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Stray Fawn Community

Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. Midnight contribution to ALL THE PAGES OF ALL THE PAGES
  2. Why would you do that? We are having issues with mobs already!
  3. Looks better than most cats i draw tbh
  4. Honestly, I don't find the realm enjoyable anymore. I'll probably only log on to the second creative world (nuke world).
  5. Started Wishful Thinking, forgot the dad's name was Harry and called my character Harriet
  6. Oh... I forgot to do this... I don't even have an excuse
  7. Nabbed a CB Lunar Herald while looking for Nebulas, my breeding project is going well. Also bump
  8. What is the gimmick? Please actually tell us this time
  9. Just finished With Every Heartbeat, despite having spoiled how it ended I still found it emotional
  10. You didn't ask if anyone was okay with it, you didn't answer every other times we asked why, I can't deal with the hordes of creepers that spawn near my house
  11. NO ONE ASKED FOR SLEEP TO BE REMOVED OR FOR A GIMMICK. please explain why there has to be a gimmick and why you thought it would be a good idea to remove sleep, several pets died because of it
  12. What does the Bible have to do with anything? Also I don't believe you can absorb Polly's ghost without their permission
  13. Would you look at that... Glory and Dusty Cheeto have decided to try again for a child Puddle has reached the healing plant: Yay Oh? What happened here?
  14. Why can't we sleep in the realm? Why?
  15. Midnight contribution to ALL THE PAGES OF ALL THE PAGES
  16. NVM found it. Here it is https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-mp7Ujzw2GTv1f4qaGSSuGBcBKd9NUS-Rkts1ddljF4/edit
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