hear it's good.' Baba replies. 'Were you a healer on the hills? It seems you know a lot about medicine stuff.' 'Kind of.' 'I heard they live with bearyenas on the hills. Did you know any?' 'My grandfather.' 'Wow so that make you 1/3s bearyena!' 'Quarter actually, but close.' Baba hands the curious girl the yellow sunplant fruit. 'Nina might have a chance on the hills.' Baba thinks as she watches Nina wolf down the fruit.
  7. 'There's another sunplant over that way,' she points. 'I'm gonna take Nina.' Daisy stays behind and gathers berries. What is it about this bush that makes them want to blink
  8. And very luckily, the next morning brings rain! Sweet rain brings lush berries. While smelling for any potential danger, Baba catches scent of another sunplant. She gave the one near the killer plant to Daisy, of course. She is slightly older than Nina and had worse injuries than her. But since there's two and Nina is still injured it works out fine.
  9. Nina finds a berry bush. They food after Baba spent all that time getting Daisy out. Nina could have been gathering but hey, being queen of an island is work. (again, very excited)
  10. Now the only question is where will they go from here in this strange, mismatched land.
  11. Baba guides Daisy out of the plant and in the middle of her and Nina. From here, Baba can see that some of the pink liquid is mixed with blood. She cleans it off in a motherly fashion. Daisy doesn't say anything except a shuttered 'Thank you.' Poor thing looks traumatized. 'Don't mention it. From now on we should really be more careful where we step.' The others agree.
  12. Baba can feel the plant getting weaker. Almost there... And tada! Out comes Daisy drenched in pinkish liquid and shivering. Sadly, no thanks to Nina
  13. However the next day Nina arrives. She runs into a funny bird, but bird won't help. Now is a time of crisis
  14. Meanwhile Baba uses all her strengh on the plant. Other than Daisy being stuck in a killer plant, it's not a very eventful day.
  15. Quickly she leaps off the island and into the water. I'm coming!' She shouts. 'Gotta go, crab dude.'
  16. Baba calls for Nina, far out on her island. Nina squints down the bay. She can't see Daisy, only Baba. And a pinkish shape... oh no
  17. idk why I capitalized peril. Probably thinking of WoF. I'm gonna do some tommorow because it's a weekend. I did a bunch of work today, edited some photos that I'm very proud of. I'd love to show you guys but they show where I live so you'll just have to picture it
  18. I agree. I just watched a video of one where two 5 strength nichelings managed to defeat one with one hit each. Baba can do it in two days with 5 hits. I am going to start calming down now.
  19. Thank you. I tried wiki but it's all from old updates. Do you know how much damage it has to take before it releases?
  20. Ok people, I need help. Nina was in the plant for 2 days and suffered 24 damage. Thats 12 damage per day. Baba and Nina have 2 strength each. Baba is right next to the plant but I know it will take Nina a day or two to get there. How long will it take for Daisy to get out with all these factors?
  21. Nina takes a siesta on Nina island, oblivious to the Peril Daisy faces.
  22. Just gotta get a little closer... FRICK (THAT WAS NOT IN THE SCRIPT)
  23. Finally, some food other than roots and clams. And on top of that, a sunplant!
  24. 'Huh? An island?' She sniff it. 'I shall call it.. Nina island!'
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