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Stray Fawn Community

Modiano Urania

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Everything posted by Modiano Urania

  1. Dunno, especially considering Fawnland is an anarchical state apparently
  2. I think gold would be good
  3. There's a desert nearby actually
  4. I personally recognize the village, the houses by the bit shop and Meowbees' house Fawnland
  5. You live in Fawnland so it's allowed
  6. only in the village, I don't think Fawnland even has a government or laws
  7. The kelp was tainted, we removed it so eventually it healed
  8. I think the drought is over
  9. What happened to the clock btw?
  10. iS tHiS hOw YoU pLaY nIcHe?'?'???''?' OH-GOD-NO-21-May-2021-105714586.html
  11. mhh... I'm thinking of adding another thing here but it could also be part of another challenge...
  12. gsmingxookie famoinfcookie famongfiooai gaminfcookie fanibgciikuie hanubesookie (how) gvamjnggcookur gamingxookie ganibgciijjue hamingcooloe ja,omgcomdpcpds gamingcoolie (coolie) gamingcookie
  13. I'm lost, can you send the village coordinates?
  14. I had an idea of a game which is a FPS survival horror and life simulation. Basically you play as this guy who has to kill this eldritch creature, but you're aging in the meantime. This means you must have a kid to ensure there will be someone in case you die. Also, if your heir is a kid when the role is passed down the eldritch being will send minions after you. Actually, it always does that, just more frequently. There's 2 health bars: Health and Pain. When the health bar is depleted you die, when the Pain bar is depleted you can't fight and must get away (which is hard, considering it slows speed as well). Pain bar recharges quickly outside of battle, Health needs some help lest you get an infection. Oh, you might get kicked out of your town, and I guess there will be technological advancements while the generations pass
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